ABC's 'Quantico' Tackles Terrorism, Offends Mormons in Series Premiere
September 27th, 2015 7:05 PM
As radical Muslims wage jihad around the world and plot against Western nations including the U.S., ABC’s new show Quantico will try to unravel the mystery of an FBI “inside job” terrorist attack against New York’s Grand Central Station.
As it flashes back and forth from the start of FBI training to the aftermath of “the most devastating terrorist attack on American soil since 9/11.” The…

Daily Beast Writer Slams Mormon 'Charade' on Gay Rights
January 28th, 2015 5:38 PM
The Daily Beast's Samantha Allen, who grew up Mormon, took to her keyboard today to blast the Church of Latter-Day Saints for their "gay rights charade."

ABC Continues to Cheerlead For Mormon Activist: ‘Urged The Mormon Ch
June 23rd, 2014 7:30 PM
Once again, ABC News is promoting an outspoken activist within the Mormon Church, Kate Kelly who was excommunicated from the church for actively lobbying for the inclusion of female priests within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
On Monday June 23, ABC’s Mara Schiavocampo played up how "After being tried in absentia by an all-male panel, this afternoon, Kate Kelly got the…

MSNBC's O'Donnell: Romney 'Dishonorable,' But Anti-War Protesters 'Hon
May 2nd, 2013 5:22 PM
On Wednesday's The Last Word on MSNBC, host Lawrence O'Donnell used a recent commencement speech delivered by Mitt Romney to slam the former GOP presidential candidate as taking the "most dishonorable posture that was possible for an able-bodied man of Mitt Romney's age" for refusing to serve in the Vietnam War while supporting the existence of the draft.
But the MSNBC host also called it "…

Maher to Guest Defending Islam in Wake of Boston Bombings: 'That's Lib
April 20th, 2013 1:32 PM
Bill Maher on HBO's Real Time Friday made a statement that will make the Right cheer as the left predictably cringes.
After his guest Brian Levin - the director of the Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino - said of the Boston bombings and how it relates to radical Islam, "We have hypocrites across faiths, Jewish, Christian who say they're…

Liberal Religion Blogger Carps That New Congress, Especially Congressi
November 16th, 2012 3:43 PM
Democrats picked up seven new House seats and expanded their caucus in the Senate by two seats, electing along the way the House's first Hindu member and the Senate's first Buddhist. But for liberal religion scholar Stephen Prothero, that's not good enough, because both chambers are still disproportionately too Protestant, with Republicans in particular looking too much like an "old-fashioned…

Democratic Strategist James Carville Scolds Andrew Sullivan For Always
November 10th, 2012 12:10 PM
Stop the presses! Stop the presses!
On HBO's Real Time Friday, Democratic strategist James Carville - yes, I said Democratic strategist James Carville - scolded the Daily Beast's Andrew Sullivan for always blaming Republicans (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Mormon-Basher O'Donnell Blames 'Bible-Thumping' GOPers for Discussion
November 7th, 2012 8:01 AM
Shortly after 1:00 a.m. during MSNBC's election night coverage, MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell ridiculously claimed that Democrats are more tolerant of Mormonism than Republicans and blamed the "Bible-thumping side of the Republican party," which he asserted is "where anti-Mormon feeling resides," for political analysts discussing Mitt Romney's Mormon religious beliefs, in spite of polls showing…

Toledo Blade Asks: 'Could Mr. Romney Take Our Coffee
November 5th, 2012 2:45 PM
In the quadrennially important swing state of Ohio, one of the Toledo Blade's featured front page stories on Sunday wondered if Mormonism would shape Romney's policy. Following an endorsement of Obama last week in which there was no mention of the president's beliefs, religion editor Timothy Knox Barger's penned a 2,500 word piece that resorted to scare tactics and conjecture.
Among them was…
CNN Religion Blogger Attacks Christian Conservatives for Supporting Mo
November 2nd, 2012 3:44 PM
Remember the good ol' days when folks in the media were fond of telling us that conservative evangelical Christians would exhibit anti-Mormon bigotry and fail to vote for Mitt Romney simply because of his religion?
Well now that conservative evangelical Christians seem by-and-large on board with the Romney/Ryan ticket liberal CNN Belief Blog contributor Stephen Prothero has turned the tables…
WaPo Contributor Complains Media Haven’t Discussed Mormonism
October 24th, 2012 11:27 AM
You know Obama supporters are getting desperate about their candidate’s electoral prospects when they start to play the anti-Mormon card.
In an October 23 opinion piece in the Washington Post, Barbara Reynolds launched a broadside against Mitt Romney’s Mormon faith, arguing that he has become the “face of Mormonism” in America and complaining “I find it strange that the media are not opening…

Ann Romney Corrects Whoopi Goldberg's False Claim About Mormonism Forb
October 18th, 2012 6:25 PM
Tim Graham pointed out earlier on Thursday how Whoopi Goldberg forwarded a misunderstanding on ABC's The View during an interview of Ann Romney - that Mormonism "doesn't allow you to go fight" in the military. Mrs. Romney corrected this false statement: "No, that's not correct....We have many, many members of our faith that are serving in the armed services."
Goldberg could have just…

HuffPo News Flash: Mormons Don't Think Jesus was Black
September 10th, 2012 3:27 PM
Finding racism in ridiculous places: It isn’t just for MSNBC anymore. The Huffington Post has performed a neat trick, exercising its own religious bigotry by accusing someone else of racism. The result is a breathtakingly inane article. (The crusade to re-elect Obama has spurred his media acolytes to heroic exertions, hasn’t it?)
Writing in HuffPo on Sept. 9, Paul Harvey and Edward J. Blum…

Anti-Catholic Media Claim Paul Ryan is Not Catholic Enough
September 3rd, 2012 11:04 AM
Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan is a Catholic – but not a good enough Catholic in the eyes of the media. Writers, bloggers, and talking heads have hammered Ryan for his supposed “dissent” from Catholic teaching.
Journalists have falsely claimed that the bishops “rebuked” Ryan and called his budget “un-Christian.” Writers who usually scorn the Church and its hierarchy fretted…