2013 Governors

Stelter, Tur Clash With Jorge Ramos on Being ‘Stand-Ins for Democrats’
May 8th, 2017 6:58 PM
The unique brand of journalistic jihad that Jorge Ramos espouses in covering the Trump administration is so extreme that the Univision anchorman now even raises the hackles of other top national media figures he interacts with, such as CNN’s Brian Stelter and NBC’s Katy Tur.

Lefty Boycott Fails! Ivanka’s Brand Scores Record Sales
March 8th, 2017 5:07 PM
The left’s boycott strategy doesn’t always work. Since the beginning of February, Ivanka Trump Collection has seen “some of the best performing weeks in the history of the brand" president of Ivanka Trump Collection, Abigail Klem, told Ana Colon of Refinery29. Over the last several months, liberal media outlets have propped up the #grabyourwallet movement that created a list of retailers to…

Nets Ignore Investigation into Va. Governor/Clinton Friend McAuliffe
May 24th, 2016 12:16 AM
On Monday afternoon, news broke that Virginia’s Democratic Governor Terry McAuliffe was being investigated by the FBI for illegal campaign contributions. “We know that this investigation dates back at least into last year and this is looking into donations to McAuliffe's 2013 campaign for governor,” reported CNN’s Evan Perez on The Lead with Jake Tapper. It’s not every day that a sitting state…

A Tale of Three Governors, Media Bias Edition
April 16th, 2015 9:25 AM
It was the best of coverage - it was the worst of coverage.

Barbara Walters Tells David Koch ‘You’re Not Well Liked’
December 14th, 2014 12:00 PM
On Sunday, ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos previewed Barbara Walters’ upcoming “Most Fascinating People” special set to air on Sunday night by playing a clip from Walters’ interview with conservative donor and businessman David Koch. Fill-in host Martha Raddatz introduced the clip of the interview by hyping “one of the more controversial parts of that legislation, provisions …
Dean: Republicans 'Authoritarian, Don't Believe in Democracy'
November 15th, 2014 9:37 AM
Latest dispatch from the "dissent is patriotic" is dead front: Howard Dean has accused those who don't share his political views of being "authoritarian people who fundamentally don't believe in democracy."
Poor Howard, who declared the times to be very "frightening and disconcerting," made his astounding accusation on today's Up With Steve Kornacki while attempting to explain the Republican…

NPR Hypes "Bridgegate" Political Fallout, Ignores Christie Innocence
September 19th, 2014 12:35 PM
Talk about tone deaf at National Public Radio. On Thursday’s All Things Considered, NPR reporter Don Gonyea ran a segment on Governor Chris Christie (R-N.J.) traveling to New Hampshire to campaign with Scott Brown as he seeks to become the next senator from there.
Unsurprisingly, the NPR reporter did his best to play up the “Bridgegate” controversy despite the Department of Justice clearing…

WashPost Promises to Help Tear Down Former GOP Governor of Virginia
July 30th, 2014 9:22 AM
The Washington Post has deeply and lovingly covered the corruption scandal around former Virginia Gov. Robert McDonnell, and couldn’t contain its excitement over the trial. In Sunday’s newspaper and in Tuesday’s Post Express tabloid, they highlighted this preview in headlines: “It’s Going To Be Ugly.” They couldn't wait for the ugliness.
What neither headline explained was that they were…
MSNBC’s Donny Deutsch: ‘Bridgegate’ Worse Than Clinton Sex Scand
April 1st, 2014 11:37 AM
Liberal MSNBC guest Donny Deutsch made some bizarre comments during his appearance on “Morning Joe” on Tuesday April 1 regarding the Chris Christie “Bridgegate” scandal.
Speaking to the “Morning Joe” panel, Deutsch asserted that regarding “Bridgegate” he couldn’t “remember anything more egregious, interestingly enough that a politician has done.” Furthermore, Deutsch argued that the Chris…

NBC’s ‘Meet the Press’ Fawns Over Bill Maher, Skips His History
March 16th, 2014 12:31 PM
Comedian Bill Maher is no stranger to making outrageous and offensive comments, usually directed at conservatives. His weekly HBO program “Real Time with Bill Maher” is an opportunity for the devout atheist and liberal to spew his anti-conservative hate, yet when a major television network profiles his comedy routine, his controversial style is ignored.
NBC’s Harry Smith sat down with Maher…
GOP Strategist Nicolle Wallace Condemns MSNBC, Chuck Todd Over Network
February 12th, 2014 9:28 AM
On the heels of an MRC study which found that MSNBC devoted 95 minutes on Monday night to the Chris Christie “bridgegate” scandal, GOP strategist Nicolle Wallace took the network to task for its over-the-top coverage of the New Jersey governor.
Appearing on Morning Joe on February 12, Wallace openly challenged Chuck Todd over the network’s coverage of “every teeny, minuscule, breaking non-…

GMA Hypes Christie’s ‘Very Personal Attack’ Against Former Staff
February 2nd, 2014 11:22 AM
Supposed new revelations have emerged in the “Bridgegate” scandal by former New Jersey Port Authority official David Wildstein claim that Governor Chris Christie (R-NJ) knew about the George Washington Bridge lane closures earlier than the governor claimed. Despite Wildstein’s failure to provide any evidence for his claims, ABC’s Good Morning America pounced and played up the Christie “bully”…
MSNBC’s Reid: GOP A ‘Three-Legged Stool’, Including ‘Archie Bu
January 23rd, 2014 12:57 PM
The Republican National Committee (RNC) is currently having its annual winter meetings, and what better way for MSNBC to discuss its progress than to bring on two liberal reporters to discuss the gathering.
During her January 23 Jansing and Co. program, host Chris Jansing invited on no Republican to discuss the RNC meetings, instead opting to bring on MSNBC’s Joy-Ann Reid, who herself is a…
Networks Rush to Label Former Governor Bob McDonnell a Republican
January 22nd, 2014 10:53 AM
Less than 24-hours after former Governor Bob McDonnell (R-VA) was indicted on 14 charges including conspiracy and fraud, all three network morning shows immediately identified McDonnell as a Republican. While McDonnell’s potential crimes are serious, the media failed to uphold the same party ID standard when it involved a scandal plagued Democratic governor.
NBC led their January 22 coverage…