
Worst of the Night! Wallace: GOP Is ‘Codependent on Disinformation’

July 19th, 2024 12:00 PM

It’s a challenging task but we here at NewsBusters are going to try to sift through all the crazy, angry and ridiculous observations made by leftist journalists every night of the Republican National Convention coverage and pick one for Worst of the Night.


Colbert Attacks 'Deeply, Psychotically Weird' RNC

July 19th, 2024 9:38 AM

CBS’s Stephen Colbert wrapped up his week of live reactions to the Republican National Convention early Friday morning by decrying the whole thing as “deeply, psychotically weird” because the party is trying to dismiss Donald Trump’s legal controversies as no big deal. Colbert would also welcome Sen. Bernie Sanders to The Late Show to claim that Trump is a threat to democracy because…


Joy Reid Insists Trump’s Speech Proves His Brain Is as Bad as Biden’s

July 19th, 2024 2:19 AM

In the wee hours of Friday morning, following former President Trump’s longwinded nomination acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention, MSNBC host Joy Reid continued her theme of the week of suggesting that Trump and President Biden were equal in most things from overcoming similar medical conditions (which weren’t) to being bad candidates.


Whoopi Attacks Trump’s Grandkids: ‘They’re Trying to Humanize Him!’

July 18th, 2024 7:42 PM

Not even a week had gone by since former President Trump was shot in the head in a failed assassination attempt and The View’s Whoopi Goldberg was already decrying efforts to “humanize” the man who’s name she refuses to say without spitting on the…


Charlamagne to Colbert: Trump's Rhetoric Is 'Not Even Safe For Him'

July 18th, 2024 9:56 AM

CBS’s Stephen Colbert welcomed radio host Charlamagne Tha God to a live edition of The Late Show on night three of the Republican National Convention to irresponsibly suggest that if President Biden, or some other Democrat, wins in November, the Supreme Court will nullify it. He also suggested that Donald Trump’s rhetoric led to his being shot on Saturday, while also attacking the…


MSNBC Decries Trump Camp Promise Despite Near Super Majority Approval

July 18th, 2024 1:15 AM

Following the failed assassination attempt against him over the weekend, former President Trump wanted the messaging of the Republican National Convention to adopt a message that was more unifying for the country. Of course, the likes of MSNBC wouldn’t be happy with any Republican messaging but they particularly didn’t appreciate the messaging of Wednesday’s Night Three when signs reading “…


UPDATE: Reid Says Biden's COVID ‘Exactly the Same’ as Trump Being Shot

July 17th, 2024 8:11 PM

The election desperation was palpable during MSNBC’s coverage of Night Three of the Republican National Convention on Wednesday. With news just breaking that President Biden was diagnosed with COVID again, co-host Joy Reid tried to suggest that if Biden recovered from the cold quickly, it should be viewed as “exactly the same” as former President Trump surviving an assassination attempt where…

Media Avoid the Selfish Reason Democrats Want Biden to Drop Out

July 17th, 2024 4:25 PM

Since President Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance, 20 Democrats have called for him to step aside as the party’s presidential nominee with California Rep. and Senate candidate Adam Schiff being the latest to make the call on Wednesday. Only one of the 20 proclaimed out loud that Biden is unable to serve as president.


Mike Benz Exposes Origin of AI Censorship as Govt ‘Weapon’

July 17th, 2024 2:54 PM

Mike Benz, the executive director of the Foundation For Freedom Online, discussed the government and military's alleged role in driving censorship on social media platforms by investing in AI technology.


Nets Cheer Biden in Nevada, Ignore Incendiary Rhetoric Toward Trump

July 17th, 2024 2:41 PM

On Wednesday, the flagship morning news shows of ABC, CBS, and NBC made sure to tout President Biden’s Tuesday afternoon address in Las Vegas to the NAACP convention, but only played up sanguine soundbites calling for a lowering of the temperature of our civic discourse, not those saying Republicans want to “erase..history” and want to take away the “freedom” of black people.


Stewart Attacks Holt For Challenging Biden On 'Overheated Rhetoric'

July 17th, 2024 12:35 PM

Comedy Central’s The Daily Show returned to New York on Tuesday after the security reassessment at their Milwaukee theater changed in the aftermath of the failed assassination attempt on Donald Trump. However, host Jon Stewart did not take well to NBC’s Lester Holt challenging President Joe Biden if he had done any “soul searching” since Saturday because Biden, according to him, has…

Google Buries Trump Site Even in Thick of Republican Nat’l Convention

July 17th, 2024 10:05 AM

During the Republican National Convention, researchers from MRC Free Speech America found that Google has been burying former President Donald Trump's campaign website in its search results while promoting President Joe Biden’s site to the number one spot. A study conducted in a "clean environment" revealed that Google fails to display Trump’s campaign site within the top 100 results but…


Anderson Smears Tim Scott As 'Uncle Tim or Tom' After RNC Speech

July 17th, 2024 9:52 AM

Due to filming schedules, not all late night comedy shows are reacting live to the Republican National Convention which means that ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live! guest host Anthony Anderson was reacting to night one on Tuesday when he labeled Sen. Tim Scott an “Uncle Tom” for his speech in support of Donald Trump on Monday.


The View Defends Continued Use of Inciting Rhetoric Against Trump

July 16th, 2024 7:15 PM

Former President Trump literally getting shot in the head wasn’t enough to get the ladies of ABC’s The View to stop engaging in stochastic terrorism, via incendiary rhetoric that incites people to violence. They insisted that their claims of Trump ending the country if elected were the “truth” and were said with good “intention,” thus were above reproach and didn’t need to be…