NYT's Front-Page Panic: 'MAGA Forces Push Message Across Europe'

January 17th, 2025 3:46 PM

New York Times’s Berlin bureau chief Katrin Bennhold made Tuesday’s front page with the “news analysis” “MAGA Forces Push Message Across Europe.” Bennhold’s reporting focuses solely on the dangers of the “far right” in Germany, or at least groups and personalities which she identifies as such. This time, Bennhold’s designated villain out to disrupt the world is well-known to Americans…

Stay Classy, NYT: With Trump, U.S.Only Leading World in Corona Deaths?

April 24th, 2020 4:02 PM
The New York Times has long accused America accused of throwing its weight around and meddling in other countries’ affairs. Suddenly, “American Leadership” is missed, at least when the complaint can be used as a wedge against Donald Trump, as shown in Berlin-based reporter Katrin Bennhold’s editorializing news story, “‘How Can This Happen?’: A World Missing American Leadership.” She wrote: "Today…

NY Times Rehabbing Communist East Germany: ‘A Fun Place to Party?'

June 12th, 2019 3:00 PM
The New York Times is still trying to refurbish the thuggish reputation of the Communist regime of East Germany, once part of the Eastern Bloc, Soviet-aligned countries of Eastern Europe. The latest sad example came from reporter Thomas Rogers in Berlin, dedicated to the now-demolished Palast der Republik. The online headline: “Symbol of a Brutal Regime? Or a Fun Place to Party?” Rogers was…

NYT: Speed Limit on Autobahn a 'No-Brainer,' Just Like Gun Control?

February 6th, 2019 6:32 PM
New York Times Berlin bureau chief Katrin Bennhold, a native of Germany, doesn’t seem in tune with her home country, calling the idea of putting a speed limit on the autobahn a “no-brainer,” one tragically scuttled by the “far right,” and maybe, somehow, Hitler. “Speed Limit? Germans Voting With Lead Feet,” on the front page of Monday’s New York Times. Adolf Hitler makes a cameo.

New York Times Falls for Fake Quotes Mocking ‘Germany’s Trump'

July 19th, 2018 7:50 AM
If it seems like the New York Times is constantly hammering U.S. President Donald Trump, that’s because it is. However, the “Paper of Record” was also so eager to attack a politician with a similar nickname as “Germany’s Trump” that they failed to verify several false quotes the item attributed to him. The original story debuted as a “Saturday feature article” that focused on Markus Söder, the…

NY Times, AP Focus on Backlash and Not Details of German Girl's Murder

June 10th, 2018 8:45 PM
Ali Bashar, a 20 year-old Iraqi who sought and was rejected for asylum in Germany, has been arrested after fleeing to Kurdistan, and has now reportedly admitted to raping and killing 14 year-old Susanna Feldman in Wiesbaden in May. A New York Times report posted before that reported admission, as well as Associated Press items appearing both before and after it, betray a clear reluctance to…

NYT: 'Hard Right’ in Trump & Neo-Fascist Europe; ‘Trickle-Down' Insult

March 3rd, 2018 2:46 PM
The New York Times starkly revealed its disparate, biased, and hopelessly confused treatment of fascist and socialist ideologies on Saturday, with Trump indirectly lumped in with European fascist parties. Reporter Jason Horowitz was featured on Saturday’s front page, “In Italian Campaign, Gravity of Far Right Exerts Its Strongest Pull.” Horowitz threw out plenty of “far-right” and “hard right”…

NYT, Naturally: East German Women ‘More Emancipated' Than Western

February 15th, 2018 8:45 AM
New York Times reporter Katrin Bennhold’s front-page story commemorating the fall of the Berlin Wall, “Still Chipping Away at a Wall Demolished a Generation Ago,” contained an incredibly ignorant paragraph about the freedoms of East German women: "Eastern women, who were part of the work force and with free child care, were more emancipated than their western sisters...." But it's far from the…

NY Times Doesn't Know 'What Led Salman Abedi to Bomb Manchester Arena'

May 28th, 2017 10:18 PM
In an attempt to build up its already bulging "We'll never really know why they did it" file relating to Islamist radicals who have taken innocent lives, three reporters at The New York Times composed a 1,900-word report Saturday evening (for Sunday's print edition) about Manchester bomber Salman Abedi's family background. The reporters provided very little hard information about Abedi's…

NYT Front-Page Item Frets Over 'Anti-Immigrant Sentiments' in Europe

January 8th, 2015 1:38 AM
At 4:45 p.m. Wednesday afternoon, the New York Times, teasing an item entitled "‘Dangerous Moment’ for Europe, as Fear and Resentment Grow," tweeted that "The Paris terror attack seems certain to accelerate the growth of anti-Islamic sentiment in Europe." Consistent with a long-established nasty habit, the opening sentence of the report by Steven Erlanger and Katrin Bennhold has since been…

Turnaround: After First Mocking Concerns as Prejudice, NYT Takes Islam

July 23rd, 2014 6:15 PM
New York Times international reporter Katrin Bennhold followed up her previous whitewashed story on Islamic extremism in schools in England with an update headlined "Report Cites ‘Aggressive’ Islamic Push in British City's Schools," which thankfully lacked the tone of mockery that marred her first report. In June, Bennhold tried to make the UK government investigation sound ludicrous and…

New York Times Again Soft-Pedals Allegations of Extremism in Islamic S

June 23rd, 2014 5:58 PM
The "Memo from Birmingham" in Monday's New York Times, "Reading, Writing and Allegations," by reporter Katrin Bennhold, partially whitewashed the problem of Islamic separatism and possible tolerance for extremism at a high school in Birmingham, England. Bennhold, playing lightly over allegations against Park View School, strove to make a recent UK government investigation sound ludicrous and…