Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Calls Senator Inhofe a 'Prostitute' and a 'Call

March 6th, 2012 6:34 PM
In the midst of all the media outrage over Rush Limbaugh calling Georgetown University law student and women's rights activist Sandra Fluke a slut, one would think political figures would shy away from using such words against their opponents, at least in public. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. clearly doesn't think so for moments ago he sent a note via Twitter calling Sen. James Inhofe (R-Ok.) a "…

WaPo's Quinn Slams Rush Limbaugh Audience: 'Have You No Shame

March 6th, 2012 5:50 PM
In a March 5 post in which she deemed Rush Limbaugh's Saturday apology to Sandra Fluke as insufficient to be rewarded by her holiness, Washington Post "On Faith" feature editor Sally Quinn pounded her electronic pulpit yesterday, condemning Rush's audience for being complicit in Limbaugh's sin of daring to bombastically criticize the Left (emphases mine):

Liberal Pundit Powers Explains to Hannity Why Liberals Deploy Double S

March 6th, 2012 3:33 PM
The reason there's a double standard in the media when it comes to conservative versus liberal media personalities making offensive statements about women in politics, Kirsten Powers posited on last night's edition of "Hannity," is because attacking conservatives is a "proxy war" that aids liberal Democrats. The liberal writer appeared on the March 5 Fox News program to discuss her March 4…

WaPo Columnist Uses Military Women to Shill for Contraception Mandate

March 6th, 2012 2:08 PM
Liberal media outlets have proven pathologically incapable of telling the truth about the Obama administration’s birth control mandate, portraying the issue as a war on women. Now, the Washington Post is even using a woman’s military conference to defend the Obama administration’s blatant violation of religious liberty, and to attack its critics. Washington Post columnist Petula Dvorak…

Omission Watch: Feminist Fluke Insists Insurers Must Fund Transgender

March 6th, 2012 11:21 AM
The Drudge Report has linked to MRC TV's Stephen Gutowski, who dug up that the Radical Feminist Heroine of the Week Sandra Fluke thinks insurance policies shouldn't just pay for contraceptives, but for "transgender" amputations and implants. If the national media thinks this scandal-ette deserves to go for weeks on end, where is this story? Steve reports Fluke makes her view of an amputation…

Laura Ingraham Busts The View: When Ed Schultz Called Me a Slut Barbar

March 6th, 2012 10:45 AM
As NewsBusters reported Monday, the ladies of ABC's The View were tremendously sympathetic to Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke's tale of woe and misery having been called a "slut" by conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh. Yet as Laura Ingraham pointed out on Tuesday's Fox & Friends, her being called a "slut" by MSNBC's Ed Schultz last year was a source of great…

Conservative Female G'town Student to Fluke: 'Have Some Self Respect

March 6th, 2012 10:35 AM
Don't expect MSNBC or other liberal media outlets to showcase Georgetown University senior Angela Morabito anytime soon. The conservative student may attend the same school as feminist activist and law student Sandra Fluke, but, as Morabito makes clear in a March 2 post at The College Conservative, they're worlds apart in their worldview. It's "[f]unny how the same side that cries 'Get your…

Jon Stewart Mocks Megyn Kelly: Contraceptive Coverage Same as Paid Mat

March 6th, 2012 9:11 AM
Of all the pathetic media defenses of Georgetown University law student and women’s rights activist Sandra Fluke, Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart on Monday might have mounted the silliest one. During a lengthy segment about “Extremely Loud & Incredibly Gross” Rush Limbaugh, the Daily Show host also went after Fox News’s Megyn Kelly by hysterically claiming institutions paying for…

MSNBC's Schultz and Guests Pine for Getting Limbaugh 'Off the Air

March 6th, 2012 9:00 AM
On Monday's The Ed Show on MSNBC, host Ed Schultz and guests Terry O'Neil of the National Organization for Women and former Democratic congressional candidate Kristal Ball were unaccepting of Rush Limbaugh's apology for disparaging Georgetown Law School student Sandra Fluke, with Schultz suggesting that now is the best time to push Limbaugh off the air. O'Neill claimed that there were "…

Karl Rove: 'God Bless Gingrich for Taking Gregory Out Behind the Barn

March 6th, 2012 12:06 AM
As NewsBusters reported Sunday, Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich scolded Meet the Press host David Gregory for beginning their interview with a question about the Rush Limbaugh-Sandra Fluke controversy. On Fox News's On the Record Monday, Karl Rove said of this exchange, "God bless Speaker Gingrich for taking David Gregory out behind the barn and giving him a whooping" (video…

ABC Scolds GOP Candidates as ‘Cowards’ for Inadequately Rebuking L

March 5th, 2012 8:52 PM
ABC on Monday night rebuked the Republican presidential field for not adequately condemning Rush Limbaugh for his “slut” characterization of Sandra Fluke, for which he apologized on his Monday radio show. “The Republican presidential candidates still tried to dodge having to make tough comments about the power broker,” anchor Diane Sawyer announced in framing the World News story. Reporter…

Brent Bozell: The Get-Rush Campaign Isn't About What He Said

March 5th, 2012 7:52 PM
Rush Limbaugh was broadsided last week for attacking a star witness for the Democrats who demanded government force insurers to subsidize contraceptives. He called 30-year-old Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke a “slut” and a “prostitute.” Let’s all agree Limbaugh crossed a line. He agrees. He posted an apology to Fluke “for the insulting word choices.” The scandal-ette should be over. So…

CBS's Rose: Have GOP Leaders 'Gone Far Enough in Condemning' Rush

March 5th, 2012 4:10 PM
On Monday's CBS This Morning, Charlie Rose hinted that Republicans needed to go further in decrying Rush Limbaugh's slam of radical feminist and law student Sandra Fluke. Rose asked Senator John McCain, "Are you satisfied that those Republican officials have gone far enough in condemning these statements?" McCain replied, "Oh, I'll leave that up to pundits like you, Charlie" [audio available…

Rachel Maddow at Most Delusional, Claims 'Government Doesn't Have a Ro

March 5th, 2012 3:45 PM
Republicans avoid her show, a self-inflated Rachel Maddow tells Entertainment Weekly, because she strives to be "unimpeachable in the facts." Followed quickly by an impeachable offense from Maddow. (video after page break)