
WashPost's Rucker: Trump Pretended Not to Be a Racist At RNC

August 28th, 2020 6:41 PM

For the past several weeks, the media has condemned President Trump for not showing enough empathy given the state of the country. After the conclusion of the RNC, MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell and the Washington Post's Philip Rucker declared on Friday that such attempts to show empathy don't matter anymore because they're not real anyway, with Rucker going so far as to declare that Trump…

MSNBC’s Idea of a ‘Reality Check?’ Get an Obama Official Fact Checker

August 28th, 2020 6:39 PM

Over four nights, MSNBC trashed the Republican National Convention as a “repugnant” “crime” and repeatedly censored the speakers, skipping several speeches. But the whole hypocrisy and ridiculousness of the cable channel’s coverage might be distilled down to one moment. On Thursday night, convention speaker Tom Cotton hammered Joe Biden, saying things like this:


Top ABC, NBC Morning Shows IGNORE Mob Attacking Rand and Kelley Paul

August 28th, 2020 5:07 PM

After President Trump’s Thursday night RNC speech, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) and wife Kelley were attacked and threatened by an angry, far-left, Black Lives Matter mob upon leaving the White House (as were other attendees). But when it came to the top Friday morning network newscasts acknowledging this, ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Today didn’t think it was worth…

NOT SO NICE: Comedian Jim Gaffigan Unleashes RNC F-Bomb Downpour

August 28th, 2020 1:45 PM

Looks like even the “nicest” of guys are reduced to profanity-spewing volcanoes of anger when witnessing a Republican National Convention featuring President Trump at the peak of his reality TV production powers.



Angry Colbert Threatens Christie: ‘Last Chance’ to Dump Trump

August 28th, 2020 11:50 AM

Once again, Stephen Colbert has given up comedy. Talking to Chris Christie on Thursday night, the Late Show host berated the Republican and demanded he drop his support for Donald Trump. An appalled Colbert sputtered, “I found out, literally, I just found out yesterday or today that you're helping the Trump campaign. Are you helping him prep for these debates?”  


Desperate CNN Throws Obama Under Bus to Blame Trump for Riots

August 28th, 2020 11:23 AM

During the network’s post-convention coverage early Friday morning, former RNC oficial Mike Shields pointed out the media’s hypocrisy in trying to pin President Trump for the BLM violence, while giving President Obama a pass for cities like Ferguson that were destroyed by BLM during his presidency. He made this point after Chris Cuomo demanded he answer who’s to blame for the violence.

NYTimes Engages in Awful Fact-Checking, Tars GOP 'Alternate Histories'

August 28th, 2020 10:42 AM

The New York Times set the table for Night Three from the Republican National Convention by accusing Republicans of “using selectively edited scenes to exaggerate violence from the summer protest movement….warping momentary scenes of violence from largely peaceful protests earlier this year into scenes of chaos.” A convention recap tried to gin up sympathy for poor Joe Biden: "The…


Column: Jake Tapper's Revolting Post-Game Analysis

August 28th, 2020 6:37 AM

There may be no more blatant violation of the concept of truth in advertising than CNN boastfully claiming the slogan “Facts First.” If facts were water and opinions were whiskey, CNN would concoct a very potent cocktail. Jake Tapper's opinions after the Mike Pence and Kamala Harris convention speeches were very opinionated, indeed.


Despondent CBS Grouses About Fireworks, Trump Expressing Optimism

August 28th, 2020 5:51 AM

On Thursday night, CBS made it three-for-three in terms of the major broadcast networks displaying a night and day difference between their reactions to Joe Biden’s DNC speech and President Trump addressing the RNC. While CBS saw Biden’s remarks as “from the heart,” “great,” “incredible” and “soaring,” they derided Trump’s White House communiqué as “misleading,” possibly illegal, requiring “…


ABC Was NOT Happy with Trump’s ‘Harsh,’ ‘No Hope’ Speech of ‘Darkness’

August 28th, 2020 2:30 AM

In reacting to President Trump’s 2020 RNC speech on Thursday night, ABC made sure their coverage reflected the total opposite of how they basked in and marveled at Joe Biden’s speech. Instead, they decried it as a “no hope” speech “filled with” “darkness,” entitlement, “harsh attacks,” lacked energy, and dared to suggest Biden would reenact lockdowns if elected.


CNN: RNC Was 'Unethical,' Law-Shattering, America Can Never Recover

August 28th, 2020 2:23 AM

The talking heads featured in CNN’s post-Republican National Convention commentary on Thursday were clutching their pearls so tightly they were being turned to dust. The network was so ready for the convention to be over with, that just mere seconds after President Trump finished speaking his last syllable, the Zuckerville collective were spouting off with accusations that the convention was “…

Celebrities FLIP OUT Over Trump RNC 'Klan Rally' Speech

August 28th, 2020 1:56 AM

Thursday night was the final night of the Republican National Convention, concluding with President Donald Trump’s acceptance speech. And while they didn’t get as unhinged as they did on Tuesday night for Melania Trump’s speech, the Donald still managed to set off Hollywood’s most outspoken liberal actors on Twitter.


MSNBC: Trump’s Speech a ‘Repugnant’ ‘Crime’ Heralding ‘End of America'

August 28th, 2020 12:08 AM

The final night of the Republican National Convention completely sent MSNBC’s Joy Reid over the edge. The host melted down after Donald Trump closed out night four the RNC, fuming that the address was a “repugnant” “crime” possibly heralding the “end of America.” 


MSNBC Suffers MELTDOWN for the Ages: Trump WILL Get People Killed!!

August 27th, 2020 11:26 PM

Thursday night before President Trump’s RNC acceptance speech, MSNBC’s trio of liberal charlatans suffered a collective, public meltdown that was both painful yet illuminating as to their ugly, vile level of derangement and venomous opposition to the President while painting his follows as cultist lemmings who are ready and willing to die from coronavirus for Trump.