Michael Morell

ABC, NBC Hide BRUTAL News on Intel Letter Dismissing Hunter’s Laptop
The news got worse Thursday for Hunter Biden as it was revealed now-Secretary of State Antony Blinken was the catalyst behind the debunked and infamous October 2020 letter from former intelligence officials dismissing the surfacing of Hunter Biden’s laptop as Russian disinformation. This bombshell showing more interference in the 2020 election was nowhere to be found on the Thursday night…

CBS: ‘The Iranians Want a Democrat in the White House in 2021'

Nets Scorn Trump’s Double Down on Threats to North Korea

Two Obama CIA Directors Slam Trump-Era Leakers as Security Threat
National Review writer Jim Geraghty in his "Morning Jolt" e-mail linked to a Yahoo! column and wrote "Raise your hand if you expected John Brennan, who President Obama appointed to head the Central Intelligence Agency in 2013, to offer a qualified defense of Trump" on sharing intelligence with the Russians. Brennan wasn't completely impressed, but he was far unhappier with the leakers, and by…
Only CBS Covers Latest on ISIS Intel Being Altered by Obama Admin.
Two weeks after offering a mere 21-second news brief on allegations that the Pentagon altered intelligence data on ISIS “to provide a more optimistic account of progress” against the terror group, Thursday’s CBS This Morning was the only network morning show to report on 50 intelligence officials confirming that their analyses were changed.
Only CBS Pushes Back On Obama's Refusal to Label Terrorists Islamic
CBS, NBC Barely Cover Criticism of Obama's Speech on 'Extremism'
Pelley Asks Former Acting CIA Director If He Feels ‘Ashamed’ by Report
On Tuesday night, CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley did little to hide his liberal bias when it came to supporting the release of the report by Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee detailing the use of “torture” by the agency on terrorists following the 9-11 terrorist attacks. In addition to asking CBS News contributor and former acting CIA Director Mike Morell if he felt “ashamed…

NBC’s Today, Nightly News Ignore Clinton's Criticism of Obama's Fore
Any intraparty criticism of President Obama’s recent foreign policy moves regarding Iraq was nowhere to be found on NBC’s morning or evening news programs as former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton leveled some criticism at Obama on the subject in an interview with The Atlantic that was published over the weekend. Both Sunday and Monday mornings’ installments of Today and Sunday night’s NBC…

Networks Offer Scant Coverage of Dick Cheney 'Blasting' Obama on Iraq
Former Vice President Dick Cheney co-authored a blistering op-ed, deriding Barack Obama's handling of Iraq. But you wouldn't know it from the network coverage. ABC's Good Morning America completely ignored Cheney speaking out. Yet, the program devoted three minutes to the deeply irrelevant story of jump suits and fanny packs making a comeback. On NBC's Today, Savannah Guthrie managed a scant…
No One Else Cares? CBS: 'Republicans' Warning of Future '9/11-Like Ter

Sharyl Attkisson: Morell's 'Bizarre' Benghazi Testimony Contradicts Pa
On the Thursday edition of WMAL's Mornings on the Mall radio show, Sharyl Attkisson spotlighted the Obama administration's many inconsistencies in their claims about the September 11, 2012 Islamist attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya. Attkisson outlined, in detail, "all of the different stories told about the talking points" about the terrorist attack. Former Fox News anchor Brian…