Those seeking a fun, family comedy for their children should watch out because Season Two of Netflix’s Fuller House goes into full-on liberal indoctrination mode using all of the standard pet issues of the environmentalist left - through a third grader!
In Episode One, “Welcome Back,” it begins with D.J. Tanner-Fuller’s (Christian actress Candace Cameron Bure) third grader, Max (Elias Harger), stressing over a class project as summer break comes to an end. The project name is “One Kid Can Make A Difference” and the kids are to choose from global warming, unsafe drinking water, plastic pollution, and government corruption. Each student is assigned to come up with a major challenge in today’s world and a solution. This all seems grossly overreaching for third graders, if you ask me.
Max asks D.J., “What is the point of anything if we are all doomed?” That’s right. An eight-year-old is feeling hopeless about today’s world thanks to the liberal agenda promoted in his classroom. The child tells his mom that it is her generation’s fault – “The whole world is poisoned, polluted and way too hot.” D.J. is gullible enough to actually agree and apologize – “We did mess it up pretty good.” She does, to her credit, tell the boy that the human spirit allows people to fall but not give up. “We have to keep trying to end global warming, achieve world peace, end poverty…” and Max chimes in with “and have universal health care and fair elections.” What a good little comrade.
Granted, Max is very precocious and assertive in expressing his opinions, but he is especially obnoxious in his environmental activism, which becomes a theme all season long. In Episode Three, “Ramona’s Not-So-Epic First Kiss,” Max becomes so obsessed with recycling that he waters houseplants with recycled bath water, soap bubbles and all. Yuck.
In Episode Two, “Mom Interference,” Max decides to “save natural resources and protect our animal friends” by becoming a vegetarian. Max decides to make a sustainable farm in the backyard for his school project. He has planter boxes of vegetables and a chicken coop, too, housing four chickens (named Jesse, Danny, Joey, and Becky).
In Episode Seven, “Girl Talk,” the chickens ruin the “crops” when Max allows them to become free-range chickens. At this point, Fernando (Juan Pablo Di Pace), who is living in the house now, jumps in to help and plants vegetables from the grocery store before the class and Max’s teacher come to look at Max’s project for the Green Ribbon competition. With the help of his mother in Episode Eight, “A Tangled Web,” Max gives an over-the-top presentation – including music and fireballs – for his class project, with the slogan “Make Earth Great Again.” D.J. and Uncle Fernando aren’t the only adults overtly meddling in the project and the teacher awards the prize ribbon to a little girl who made a windmill out of Barbie dolls. Don’t worry – everyone else got participation ribbons.
Season Two of Fuller House is told in thirteen 30-minute episodes that were all released on Friday. Though Netflix doesn’t release viewing numbers, this show is alleged to be the number one show on the network. Let’s see if that holds, now that it has infused a far left driven message.