Coca Cola

Will Media Cover Coca-Cola’s YES to Prez ‘Harris,’ NO to Prez ‘Trump’?
Here’s a story the liberal media won’t cover: Leftist soda giant Coca-Cola seems to have made it clear where its political loyalties lie for the 2024 election, and it could have violated federal election law in the process.

Former McDonald’s CEO to Woke Business: ‘Stay Out of the Culture Wars’
The former CEO of McDonald’s slammed Woke America, Inc. for sacrificing its investors on the altar of discrimination and racial politics. Former McDonald’s USA president and CEO Edward Rensi authored an April 21 Fox Business op-ed headlined: “Time for Disney and corporate America to stay out of culture wars.”

Woka-Cola and Bill Nye Teach World to Greenwash
Bill Nye the Science Guy went from pushing climate change to helping sell more Cokes for possibly the largest plastic polluter in the world, Coca-Cola. If there were a greenwashing awards show, Bill Nye would be its host and Coca-Cola would be the winner.

China Using Corporate SJWs For Olympic Propaganda
For good reason, the 2022 Winter Olympics are being described as the “genocide games.” The Olympics in Beijing are just six weeks away, and for people with a conscience, it’s impossible to overlook the heinous human rights abuses China is trying to sweep under the rug. It’s also appalling to see huge corporations blindly sponsoring the Winter Games despite China’s despicable dictatorship.

Woke Coke: Rasmussen Poll Shows 37% of Americans Buying Less Coca-Cola
A newly released poll revealed that Americans aren’t putting up with big business unleashing faux outrage at states attempting to protect their electoral processes.

Past Time to Fight Back
This week, on the basis of whole-cloth lies, major corporations went to political war with the state of Georgia. The lies at issue revolved around Georgia's new voter law, characterized by both Stacey Abrams and President Joe Biden as a new form of Jim Crow. What do these dastardly new voter restrictions do?

Coca-Cola Training Encouraged Employees to 'Be Less White’
Uh oh. Pepsi fans may have an advantage amidst the ongoing Pepsi vs. Coke feud as Coca-Cola faces backlash for encouraging employees to “Try to be less white.”

Businesses That Went Woke After Capitol Riot, Downplayed Floyd Riots
Corporate America was approvingly woke when leftist Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM) activists rioted for several months. But businesses feign righteous indignation when people from the other side of the political aisle decide to engage in the same dangerous tactics for a day.

Coke's Trans Super Bowl Ad Had Media Liberals Swooning