On CNN's Crossfire, Bill Burton Celebrates How 'More People Have Jobs' During Obama Presidency; 81 Percent Are Part-Time

October 9th, 2013 11:33 PM

On Tuesday's Crossfire (HT commenter Gary Hall), liberal Democratic guest Bill Burton tried to impress the show's hostesses and guest David Limbaugh when he said of President Obama: "More people have jobs than they did when he took office."

Wow. That's about the most unimpressive statement I've heard in years, and it would be beyond pathetic but for the performance of one state. Let's look at the facts:

According to the government's Household Survey, the economy has added 2.017 million seasonally adjusted jobs since January 2009:


There's only one problem. Only 388,000 of those jobs added have been full-time:


That's an average of 7,000 jobs per month during Obama's first 55 months in office (through August).

1.648 million jobs, or over four times as many, a 30,000 per month average, have been part-time in nature (the full-time and part-time numbers don't add exactly to the grand total because of vagaries in the seasonal adjustment calculations):


For the sake of comparison, let's look at Texas (a full-time/part-time breakdown isn't available):


The Lone Star State has added 871,000 jobs in the 55 months of available data. That's 43 percent of all the jobs added during Barack Obama's presidency for a state which has roughly 8 percent of the nation's population.

Though the data isn't readily avaiable, I have a feeling that far more than 19 percent of those jobs have gone to full-timers (19 percent is the national average during the Obama presidency).

I wonder when the Obama administration will send Texas Governor Rick Perry a thank-you card?

It would have been nice if S.E. Cupp or David Limbaugh had challenged the value of Burton's completely unimpressive assertion.

Cross-posted at BizzyBlog.com.