Jim Bridenstine

Whoopi Goldberg Angrily Reads Note Card Trashing Trump's Cabinet
April 25th, 2018 3:46 PM
On Wednesday’s edition of The View, co-host Whoopi Goldberg was reading a rant off an index card. (This happens a lot on The View, so you can wonder who’s actually writing these lines. They often sound like a DNC Info-Pak.) Whoopi was outraged about the lack of experience in the Cabinet. No one on the set asked how she is qualified to be a pundit because she co-starred in Ghost and Sister Act.…

The Border Crisis Stories the Networks Aren't Telling You About
July 16th, 2014 11:39 AM
Government officials restricting reporter access to illegal immigrants at detention centers. Border patrol agents being infected with diseases “not seen in decades.” The general in charge of the U.S. Southern Command warning that terrorists and gang members could be hiding among the new influx of immigrants. These are just some of the startling new border crisis stories the Big Three (ABC, CBS…
Where is Hollywood Telethon for Illegal Immigrant Children, Limbaugh A
July 10th, 2014 1:51 PM
A perceptive question that no one else has thought to ask, at least not to my knowledge. Rush Limbaugh followed that by explaining why such a high-visibility fundraiser for tens of thousands of "unaccompanied alien children" converging on the border won't be held.
Given the scale of the crisis, you'd think that the civic-minded denizens of Hollywood would be in high gear to do something,…
CNN's Bolduan Hounds GOP Rep. to Support Obama's Request For Immigrati
July 8th, 2014 12:28 PM
On Tuesday's New Day, CNN's Kate Bolduan all but lobbied Oklahoma Rep. Jim Bridenstine to support President Obama's multi-billion dollar request to deal with the ongoing illegal immigration crisis: "There's an immediate crisis on the southwest border. The President is going to ask for $2 billion....He says it's emergency funds to help stem...the flow of immigrants coming in. Can you support…

Will MSM Meekly Accept Press Restrictions During Ft. Sill Unaccompanie
July 7th, 2014 7:07 PM
It's supposed to be the "most transparent administration in history" yet the federal government is placing restrictions on the press so severe that you would think they were visiting the super secret Area 51 rather than the Ft. Sill Unaccompanied Alien Children facility in Oklahoma. Congressman Jim Bridenstine of that state recently tried to investigate at the site but was rebuffed by maximum…