Tea Parties

CBS Show Symbolically Connects Terrorists to Tea Party Movement
May 16th, 2021 10:11 PM
Queen Latifah's new CBS show, The Equalizer, premiered an episode this week that portrayed a bomb-making "alt-right" terrorist group whose symbol was a teapot, which seems to be a not-so-thinly-veiled reference to the Tea Party movement of the 2010s.

Remember the Time Liar Brian Williams Smeared the Tea Party?
August 24th, 2019 1:30 PM
For someone who was ultimately exposed as a liar, Brian Williams had no problems smearing conservatives as ignorant and gullible. Nine years ago this week, the now-disgraced NBC Nightly News anchor appeared on the Late Show With David Letterman to bash Tea Party conservatives. Teed up by Letterman as to why the Tea Party wants their “country back,” a smug Williams mocked, “It makes people feel…

CNN Fondly Reminisces on Obama Election, Paints Tea Partiers as Nuts
August 13th, 2018 5:40 PM
Despite the first half or so of CNN’s The 2000s episode on the 2008 election and the early Obama years being largely pain-free on the bias front, the liberal media’s overwhelming love for Barack Obama burst through when it hit Election Day 2008 and the two years afterward. In all, CNN swooned over the Obama election with zero objectivity, portrayed Obama as trying to be bipartisan, and subtly…

This Week in Media Bias History: Obama Is ‘Our National Poet’
August 4th, 2018 12:15 PM
The “poet” Obama vs. the “zombie” conservatives? From 2008 through 2016, the contrast between how journalists fawned over Barack Obama and trashed conservatives was pretty clear. On July 28, 2016, New York Times columnist Frank Bruni rhapsodized over Obama: “He’s been more than our president. Time and again, he’s been our national poet.”

Matthews Touts ‘Anger’ from Lefties at Town Halls, Slammed Tea Party
February 22nd, 2017 10:23 PM
Throughout Wednesday’s Hardball, MSNBC host Chris Matthews expressed no concerns or reservations about the “grassroots resistance” and “anger from progressives” on display at congressional and Senate Republican town halls. All the while, he sang a different tune seven and eight years ago when the Tea Party was born, denouncing them as racists and sexists who shouldn’t be given the light of day.

Sure: Baldwin Says It’s ‘Dangerous’ to Argue Protesters Are Organized
February 22nd, 2017 5:38 PM
The double standard continues, folks. On Tuesday afternoon’s CNN Newsroom, host Brooke Baldwin seemed dismayed and testy when it came to questioning whether or not the attendees at solid congressional Republican town halls are liberal protesters, bemoaning the idea as “dangerous” rhetoric to be articulating. Of course, NewsBusters readers will find this story to be quite humorous after recalling…

CBS Fawns Over ‘Progressive’ Efforts to Gin Up Anti-Trump Protests
February 15th, 2017 9:56 PM
CBS made their position on protests against President Donald Trump pretty clear during Wednesday’s Evening News. “President Trump has been an inspiration to many, including many of his opponents, motivating them to speak out,” mocked anchor Scott Pelley to start off the segment. Reporter Dean Reynolds touted the widespread efforts of ‘progressives’ to organize and rally against the Republican…
Media Ignore Crimes of Lefty Protesters, While Smearing Conservatives
January 30th, 2017 4:42 PM
Media coverage of protests is so ideologically biased as to deceive the public. Tea Party protests were law-abiding, and so orderly that they usually left no trash behind (unlike the recent Women’s March in Washington, or attendees of the 2009 Obama inauguration, who left behind lots of trash).

MSNBC Hopes Women’s March is Left’s Tea Party
January 26th, 2017 4:56 PM
On Thursday morning, the hosts of Morning Joe discussed the Women’s March that took place on Saturday, January 14th. Their guest, Nancy Gibbs, editor in chief of Time magazine, spoke about the cover this week, which focused on the march and how it will materialize into a movement. During the discussion, there was frequent mentioning of the Tea Party movement and how liberals could emulate the…

CNN Smears GOP as Raging Racist Opposition in Obama Legacy Special
December 8th, 2016 12:37 AM
In their two-hour-long documentary, The Legacy of Barack Obama, Wednesday, CNN allowed former Obama adviser Fareed Zakaria to set his sights on Congressional Republicans as he claimed their opposition was fueled by a deep-seated racism. “That fierce, unrelenting opposition, would haunt the next eight years and what began as whispers is now discussed openly,” he pontificated as ominous music…

Nets Omit IRS Head Admitting to Targeting Tea Party Groups at Hearing
September 22nd, 2016 11:12 AM
At a contentious impeachment hearing conducted by the House Judiciary Committee Wednesday, IRS Commissioner John Koskinen admitted that his agency targeted Tea Party groups looking to obtain tax-exempt status. “They were totally improper criteria used to select organizations, applying for c-4 designation for further review,” testified Koskinen before the committee, “Those organizations…

'Quantico' Goes After Cruz, Tea Party, Iraq War, and Glass Ceiling
April 18th, 2016 11:51 PM
Last night’s episode of ABC's drama Quantico, titled “Soon,” was like watching a liberal talking point world tour. Once again sought it to re-litigate George W. Bush’s presidential legacy while working in a host of left-wing special issues.

NYRB's Smart Take: Republicans Are Scary, Purist, Nativist, and Racist
February 11th, 2015 9:56 AM
To understand the literary elite's simplistic grasp of politics, look to whom they get their opinions from: Veteran political contributor Elizabeth Drew, a frequent contributor to the New York Review of Books, explained the Republican takeover of the U.S. Senate for the Review's February issue under the headline: "The Republicans: Divided and Scary." And purist. And nativist. And racist....