NYT: Jews ‘Incited’ Dutch Attacks, Use ‘Pogrom’ for Anti-Muslim Agenda

November 25th, 2024 3:19 PM

Marc Tracy, arts and culture reporter for the New York Times, for some reason wrote a 2,100-word “news analysis,” posted Sunday, on why Jews shouldn’t use the word “pogrom” to describe assaults like the one in Amsterdam against people suspected of being Jews, after a soccer match by an Israeli team there: “The Amsterdam Attacks and the Long Shadow of ‘Pogroms’ --


Networks Spend Nearly 4x More on Garbage-Gate Than Laken Riley Trial

November 20th, 2024 4:32 PM

ABC, CBS, and NBC have shown a disturbing aversion to covering the murder trial of Georgia student Laken Riley by an illegal immigrant. In five days, they spent nearly four times less coverage on the flagship newscasts about Riley versus the manufactured and partisan obsession over the October 27 remark by a pro-Trump comedian that Puerto Rico was a “floating island of garbage.” From Friday,…


Colbert, Clinton Mourn Loss of 'Rule of Law' After Immunity Ruling

November 20th, 2024 10:00 AM

Two themes the late night comedians have tried to hammer away at recently are that President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for Attorney General, Matt Gaetz, is a sex pest and that Trump himself is a threat to the rule of law who has been emboldened by the Supreme Court’s immunity ruling. Therefore, the worst possible guest they could interview would be former President Bill Clinton, but that is…


Maher Rants 'No One Gives a F***' As Sen. Casey Tries To Steal Seat

November 16th, 2024 11:52 AM

According to HBO’s Bill Maher, election denial is something Republicans do. Fortunately, Fox News contributor Mary Katharine Ham was also present on Friday’s edition of Real Time to point out Pennsylvania Democratic Sen. Bob Casey is doing that right now. An unhappy Maher could only rant that “no one gives a fuck” about Casey because he is just a senator.

NY Times Mangles Trump's Cheney 'Chicken Hawk' Gibe to Imply VIOLENCE

November 3rd, 2024 6:32 AM

It’s an intriguing parallel: Father and daughter Republican political figures Dick Cheney and Liz Cheney, insulted as warmongers and chicken hawks by different political parties, twenty years apart. But the coverage in the New York Times couldn’t have been more different. When Donald Trump attacked Republican turned Kamala Harris supporter Liz Cheney as a “radical warhawk,” he was…


Nothing to See! ABC Tries to Downplay Biden Calling Trumpers ‘Garbage’

October 30th, 2024 12:29 PM

More than any broadcast network newscast (aside from its evening counterpart, World News Tonight), ABC’s Good Morning America has circled the wagons on a daily basis for the Biden-Harris regime like their livelihoods depend on it. Wednesday saw them take it to another level by dismissing President Biden’s Tuesday night remarks that Trump “supporters” are “garbage” by lamenting “…


PBS Flouts Goldwater Rule: Invites Shrink to Diagnose Trump Dementia

October 27th, 2024 6:37 AM

Anchor Amna Nawaz hosted clinical psychologist Ben Michaelis on Thursday’s PBS News Hour for a segment that felt very much like a violation of the psychiatric profession's so-called Goldwater Rule: If he is reelected, former President Donald Trump, now 78 years old, would be the oldest president ever elected. After a number of appearances where his remarks were rambling or incoherent…

PBS Ties Vance to 'Far Right' Preacher, Kamala Not Tied to Sharpton

October 23rd, 2024 10:24 PM

When Republican vice presidential hopeful J.D. Vance appeared at a Christian conservative town hall in Monroeville, Penn., hosted by controversial right-wing preacher Lance Wallnau on September 28, PBS ran a full story two days later on the threat of “Christian Nationalism” and by implication, of Vance himself. Never mind that Vance was not actually interviewed by Wallnau, who didn’t even…

NYT Dismissed Kamala Plagiarism, But Demands Action When Own Work Used

October 21st, 2024 1:20 PM

Under a week after the New York Times dismissed Kamala Harris’s book plagiarism by attacking the “seizing” investigator Christopher Rufo as possibly racist for bringing it to light, the Times has gotten tough on a writer guilty of a very similar offense. It turns out that sometimes borrowing material verbatim is objectionable to the Times -- at least when…


ABC HATED Trump’s ‘Dark,’ ‘Personal Attacks’ on Harris at NYC Dinner

October 18th, 2024 1:05 PM

On Friday, ABC’s Good Morning America tightly clutched its pearls about former President Donald Trump deploying “dark language” to level “very personal attacks” and “grievances” on poor Vice President Kamala Harris at Thursday’s Al Smith Dinner that “crossed the line.” In contrast, ABC showed no such concern about Harris going after Trump, swooning she “[took] Donald Trump to task” by…


NBC Misleads on Trump Event, Touts Kamala Doubting His ‘Mental Acuity’

October 15th, 2024 12:33 PM

In contrast to ABC’s Good Morning America and CBS Mornings on Tuesday, NBC’s Today downplayed two lengthy stops for attendee medical emergencies cutting short a Monday townhall with former President Trump that became both a jamfest and chance for Trump to mingle with supporters. Instead, they touted it as a “bizarre” scene and chance for Vice President Harris to “…

Desperate NY Times Demotes Harris Plagiarism: 'Conservative...Seizes'

October 14th, 2024 9:55 PM

Breaking news from anti-DEI activist and Manhattan Institute fellow Christopher Rufo -- that Kamala Harris plagiarized five sections in her 2009 book Smart on Crime -- was greeted with contempt from the New York Times, which even hurled accusations of racism at Rufo for his past successes of exposing plagiarists in academia, including helping force the resignation of Harvard…


SHOCK: Michael Strahan HAMMERS Tim Walz on Economy, Lies About Resume

October 11th, 2024 4:27 PM

ABC’s Good Morning America co-host, NFL on Fox co-host, and former NFL player Michael Strahan should never be placed anywhere near a hypothetical pantheon of esteemed journalists. But, in welcome contrast to his softball sit-down with Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff, Strahan absolutely barbequed Democratic vice presidential candidate and Governor Tim Walz (D-MN) on Friday over what he…

NY Times Front Page Probes Trump Mental Decline After Ignoring Biden

October 7th, 2024 4:00 PM

After years of politely ignoring President Joe Biden’s mental decline, the New York Times suddenly puts Donald Trump under its metaphorical MRI a month before election, while shrugging off concerns about the actual man supposedly in the White House and running the country, Democrat Joe Biden. The off-lead story in Monday’s paper was headlined “Trump Reignites Question of Age With…