Arianna Huffington

Martin Short Trashes the Huffington Post on CBS Late Show
April 5th, 2013 12:32 PM
Actor and comedian Martin Short took a comedic swipe at the Huffington Post on the CBS Late Show Thursday.
After relaying inaccurate information about the shakeup at NBC's Tonight Show to host David Letterman, Martin said, "Huffington Post usually knows" (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):

No Social Conservatives on CBS's List of 'Eye-Opening Women
March 4th, 2013 3:41 PM
On Monday, CBS This Morning launched a week-long set of interviews for Women's History Month, but the majority of the women they picked for their list of "Eye Opening Women" are dedicated liberals, particularly on social issues. The morning newscast first conducted a fawning interview of former Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, who was part of the Supreme Court plurality that upheld the Roe v. Wade…

Arianna Huffington & Scarborough Claim: W.F. Buckley, Jr. Would Have S
January 15th, 2013 7:29 AM
I don't know about you, but when I want to know how William F. Buckley, Jr. would have felt about an issue, I always consult Arianna Huffington and Joe Scarborough. But seriously, who would you trust more to reflect how Buckley would have felt on an important issue of the day: the editors of the National Review--the magazine that WFB founded--or the combined wisdom of Huffington and…

Arianna Huffington Uses the Onion to Support Anti-Petraeus, Anti-'the
November 18th, 2012 10:51 AM
In her "Sunday Roundup" post at the site which bears her last name, Arianna Huffington supported that notion that "This week, America finally began questioning the judgment of its generals," but lamented that the scrutiny is over "sexual conduct rather than military conduct."
Fine, that's her opinion. But what's really odd is that she apparently thought that referencing a headline found at…

Disgraced Ex-Pol Eliot Spitzer Blames Bush for Mideast Meltdown
September 19th, 2012 5:35 PM
Cardinal rule on the left -- when in doubt, blame Dubya.
This also comes in handy for diverting attention from Dear Leader. (audio clip after page break)

Arianna Huffington Shocker: Obama's Bin Laden Ad 'One of the Most Desp
April 30th, 2012 7:40 PM
It seems a metaphysical certitude that when Charlie Rose asked the perilously liberal publisher Arianna Huffington about Barack Obama's new campaign ad featuring former President Bill Clinton praising the current White House resident's decision to take out Osama bin Laden the CBS This Morning co-host didn't expect this answer.
"To turn it into a campaign ad is one of the most despicable…

Jeffrey Goldberg: Obama 'Is the Most Jewish President We've Ever Had
March 15th, 2012 10:19 AM
Heck with all those people in America that still think the President's a Muslim.
According to a Huffington Post piece by The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg, Barack Obama "is the most Jewish president we've ever had":

Huffington Post Headline: 'Rush Caves
March 4th, 2012 10:16 AM
As NewsBusters reported, conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh issued an apology to Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke Saturday.
Rather then congratulate Limbaugh for doing what it believed was the right thing to do, the liberal Huffington Post ridiculed him with a front page headline "RUSH CAVES: 'I Sincerely Apologize To Ms. Fluke'" (photo courtesy Getty):

Bozell and Other Leaders Protest Vicious Anti-Catholic Huffington Post
February 29th, 2012 8:30 AM
As Fox News is reporting, MRC president Brent Bozell organized a group of socially conservative leaders to demand that Huffington Post publisher Arianna Huffington apologize for allowing a Catholic-bashing, Santorum-bashing column to be published on her website that begins: "Many of you will be shocked to learn what our possible future president believes, who he answers to, the bloody jihads…

Arianna Huffington: Drug War a 'War on Our Own People
February 13th, 2012 4:37 PM
Not everyone disagreed with singer Tony Bennett's pleading for the legalization of drugs in lieu of Whitney Houston's tragic death on Saturday. Arianna Huffington insisted Bennett's point was an "absolutely fair" one to make, and that the war on drugs has targeted minorities in America.
"But the point, I think, is absolutely fair, that the war on drugs has failed and we're not acknowledging…

SNL Slams Arianna Huffington for Stealing From the New York Times
February 12th, 2012 7:33 PM
People familiar with the Huffington Post are quite aware of numerous complaints against the online publication regarding content theft.
NBC's Saturday Night Live surprisingly referenced this issue in a Weekend Update sketch mocking editor Arianna Huffington (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):

HuffPo: Samuel L. Jackson's 'I Voted for Barack Because He Was Black
February 12th, 2012 6:38 PM
For more than 24 hours, the internet has been abuzz with the New York Post's revelation that actor Samuel L. Jackson told Ebony magazine he only voted for Barack Obama in 2008 "because he was black."
For some reason, the folks at the Huffington Post thought this was a "surprising confession" (photo courtesy Getty):

Network Newscast Blackout of Mandate on Catholics Continues, But Sunda
February 6th, 2012 9:53 AM
The broadcast network evening and morning newscast blackout, of the Obama administration plan to force health insurance offered by Catholic charities and hospitals to cover sterilization, abortion-inducing drugs and contraception without a co-pay, continued over the weekend, yet the ABC and NBC Sunday morning talk shows took up the topic.
Meanwhile, the media double standard in ignoring the…

NBC's Gregory Aptly Sears Politico In Roast: Paper 'Petulant' and 'Tri
January 24th, 2012 12:45 PM
Politico turned five years old yesterday and self-importantly celebrated its survival of infancy with a roast video featuring journalists and pundits celebrating the paper with biting comments.
Perhaps the best, and most spot-on quip came from NBC Meet the Press host David Gregory about 30 seconds into the spot (video embedded below):