NewsBusters Podcast: Alito Flag Hubbub Shows Journos Need Real Hobbies

May 24th, 2024 9:18 PM

Alongside Associate Editor Nick Fondacaro for this Friday edition of the show, we dove into the wholly manufactured liberal media storyline (courtesy of The New York Times) of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito and flags outside his homes as a sign he’s ethically and morally compromised as a jurist and – gasp – a far-right extremist! Simply put, the obsession over this story and the…

Mika Brzezinski Joe Scarborough Katty Kay Elisabeth Bumiller Sam Stein MSNBC Morning Joe 5-22-24

Scarborough Mocks Rudy For Having Coffee Brand—Forgets He Also Has One

May 22nd, 2024 1:38 PM

On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough mocks Rudy Giuliani for marketing his own eponymously named coffee brand, lamenting, "Unfortunately, this is our world, 2024." Scarborough apparently forgot that for years, he's had his own "Morning Joe" brand of Starbucks coffee.  Scarborough also slurs Trump voters as "stupid."

Scott Jennings CNN This Morning 5-14-24

CNN's Jennings Takes a Minute to Undo CNN's 24/7 Trump Trial Hype

May 16th, 2024 7:19 AM

On CNN This Morning, host Kasie Hunt introduces mainstream, non-MAGA, Republican Scott Jennings as a "conservative columnist," and in the context of the Stormy Daniels trial, challenges him; "I'm just kind of curious. How do you feel about defending him with these allegations out there?"

Column: Hillary Clinton’s Conspiracy Privilege

May 15th, 2024 7:02 AM

It’s hard to watch the incessant gavel-to-gavel coverage of the Donald Trump trial in Manhattan without feeling like you’re traveling in a time warp back to 2016. We’re back reliving the “Access Hollywood” tape and talk of how Trump would have never been elected except porn star Stormy Daniels accepted a six-figure check to keep quiet.

New York Times: GOP Attacking Soros = Echoing 'Antisemitic Tropes'

May 10th, 2024 11:49 AM

As pro-Hamas campus protesters infest liberal college campuses, the New York Times put Artificial Intelligence and four reporters to work to neutralize any political advantage for Republicans. It spent over 3,500 words and using “a variety of methods to examine the extent to which federal politicians have used language promoting antisemitic tropes,” including “official press releases…

Mark Preston CNN This Morning 5-10-24

CNN Claims Stormy's 'Sordid Detail' Will Hurt Trump With Women Voters

May 10th, 2024 10:46 AM

On CNN This Morning, CNN's Mark Preston says that porn star Stormy Daniels claiming in court that Donald Trump didn't use a condom ("protection") during their alleged sexual encounter constitutes a "sordid detail" that will hurt Trump with women voters in swing states. 

Donald Trump bomber jacket NFT MSNBC Morning Joe 5-9-24

Morning Joe Mocks Trump In Bomber Jacket: Biden/Obama, Hello?

May 9th, 2024 10:28 AM

Morning Joe mocks an NFT superhero series card of Donald Trump in a bomber jacket, ignoring the fact that both Joe Biden and Barack Obama have made public appearances in bomber jackets.


Levin NUKES Biden, Liberal Media for Minimizing Oct. 7 to Tout Hamas

May 8th, 2024 2:34 PM

Back on Saturday during his Fox News Channel Show Life, Liberty, & Levin, our friend and conservative talk radio legend Mark Levin used his opening monologue to torch President Biden and his allies in the liberal media for downplaying the October 7, 2023 animalistic terror attacks by Hamas on innocents in Israel the further we get from the attacks in order to commiserate with…

NYT Hypocrisy Horror On Al-Jazeera Ban: Wanted Murdoch Out of AUS, UK

May 7th, 2024 5:29 PM

The New York Times came out stridently in defense of pan-Arab news network Al-Jazeera after the Israeli government temporarily shut down its local operations, claiming it was threatening Israel’s security by serving as a “mouthpiece” for Hamas. The paper was highly aggrieved over the “anti-democratic” move, while ignoring Al-Jazeera’s history as a virulently anti-Israel outlet Arab…

What Word the Media Refuses to Use For the College Riots: Insurrection

May 4th, 2024 4:00 PM

No one who's politically aware can be unaware of January 6, 2021. Tens of thousands of Americans descended on Washington to protest the counts and Covid-related conditions of the 2020 election. A riot took place at the US Capitol. The riot resulted in the charging, per ABC News three years later, of over 1,200 and “incarceration for more than 460 people.” 


Video: 3 Years of the Media Shrieking About the ‘End of Democracy’

May 3rd, 2024 11:26 AM

In speeches throughout his time in office (and in particular since the build-up to the 2022 midterms), President Biden has warned a second Trump term would herald the “end of democracy.” But if anything, Biden is late to the party. The corporate media were doomsaying about democracy’s brutal demise as far back as early 2021, and their rhetoric has only grown more absurd since then.

Mika Brzezinski Joe Scarborough MSNBC Morning Joe 5-2-24

Scarborough Rips MSM For Mocking MAGA As Rednecks -- Did Same Himself

May 2nd, 2024 10:55 AM

On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough criticizes the media for stereotyping Trump supporters as "people are stumbling drunk out of their trailer park and shooting raccoons or something like that. " But Scarborough himself recently mocked Republican Jim Comer in similar fashion, describing him as saying, "we ain't really got nuthin' but a squirrel fryer and a hound dog," and "running for the hills.…

Mara Gay MSNBC Morning Joe 4-17-24

Metaphor Amnesia? 'Morning Joe' Says Trump's an 'Animal' to No Outrage

April 17th, 2024 10:23 PM

On Morning Joe, Mara Gay, an MSNBC analyst and member of the editorial board of the New York Times, says of Trump: "He's like a caged animal. And that's a dangerous situation. He's feeling very threatened. He's out of control. And so we do expect him to lash out."


Heinrich Grills KJP on Islamists in MI, Biden Calling GOPers Killers

April 9th, 2024 7:42 PM

After a White House press briefing dominated Tuesday by questions about foreign policy (Israel, Japan, and even Haiti to name a few) for National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, little time was left over for Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. Jacqui Heinrich was back in the Fox News Channel seat and she pressed Jean-Pierre over new anti-Israel rhetoric from the radical Islamists who populate…