Sean Duffy

CNN: Americans Should Be More Worried About Lightning Than Terrorism
February 7th, 2017 10:27 AM
Tuesday on CNN’s New Day, host Alisyn Camerota argued with Republican Representative Sean Duffy over Trump’s executive order temporarily banning immigrants from seven predominantly Muslim countries. Duffy contested that the ban was a good thing because it gave the U.S. “a pause” to evaluate our current vetting process to see if it was capable of keeping out potential terrorists. Camerota…

CNN's Cuomo Again Wrongly Claims Comey 'Says No Crime' by Clinton
November 7th, 2016 2:04 PM
On Monday's New Day, during a segment with Wisconsin Republican Rep. Sean Duffy, CNN anchor Chris Cuomo made his latest claim that FBI Director James Comey found that Hillary Clinton did not commit a crime in her handling of her State Department work email, even though the FBI director merely declined to recommend trying to prosecute her without directly stating his view on whether she committed…

CNN Uses Fuzzy Math to Slam 'BS' of Trump Jr. 'Dehumanizing' Refugees
September 20th, 2016 9:43 PM
On Tuesday's New Day, CNN co-host Chris Cuomo not only showed a double standard in aggressively debating GOP Rep. Sean Duffy on the issue of restricting immigration from Muslim countries while going more softly on Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison, but he also tried to downplay the odds of refugees committing terrorist acts as he misleadingly recalled the findings of the libertarian CATO Institute on…

CNN's Cuomo Slams Pence as 'No Friend to LGBT,' Guest Jabs His Bias
July 23rd, 2016 3:18 PM
As Wisconsin Republican Rep. Sean Duffy appeared as a guest on Friday's New Day to discuss Donald Trump's acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention, the CNN anchor duo of Chris Cuomo and Alisyn Camerota both fretted over Trump promising to defend homosexuals from terrorists without going to the left in supporting gay rights issues. Cuomo at one point slammed running mate Mike Pence…

Rep. Duffy Schools Costello With CNN's Poll on Amnesty, Her Own Words
January 14th, 2015 3:50 PM
Carol Costello badgered Rep. Sean Duffy on Wednesday's CNN Newsroom over House Republicans' attempt to defund President Obama's executive action granting amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants: "The Department of Homeland Security protects the United States from terrorist attacks. Some Senate Republicans – among them, Lindsey Graham – say the strategy should be revised in light of what…

MSNBC Panelists Blame 'Unhelpful' Insurance Industry for ObamaCare Woe
December 27th, 2013 3:26 PM
During Thursday afternoon's edition of Andrea Mitchell Reports, the MSNBC host joined NBC News chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd and USA Today reporter Susan Page in stating that the troubled implementation of the Affordable Care Act has diminished the political status of Barack Obama and resulted in negative poll results from people all across the country.
The discussion was part…

GOP Congressman Duffy Strikes Again, Tells Mika Brzezinski 'You’re P
October 16th, 2013 11:41 AM
Congressman Sean Duffy (R-Wisc.) became an internet sensation last week when he decimated MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell for her “pathetic news reporting.”
For the Congressman’s second act, he took on MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski Wednesday telling the Morning Joe co-host, “You’re part of the problem” (video follows with transcript and commentary):

GOP Congressman Decimates Andrea Mitchell and Slams 'Pathetic News Rep
October 8th, 2013 3:21 PM
[***UPDATED*** 17:30 ET: More analysis and full transcript added]
Appearing on Andrea Mitchell's MSNBC 1 p.m. ET hour show on Tuesday, Wisconsin Congressman Sean Duffy slammed the press for not doing its job in pointing out the hypocrisy of ObamaCare being delayed for certain groups but not for all Americans: "...the media won't even ask the question about, 'Why are you [the Obama administration…