Morning Joe Portrays President Trump as the Antichrist

October 17th, 2017 12:21 PM

In a brief and oddly biblical rant on Tuesday’s Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough cast Donald Trump as the Antichrist. Apparently, Joe did this because he was still very upset by the positive reception that both the President and Steve Bannon got at the Values Voter Summit.



Scarborough started off the quick segment by lamenting Trump’s victory in the Republican primaries last year: "People will look back and wonder what the hell happened, what fever gripped conservatives, what fever gripped the Republican Party, and I will say it, what fever gripped my own people, the people I grew up with, the people who helped me get elected, the evangelicals that go to Value Voter Summits [sic], or whatever they call it, and give Steve Bannon a standing ovation, welcome Donald Trump as a conquering hero?"

Scarborough, apparently trying to appeal to conservative Christians, then tried to make his best case for dumping Trump from the perspective of the Gospels:

And I'm using the word objectively a lot because we are so drowned in information that, that, you, you, just, some things cannot be debated. And you look in Matthew and go through the Beatitudes, every single Beatitude. You go through Jesus’s teaching, what he says he wants in people to be. Donald Trump is the antithesis of just about every single thing that Jesus Christ said on the Sermon on the Mount. Go read it. None of us are perfect, but he goes out of his way, it seems, to thumb his nose at all conventions, including the basics of the Beatitudes.

While few would contend that Trump has been an exemplar of moral conduct throughout his life, to say that the President is “the antithesis” of almost everything that Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount goes way beyond the bounds of reasonable criticism. Taking Joe’s words literally, he described Trump as the personification of evil, someone who is violently sadistic, devilishly impure, and actively seeking to inflict horrible injustices upon innocent people. That is pretty hyperbolic, even by the standards of your typical sufferer of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

How can Joe cover the President rationally and objectively when everything Trump says or does is filtered through the lens of him being a personification of hell on Earth?