NYT Suggests Death Penalty for Tsarnaev a 'Blot' on Boston Reputation

May 16th, 2015 10:01 PM
The front of Sunday's New York Times will evidently be blessed with "Death Penalty Leaves Boston Unsure of Itself." The paper found the death sentence handed down to convicted Boston Marathon terrorist bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev a distasteful "blot" on Boston's compassionate liberal reputation, which has rendered the finish line "a place of ambivalence," with no end of self-righteous Bostonian…

MH-P Guest: Tsarnaev Could Become Spox for Reconciling with Islam

April 25th, 2015 1:18 PM
Of all the rotten reasons not to execute Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, we'll give the booby prize to the one offered by Paul Raushenbush, a HuffPo religion editor and ordained American Baptist minister. On today's Melissa Harris-Perry show, Raushenbush imagined that in twenty years, Tsarnaev might become "a spokesperson for reconciling Islam with America. We don't know what this life is going to lead to."…

Not News: Islamic State Brutally Executing Gays and Adulterers

January 18th, 2015 10:20 AM
The nation's establishment press is virtually ignoring the existence of horrifying and officially approved Islamic State videos showing the executions of accused homosexuals and adulterers.  A search this morning at Google News on "Islamic State gay" (with "Islamic State" in quotes, showing duplicates) for items appearing since January 14 returned 83 results. Roughly 30 of them are directly…

WashPost Hails 'Practicing Catholic' O'Malley's Death Row Commutations

January 2nd, 2015 3:13 PM
Prospective 2016 Democratic presidential contender Gov. Martin O'Malley decided to close out 2014 with an announcement that he would be commuting the death sentences of four Maryland death-row inmates who were in a virtual state of limbo -- eligible for execution but unable to be executed due to the state lacking an appropriate protocol for lethal injections.  Reporting the story in the January…

Reuters Editor at Large Likens U.S. Death Penalty to ISIS Beheaders

September 6th, 2014 2:25 PM
While promoting a book of news photography on CBS This Morning on Saturday, Sir Harold Evans, editor at large of the Reuters news agency, called the electric chair a “monstrosity” and said seeing a picture of one was “almost as appalling, in its sense, as these barbarians who have taken the heads off journalists in the desert.”

MSNBC's Race-Obsessed Journalists Strike Again

August 1st, 2014 9:55 AM
Although Alex Wagner has donned new glasses for her news show Now, the liberal journalist seems unable to look beyond MSNBC’s favorite response to any Republican: bringing up race. On the July 31 edition, Wagner played a clip of Ari Melber’s July 30 interview with Senators Rand Paul and Cory Booker on their new drug law reform initiative the REDEEM Act – the Record Expungement Designed to…

HBO's Left-Wing John Oliver Blasts Privatization of Prisons

July 21st, 2014 12:30 PM
John Oliver used the Sunday July 20 edition of HBO’s Last Week Tonight as a platform to condemn the privatization of the American prison system. Rather than describing both sides of the issue, Oliver told horror stories from prisons that outsource healthcare and food provision without mentioning similar stories from publicly run prisons. According to Oliver, the verdict is straightforward: “…

Column: Bowe Bergdahl's Just Deserts

June 4th, 2014 9:58 PM
Death Penalty Month at anncoulter.com has already been interrupted by the psycho in Santa Barbara, and now it's being interrupted by the Buddhist in Bagram. Keeping to the spirit of Death Penalty Month, let's review the execution of Pvt. Eddie Slovik. Slovik's offense: desertion in wartime. (See the tie-in?) Unlike Bowe Bergdahl, who deserted his unit, according to the accounts of his…

Column: NYTimes Guilty of Fuzzy Math in Service of Anti-Capital Punish

May 22nd, 2014 6:10 PM
The New York Times has been touting a study purporting to show that 4 percent of death row inmates have been "falsely convicted." "Falsely convicted" is not "innocent." But after being processed through the lawyer-to-journalist telephone game, "insignificant procedural errors" quickly becomes "27 guys didn't do it!" What the study actually shows is that those sentenced to death are more…

Column: How About Voluntary Firing Squads to Execute Death Row Inmates

May 15th, 2014 6:20 PM
As described in last week's column, The New York Times and other sanctimonious news outlets censored details about the crime that put Clayton Lockett on death row, the better to generate revulsion at his deserved execution. You might say they buried the facts alive. For example, the Times neglected to mention anything about the raping that preceded the murdering, which seems odd for a…

Column: Lockett and Load

May 8th, 2014 6:03 PM
The next time liberals get indignant when we say they care more about criminals than the victims of crime, remember their hysterical weeping over Clayton Lockett. I refer, of course, to the vile rapist-murderer, whose execution last week is getting more press than Chris Christie's bridge scandal. This week we will review some facts about the case that The New York Times edited out of its…

Networks Outraged Over Murderer's Execution; No Pity for Victims

May 1st, 2014 5:00 PM
Who’s the victim here: A man who beat, sodomized, shot and buried alive a 19-year-old girl or the deceased girl? What about her family?  To judge by ABC, NBC and CBS, the victim is Clayton Lockett, who brutally killed Stephanie Neiman, kidnapped three more people and committed multiple other crimes, because his execution was botched. The lethal injection drug cocktail administered by the…

In Headline, NY Times Calls Criminal Alien a 'Mexican Man' When He's E

January 24th, 2014 11:21 AM
When Edgar Tamayo killed a police officer in Houston, he could have been defined by our national media as "an American living in the shadows." But in Thursday's New York Times, the headline was "Texas Executes Mexican Man for Murder." Reporter Manny Fernandez began by noting outrage at Rick Perry's Texas from "the State Department, Mexican officials, and Latino advocates," but it wasn't…

Alleged Okla. and Wash. Killers Have Common Thread: Violent Rap; Will

August 24th, 2013 2:17 AM
Note: This post contains graphic language and subject matter, and links to more of the same. The UK Daily Mail has already reported that "The three boys alleged to have gunned down an Australian baseball player out for a run because they were 'bored' were influenced by an ultra-violent rapper." Specifically, "rather than being part of any gang, which had been suggested before, authorities…