Kamala Harris Refuses To Name Single Limit on Abortion

September 11th, 2023 10:59 AM

On Sunday, Vice President Kamala Harris sat down with Margaret Brennan for CBS’s Face the Nation segment. During the interview, Harris was asked to announce her stance on when, during a pregnancy, abortion access should be cut off. Harris dodged the question. 

“What week of pregnancy should abortion access be cut off,” Brenan asked.

Instead of answering, Harris started talking about restoring “protections of Roe versus Wade.” 

Funnily enough the pair then began each holding a hand up to encourage the other to stop or halt with their thought. Harris, being the narcissistic type she is then interrupted Brennan in order to speak again, still not answering the question.

“Let me be very clear,” Harris began. “The president has been clear, I have been clear,” Harris continued while unironically not being clear about her stance at all. She then went on to say she and Joe just wanted Roe v. Wade “protections” to come back, still not answering Brennan's question. 

So, Brennan tried again. “Does it need to be specific in terms of defining where that guarantee goes up to and where it does not? At which week of pregnancy?”

OK Harris, here’s your shot. Answer the question in case you didn’t hear her the first time. 

To nobody’s surprise, Harris yet again dodged the question, insisting she just wanted to “put back the protections of Roe versus Wade. 

Even when Brennan tried a third time to give Harris a shot at providing precise dates for a cut off, Harris still failed. 

“Republicans say, the lack of a precise date in cutting it off … they say it allows Democrats to perform abortions up until, you know, birth,” Brennan said, adding her bias into her question by claiming the statement “ is ridiculous.”

Harris obviously agreed but when Brennan asked, “Do you need to be more precise?,” Harris simply stated, “I am being precise,” before again failing to answer the question.

The back and forth was honestly too funny. All Brennan wanted was for Harris to say a time in a woman’s pregnancy where abortion access should be cut off and Harris just couldn’t or wouldn't say.  

After the video clip gained traction on social media, Twitter users were flabbergasted with Harris. 

“Kamala Harris obviously has no clue what was in the Roe v Wade decision,” one user wrote. Another poked fun saying, “That’s not just word salad. That’s a salad bar” while others laughed at Harris’ line “I’m being precise.”

Another user insisted her “non-answer on this question = up to birth.” I mean if she refused to answer the question time after time after time, it’s likely she doesn’t have a limit at all.

Yet another social media user agreed saying, “We know Kamala's answer -- NEVER protect the unborn baby. No mystery here.”

Recently former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki insisted that Democrats don’t support late term abortion. Her claim has been proven wrong with the countless Democratic leaders who do in fact want unrestricted abortion access and the fact that Harris refused to name a time when abortion access should be cut off, may be an indicator that she has the same stance.