Sheldon Whitehouse

PBS Pushes Democrat-Led SCOTUS ‘Ethics’ Reform: ‘What's the Holdup?'
The PBS NewsHour once again pushed the liberal crusade against conservative Supreme Court justices even as the issues has fallen off the map at other outlets. PBS is part of the matrix of liberal pressure groups, including ProPublica, aiming to hem in the conservative Supreme Court, as its decisions have turned against the left’s decades of gains, made on the cheap under an activist…

Mike Lee Blasts Soros-Funded ProPublica for Attacks on Thomas
Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) went scorched earth on the massive George Soros-affiliated machine that went after Justice Clarence Thomas.

Morning Joe Targets Supreme Court, Denies Its Authority
On Thursday, MSNBC host Joe Scarborough brought on Senators Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) to join the Morning Joe panel in a segment calling for sketchy provisions to be placed on the Supreme Court.
Scarborough attacked the Supreme Court, particularly the conservative justices, implying that they were engaged in wrongful behavior.

CNBC’s Kernen Takes Lefty Senator to School Over Debt Ceiling Blame
CNBC anchor Joe Kernen was fed up with Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse’s (D-RI) attempts to shift blame for the ongoing debt ceiling debacle in Congress.

The Real Reason for Record Gas Prices
The price of gas keeps rising. “The reason for that is because of Putin's war,” said President Joe Biden. But that's impossible. Most of the price rise came before Putin attacked Ukraine. So some politicians simply blame “corporate greed.” Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse accuses the oil industry of collecting “excess profit.” Sen. Elizabeth Warren even introduced a bill to ban “price…

Twitter Lefties Lose It Over SCOTUS Donor Disclosure Decision
The U.S. Supreme Court handed a stunning defeat to the enemies of the First Amendment by invalidating a California law forcing nonprofits to disclose their largest donors — and liberals are losing it.

Nets Blackout Whitehouse's Membership in 'All-White' Elite Beach Club
On Monday, the country was again reminded of the hypocrisy of Democratic Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse who was discovered to be a long-time member of an “all-white” private elitist beach club, Bailey’s Beach Club. And as usual, the liberal broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, NBC) deemed a race scandal involving a Democrat too unimportant to give it airtime on their evening newscasts.

NewsBusters Podcast: Young Cons and Our War Against the Left
We have reached the penultimate episode of the “Dad isn’t home” mini-series of the NewsBusters podcast with Curtis Houck and Nick Fondacaro. For Wednesday’s show, we recapped the last few episodes in exposing how more and more corners of the liberal media have shown a blatant disregard for sobriety and showing that they actually care about people who disagree with them. We also interviewed…

Reid, Lefty Senator LOSE IT Over Conservative Groups Fighting HR1
When conservative organizations advocate for conservative principles, the reaction from liberals and their media allies isn’t simply fight back, but crush them. That was the message Tuesday night on MSNBC as ReidOut host Joy Reid and Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) called for the passage of the dangerous For the People Act so they can use the government like “an air force” and “stop…

Bloomberg News Admits $145M in ‘Dark Money’ Helped Biden Get to WH
Bloomberg News blew away the left’s hypocritical outrage about conservative “dark money” by tying President Joe Biden to precisely that kind of campaign funding — after the election, of course.

Sen. Whitehouse Urges Targeting of Turning Point USA Tax-Exempt Status
It looks as if the government is returning to its old habits of trying to exploit the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to attack conservative nonprofits. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) is urging IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig “to review the tax-exempt status of Turning Point USA [TPUSA],” according to CNBC.

Axios Reporter Ignores Sen. Whitehouse Hypocrisy on Special Interests
Axios must like propping up Democratic senators as crusaders against fossil fuel special interests while ignoring their own deep ties to special interests, including dark money.

Liberal Shill Chuck Todd Cheers Dem Senator’s Kooky ACB Conspiracy
Rhode Island Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse was congratulated by MSNBC's Chuck Todd during a break in Wednesday's Amy Coney Barrett confirmation hearings for exposing purportedly sinister links between the Federalist Society and the Republican Party and for provoking Sen. Ted Cruz with his conspiracy theories.

CNN CENSORS Hunter Biden Bombshell, Obsesses on Weak Trump Attack
At this point, it is common for CNN and other leftist media outlets to censor anything that could be damaging to the Democratic nominee Joe Biden. This was showcased during Tuesday’s New Day broadcast where co-host John Berman completely ignored the explosive allegations against Joe Biden in favor of two claims against President Trump. Not once were the allegations against Biden brought up.…