The 2024 GOP Convention Is Still Happening. Here’s What to Expect

July 14th, 2024 10:00 AM

 A review of coverage of past GOP conventions shows the establishment press consistently malign Republicans as an extremist, racist, sexist, mean-spirited mob that must be defeated at all costs.

FLASHBACK: 36 Years of Media Derision & Scorn for GOP Veeps

July 7th, 2024 10:10 AM

Expect the media elite to greet Donald Trump’s new running mate with derision and scorn, because that’s what has faced (nearly) all Republican VP candidates since the Media Research Center began tracking political coverage in the 1980s.


REVISIONIST HISTORY: CBS Sunday Morning Sugarcoats Dan Rather’s Legacy

April 28th, 2024 9:31 PM

On CBS This Morning, correspondent Lee Cowan ran a lifetime achievement profile of disgraced anchor Dan Rather that seemed weirdly valedictory. But the profile omitted the most significant detail of Rather’s legacy at CBS.

Netflix to Air Documentary on Dan Rather, the 'True American Hero'

April 16th, 2024 10:36 PM

Dan Rather tweeted "I am humbled and honored to share some exciting news.  A lot of very talented people have produced a documentary about this reporter’s life." A puff piece movie honoring Rather with actors wasn't enough. Now there's a gushy Rather "nonfiction" film.


FLASHBACK: Media Slammed Clinton’s ’99 Trial as a ‘Stalinist’ ‘Coup’

February 11th, 2024 10:17 AM

25 years ago, the U.S. Senate voted to acquit President Bill Clinton at his impeachment trial. At the time, journalists sneered that the trial of was a pointless waste of the Senate’s valuable time, while viewers heard it was an attempted “coup,” something “Stalinist” that evoked memories of Nazi Germany. Republicans were like KKK “night riders,” motivated by racism in their vendetta against a…


FLASHBACK: The Media’s Nasty Attacks on Florida’s Katherine Harris

November 25th, 2023 8:50 AM

Twenty-three years ago, November 2000, the liberal media unleashed their full fury on Florida’s Secretary of State, Katherine Harris, for following the election laws of her state as well as various court rulings to certify George W. Bush as the winner of her state’s electoral votes in the disputed 2000 presidential election.

30 Years Ago: Media Gushed Over the Clintons’ Crazy Health Care Scheme

September 23rd, 2023 8:51 AM

Thirty years ago this week, Bill and Hillary Clinton outlined their ill-fated plan for unprecedented government intervention in the health care sector. The liberal media loudly crowed their approval, assuring voters “reform” would end the “shame” of America as the only developed nation without universal coverage.

FLASHBACK: When Dan Rather’s Partisan Corruption Caught Up With Him

September 9th, 2023 8:45 AM

This month, the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences will honor ex-CBS News anchor Dan Rather, exactly 19 years after Rather’s most corrupt act as a journalist, his attempted an election-year hit job on then-President George W. Bush.

FLASHBACK: As CBS Evening News Anchor, Katie Couric Was a Liberal Flop

September 2nd, 2023 8:42 AM

At CBS, Katie Couric sounded indistinguishable from liberal politicians when it came to climate change, government health care, President Barack Obama’s massive spending, and even a government takeover of U.S. banks. She flattered Obama, condemned the rest of the media for being too tough on Hillary Clinton, and blamed her own failures at CBS on — what else? — sexism.

News Emmy Numbskulls Honor Dan Rather with 'Gold Circle' Award

August 29th, 2023 4:42 PM

The Hollywood Reporter informed us that the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (NATAS) has announced the 2023 Gold and Silver Circle Inductees who will be feted at the 44th Annual News and Documentary Emmy Awards, and in their "Gold Circle" is....Dan Rather?! Disgraced Dan Rather, the man who used phony…


FLASHBACK: In 2004, Lib Journos Actually Swooned Over... John Kerry!

July 29th, 2023 8:50 AM

Nineteen years ago tonight, the liberal media were in full swoon over Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry, with the hope that their effusive praise might propel the liberal Massachusetts Senator into the White House.


FLASHBACK: Reporters Adored Jesse Jackson, “King” of America’s Left

July 22nd, 2023 8:43 AM

In the 1980s and ’90s, liberal reporters openly cheered the left-wing Rev. Jesse Jackson as “inspirational,” a “king” and a “rock star,” the “conscience of the country” and America’s “charismatic national symbol of human rights.”

Flashback: Fawning Over the ‘Centrist’ Clinton-Gore ‘Beefcake’ Ticket

July 8th, 2023 8:50 AM

It’s been 31 years since Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton picked Tennessee Senator Al Gore as his vice presidential candidate on the 1992 Democratic Party ticket. The announcement kicked off a wave of positive coverage, as the media gleefully participated in the re-branding of a new “centrist” Democratic Party.

Flashback: Big Media’s Big Double-Standard on SCOTUS Blockbusters

June 24th, 2023 8:35 AM

A look back at four of the biggest Supreme Court cases of the past 25 years shows when liberals win a big victory, the media joyfully celebrate the “historic” final word. But when conservatives win a case, journalists fulminate about a discredited Court and lecture that the ruling has forever damaged the Court’s credibility and legitimacy.