Pro-Life Activist Sentenced to 57 Months in Prison for Protesting Abortion

May 15th, 2024 12:32 PM

Lauren Handy, 30, was sentenced to 57 months in prison as well as three years probation on Tuesday for trying to save babies from abortion at an abortion facility back in 2020. The court however, deemed that Handy violated the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE Act).

On October 22, 2020, Handy, along with a number of other pro-life activists, was arrested for allegedly blocking access to the Washington Surgi abortion clinic in Washington, D.C. Prosecutors insist that Handy instructed other pro-lifers at the scene to link themselves together with locks and chains while they sang hymns and prayed for the moms and babies who were set up for abortions. 


Handy’s already been in jail since August of 2023 when she was convicted of conspiracy against rights and for violating the FACE Act. She was the first of the pro-life group to be sentenced.

William Goodman received 27 months and John Hinshaw will have to serve 21 months. according to Tuesday's results. Heather Idoni and Herb Geraghty are waiting for their sentences after pleading not guilty. They face up to 11 years in prison.

This is the same clinic where Handy and another pro-life activist, Terrisa Bukovinac, found the bodies of five preemie babies as well as the parts of 115 aborted babies, that the clinic had planned to send to Maryland to be incinerated and used as renewable energy.

It’s also the same clinic where late-term abortionist Cesare Santangelo admitted that if a child was accidentally born alive from a botched abortion, he’d leave the child to die slowly and painfully rather than give him or her medical attention.

Other pro-life groups and individuals were dumbfounded that Handy will have such a harsh penalty for simply attempting to save babies from the evils of abortion.

“30-year-old pro-life activist Lauren Handy has just been sentenced to 57 months in federal prison for handing roses and resources to women at an abortion facility, Meanwhile, abortionists who dismember and kill children walk free. A grave injustice,” LiveAction president Lila Rose said. 

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) wrote, “Protestors can block roads, airports, public transit, take over college campuses, and fight police without consequences, but if you pray, sing hymns, and try to convince women to not have their unborn babies killed then you go to prison for YEARS!!!"

“Three weeks ago a judge let a woman walk who smothered her child to death while on meth. Today a judge sentenced a pro life activist (Lauren Handy) to nearly 5 years in federal prison for a peaceful sit in at an abortion clinic,” a different user wrote on X.

One more user said, “Thanks to the weaponized DOJ, this woman will spend the next 5 years in prison! If she’d been an environmental activist, she’d have probably  gotten a misdemeanor! But, she’s a pro-life advocate, so this admin used the FACE Act to prosecute her."

The leftist media are describing Handy as some sort of villain and insist the 57 month jail sentenced isn’t sufficient. 

Daily Beast called Handy a “zealot” who “harassed and directly denied health care access to at least two women who were seeking medical care” (medical “care” being abortions).

Similarly The Associated Press called Handy an “anti-abortion activist who led a clinic blockade.”

Handy shared some words on the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising’s X page alluding to the fact that she doesn’t regret her decisions back in 2020 that led her to where she is now. “It has been close to 9 months since I was abruptly ripped from my community. This has led me to think long and hard on what to say about my sentencing today in federal court” she said in part one of a four part thread on X. “Yes, this time has been challenging but I refuse to be jaded. Why? Because life goes on … even in jail,” she wrote adding, “today I am at peace with myself and my future” before signing her note “Choose Courage Over Comfort.”