Virgin Mary

Anti-Christian Comedy: Virgin Mary Was Raped
November 27th, 2017 3:23 PM
SMILF continues its attack on Christianity in the November 27 episode "Deep-Dish Pizza & a Shot of Holy Water," but this particular episode of the Showtime series takes it to another level when it's suggested, less than a month before Christmas, that the Virgin Mary's Immaculate Conception of Jesus Christ was rape.

Netflix Animated Comedy Disgustingly Sexualizes Jesus, Virgin Mary
June 6th, 2017 3:15 PM
Season two of the 1970s cartoon, F is for Family, was released Tuesday, May 30 on Netflix and, while it had its funny moments and nostalgic memories, especially for this child of the '70s, it also had plenty of horrifically offensive moments for Christians. Created by Michael Price (The Simpsons) and comedian Bill Burr and produced by actors Vince Vaughn and Peter Billingsley (Ralphie in A…

Religion Writer Forwards New Feminist Complaint: We Never See Depictio
December 11th, 2012 6:45 PM
As I argued yesterday, the Advent season is exploited every year by the liberal media to tweak faithful Christians, using the holidays as a hook for liberal political and religious themes or to advance ancient heresies. Ditto with the Lenten season.
Well, the latest example comes from David Gibson of the Religion News Service, who has picked up on a new complaint from a feminist scholar,…

Karen Long Sings Praises of Colm Toibin's 'Testament of Mary
December 10th, 2012 4:57 PM
As we at NewsBusters have noticed, Advent and Lent seem to be the times of year that the liberal secular media loves to tweak devout Christians with attacks on historic, orthodox Christian teaching. The latest example is the media being abuzz over Irish playwright and novelist Colm Toibin's "The Testament of Mary."
The "silent, obedient, observant" Mary of Scripture that has "echoed down"…

NPR Deeply Enjoys 'Playing With Fire' with 'The Basic Tenets of Christ
December 6th, 2012 11:31 PM
As if a puffy seven-minute-plus story on Morning Edition wasn't enough publicity for Irish novelist Colm Toibin's abrasive takedown of the Virgin Mary, NPR's Terry Gross offered another promotional 45 minutes on Monday's Fresh Air. There's nothing NPR likes better than taking this humble, devout disciple and transforming her into some sort of bitter Real Housewife of Nazareth.
Toibin was…

Here We Go Again: MSNBC's Harris-Perry Uses Virgin Mary to Push Libera
November 27th, 2012 5:33 PM
Ah, the holiday season. It's that time of year when the liberal media loves to use Jesus and the Virgin Mary to push liberal talking points if not outright push the envelope. So while NPR is busy promoting a new novel that presents the Virgin Mary as a skeptic who believes her son Jesus was a fraud, MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry went a safer but equally trite route, using the story of Jesus's…

WashPost's Miller Sad That Nuns No Longer Escape the 'Oppression of Ma
April 30th, 2012 8:33 AM
In Saturday’s Washington Post, religion columnist Lisa Miller brought her usual radical feminism to the table insisting Mary be “heard” as the Vatican insisted that American nuns and sisters actually act like they belong to the Catholic Church.
But this line stood out: “For more than a thousand years, women like Mary have entered religious life hoping to find a safe place where they might…