
Liberal Media Have a Field Day LYING About Vance’s Parenthood Comments

July 26th, 2024 2:26 PM

In perfectly coordinated fashion this week, the liberal media have gone postal on GOP vice presidential nominee and Senator JD Vance for 2021 comments about the left being dominated by unhappy progressives who don’t have children. Everyone in the liberal media have piled on, ranging from ABC, CBS, and NBC on their flagship morning and evening newscasts to major newspapers to the insufferable…


Sexism, Watching Waves: The WORST Moments From CBS After Biden Quit

July 23rd, 2024 10:24 AM

On Sunday afternoon after President Biden’s handlers posted for him on social media that he won’t run for reelection, CBS blew ABC and NBC out of the water with nearly four hours of airtime (roughly 3:55) fawning over Biden as someone embedded in “the American story” and set to live “in very rarefied air” of U.S. history and decrying even policy criticisms of likely Democratic nominee, Vice…


ABC, NBC Skip Gold Star Families at RNC; Nets Give Vance Strong Marks

July 18th, 2024 2:45 PM

With President Biden contracting Covid Wednesday and showing even more physical impairment in his grim gait on and off Air Force One, the Republican National Convention was knocked off the pole position Thursday morning for the flagship major news shows of ABC, CBS, and NBC. But when they did get there, they receive only mixed grades as ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Today…


CBS Lectures Scalise on Rhetoric, Whines GOP Is ‘Angry’ Trump Was Shot

July 14th, 2024 1:56 AM

On Saturday following the attempted assassination of former President Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania, CBS was out of control in demanding Republicans be the ones to lower the proverbial temperature and alter their rhetoric to soothe our collective body politic. Of course, as our Alex Christy wrote about earlier, they even expressed concern about the well-being of…themselves.


Brennan Mourns Trump Didn't Lower 'The Temperature' After Getting Shot

July 13th, 2024 10:01 PM

CBS’s host of Face the Nation, Margaret Brennan, joined the network’s breaking coverage of Saturday’s assassination attempt of former President Trump at his Pennsylvania rally, where she was dismayed that a statement from campaign advisor Chris LaCivita might “escalate” Trump’s “us versus the system” rhetoric and that a statement from Trump himself didn’t lower “the temperature” even…


CBS Torches ‘Stumbling’ Biden for ‘Painful’ Debate, Rips Age Defenders

June 28th, 2024 4:35 PM

While ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Today tried to downplay President Joe Biden’s infamously bad debate performance Thursday night, Friday’s CBS Mornings offered a full court press calling out Biden as “stumbling” and “poor” in what was a “painful” job squaring off against former President Trump and added his team’s years of scoffing at age concerns coming…


NBC's Example Of a Hysterical Trump Supporter Was a Liberal Actor

May 31st, 2024 12:07 PM

When NBC went on the air on Thursday for their special coverage of former President Donald Trump’s conviction in New York, legal analyst Laura Jarrett touched on the reaction the verdict received from his supporters. The only problem for NBC was that the footage they showed alongside Jarrett of a hysterical Trump supporter who could be heard yelling and screaming throughout her report was of a…


CBS Touts ‘Extraordinary’ Trump Conviction, ‘Enormous Gravity’

May 30th, 2024 8:47 PM

Thursday’s CBS News Special Report on the guilty verdict for former President Trump reveled in the sham trial brought by far-left Manhattan D.A. Alvin Bragg as “an extraordinary moment” of “enormous gravity” in which “everything about politics and law and our orientation to both are convulsed as never before”, but bemoaned the incoming “grievance war” from the Trump team and took exception to…


WRAP-UP: TV’s Negative, Lurid & Obsessive Coverage of Trump’s Trial

May 30th, 2024 10:32 AM

Unlike the jury in the courtroom, millions of citizens have seen the evidence only as depicted by the liberal news networks — an often skewed version that seemed more designed to embarrass and antagonize the Republican presidential candidate than to scrutinize the merits of the case against him.


CBS's Costa Begs Maher to Stop Mocking Lefties, Just Mock Republicans

May 12th, 2024 2:20 PM

CBS reporter Robert Costa put together a puffball interview for HBO Real Time host Bill Maher on their show Sunday Morning. What was amazing in this profile was Costa imploring Maher to lay off mockery of the Left, just shine the spotlight on the right-wingers! 


SEIZENFREUDE: Nets Cheer Trump Cash Crunch Ahead Of Appeal Deadline

March 18th, 2024 11:59 PM

The network evening newscasts engaged in a feeding frenzy over breaking news that former President Donald Trump faces difficulties in putting together the monetary bond required in order to appeal his New York civil judgment. All three major networks giddily opened their newscasts with this story, bumping the Bloodbath Hoax off of the top spot.


CBS Revels in ‘Fiery’ Biden Coming ‘Out...Swinging’ at GOP in SOTU

March 8th, 2024 5:26 PM

Unfortunately, Friday’s CBS Mornings followed the lead of ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Today in forgoing actual critiques of President Biden’s 2024 State of the Union address on Thursday. Instead, it heaped praise on the “fiery” and “fired up” Biden going “on the offensive” and proved he “has the energy, the fire in the belly to serve another four years”.


CBS’s Costa Frets Over No GOP Reckoning For Trump On…Immigration???

February 25th, 2024 10:18 PM

A Face the Nation segment on former President Donald Trump’s remarks at the Black Conservative Federation gala in South Carolina led into a bizarre take by Robert Costa lamenting the lack of a GOP reckoning for Trump on immigration, of all things. Perhaps, at this point, we should reconsider naming the program “Faceplant the Nation”.


Sen. Tim Scott SCHOOLS CBS’s Robert Costa On, Well…EVERYTHING

February 18th, 2024 2:00 PM

Interviews, especially those of candidates and elected officials with their ability to filibuster and avoid answering questions, are often edited for brevity and clarity so as to accommodate production demands. But then there are those interviews that, upon further review, leave one with no other conclusion that they were edited in order to spare the interviewer further embarrassment. Such is…