
Terry Schilling, Jack Posobiec Call for Action Against Big Tech Bias

July 19th, 2024 2:37 PM

Human Events Senior Editor Jack Posobiec and American Principles Project President Terry Schilling want action to protect the free speech rights of Americans on social media. 


Ruhle OUTRAGED at Republican Mockery of Biden: MSNBC Covers ‘Truth'

June 7th, 2024 8:43 PM

Stephanie Ruhle, host of MSNBC’s The 11th Hour, took umbrage at the response of some Republicans to a recent video of President Joe Biden at the D-Day commemoration ceremony in Normandy. In the video, which she alleged was…


NBC’s Welker Tries ‘Revenge Presidency’ Narrative, Quickly Regrets It

November 12th, 2023 7:40 PM

“Revenge presidency” a term you’ll hear a lot from the Acela Media after former President Donald Trump’s interview with Televisa anchor Enrique Acevedo. NBC’s Kristin Welker tried it on RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel, and quickly regretted it.

RNC Says Google Sent Over 20 Million GOP Emails to SPAM in Six Days

October 3rd, 2022 6:57 PM

The Republican National Committee told MRC Free Speech America that Gmail suppressed over 22 million GOP get-out-the-vote and fundraising emails Wednesday through Friday.

Jennifer Rubin Ali Velshi Michael Steele MSNBC Ali Velshi 8-6-22

MSNBC Republican Steele Supports Dem Meddling in GOP Primaries

August 7th, 2022 10:17 PM

On Ali Velshi's MSNBC show, ex-RNC Chairman Michael Steele, turned MSNBC Republican and Lincoln Project member, supports Democrat meddling in Republican primaries by boosting MAGA candidates who they think will be easier to beat in the general election. Jennifer Rubin,  the Washington Post columnist who renounced her conservative label, opposes such meddling, saying it is "dangerous" and could…

House GOP Joins Senate Fight to STOP Gmail’s Leftist SPAM Bias

June 22nd, 2022 12:47 PM

Eight House Republicans on Tuesday joined their Senate counterparts in proposing legislation aimed at curbing left-wing political bias in email services’ spam filters. 

LOOK AWAY! WashPost Shields Google from Election Meddling Claims

May 26th, 2022 4:54 PM

Another day yields another liberal news story that protects Big Tech from allegations of election interference to benefit the left.

Cruz BLASTS Google, Says It ‘Deflected’ Concerns of E-Mail Bias

May 20th, 2022 3:38 PM

Months ahead of the 2022 midterm elections, Google leadership reportedly ignored GOP senators’ legitimate questions about Gmail’s apparent suppression of conservative political candidates’ emails.

Republicans Call on FEC to Examine Gmail’s Leftist Bias

April 29th, 2022 11:44 AM

Three powerhouse conservative political groups are pushing the Federal Election Commission to look into alleged Google email censorship. The Republican National Committee (RNC), National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC), and National Republican Senate Committee (NRSC) filed a joint complaint with the FEC.


‘80s Showtime Comedy Bashes Conservatives as ‘Bigots United'

June 6th, 2021 11:48 PM

Republicans are bigots who like killing baby ducks at NRA events, framing people for assassination attempts and do not worry about reality. So says the unwatchable Showtime "comedy" Black Monday, set in the late 1980s.


GOP to Facebook, Twitter: Don’t ‘Suppress Conservative Voices’

May 25th, 2018 1:03 PM
Social media platforms must work with both sides of the political spectrums if they wish to maintain neutrality. That was the message to top social media companies from a top Republican.  

PBS's Costa Wrongly Suggests George Wallace Was a Republican

December 15th, 2017 10:41 PM
Some liberal journalists just can't get the notion out of their minds that George Wallace was a Republican, even though the former segregationist governor of Alabama was a lifelong Democrat. On Friday's Washington Week on PBS, host Robert Costa -- also a Washington Post reporter -- suggested that Wallace was a part of the Republican party's "past" as he recalled that some black voters in Alabama…

Walsh: RNC Parents 'Allegedly' Lost Children to Illegal Alien Violence

December 23rd, 2016 10:54 AM
On Thursday night’s Hardball on MSNBC, The Nation’s Joan Walsh questioned if the parents who spoke at the RNC actually lost their children due to illegal immigrant violence. During the segment with host Joy Reid, the two commiserated on how awful the “really dark, dystopic mess” the RNC was before Walsh tried to throw the victim’s parents under the bus.

RNC Official Schools CNN’s Brian Stelter on Liberal Media Bias

October 23rd, 2016 4:37 PM
Liberal media bias has become painfully obvious during the 2016 election cycle. Between the severely lopsided coverage of political scandals and WikiLeaks exposing just how cozy the media is to the Clinton campaign, it’s nearly impossible to deny its existence. But that didn’t stop CNN’s Brian Stelter from trying on Reliable Sources Sunday. “But how is this anything more than the team that thinks…