Rob Reiner

Reiner: It's the 'END of Democracy' If Garland Doesn't Indict Trump!
Appearing on Jonathan Capehart's MSNBC show on Sunday, Rob "Meathead" Reiner said that our country's democracy is "hanging by a thread," at that if Biden AG Merrick Garland doesn't indict Donald Trump, it's "the end of democracy."

Damning DeSantis and Polishing Up Biden
After President Joe Biden delivered his first address to Congress, liberal journalists polished-up his performance, praising him as a “non-threatening” “progressive.” They also pitied him as they whined COVID had robbed him of the usual “majesty and pomp” granted to past presidential addresses. The opposition to Biden was reviled. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was called a “modern-day George…

DELUSION OF THE HIGHEST ORDER: Hollywood ‘Proud’ of Biden's Speech
President Joe Biden’s first speech to a joint session of Congress on April 28 was completely devoid of substance, and filled with cheap platitudes intended to get slow-witted Americans to consent to even bigger government. Of course, Hollywood loved the hell out of it.

Celebs Blame Grisly Spa Murders on Trump’s Anti-CCP Rhetoric
How convenient. President Trump has been out of office for almost two months now and his most zealous haters in Hollywood are still blaming him for problems happening today.
ROUNDUP: Hollywood Fills Buckets of Tears After Trump Acquitted
Hollywood elites are paid dramatizers. It’s no wonder they spewed hatred when Trump was acquitted.

‘Suckers’: Hollywood Celebs View Trump Supporters As Gullible Fools
What’s angry, malevolent, unforgiving, verbally abusive, foul-mouthed, and fond of ranting on Twitter? If you answered a woke, leftist, Hollywood actor or director, you’re correct.

‘How Fake Is It Now?’ 10 Hollywood Ghouls Mock Trump Having COVID
If aliens were to come to earth this week and witness firsthand the gloating going around Twitter over the president and his wife contracting coronavirus, they’d probably leave and never come back. In fact, they might want to drop a few planet-killing payloads and put us all out of our misery.

Celebs Conflicted: ‘Worst Debate Ever’ … Er, Biden Just ‘Won Election'
The first presidential debate was a mega win for the greatest, most empathic candidate on the stage, Joe Biden. Right? Well according to some in Hollywood – who’s sanity rests on Trump being voted out – yes, “Sleepy Joe” won. They wouldn’t tout any other outcome, anyway. But for others in the entertainment industry – others who seem to be more honest – the whole evening was “useless.”

‘THIS IS WAR’: Hollywood Vows Extreme Tactics in SCOTUS Fight
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away on Friday September 18 and Hollywood is freaking out at the thought that President Trump may get a third SCOTUS nomination during his first term in office.

‘Impeach Him Again’: Celebs Want Trump’s Head Over Woodward Interview
If you looked at Hollywood Twitter this morning, you might think that the media has finally found the key to getting Trump out of office. Though, who are we kidding? That’s the new narrative everyday. On Wednesday, audio tape held by legendary Watergate journalist turned anti-Trump tabloid writer Bob Woodward made the rounds on Twitter.
Top 15: Celebs SCREAM About Trump Trying to ‘Kill’ You and Your Kids
This summer ended with Hollywood celebrities screaming and tweeting about the “chaos” in the streets that somehow was Donald Trump’s fault. The past few months also saw the likes of Stephen Colbert straining to praise the boring DNC and the “compassionate” but gaffe-prone Joe Biden, while film director Rob Reiner and actress Patricia Arquette raged that the President was “actively trying” to “…

Celebrities FLIP OUT Over Trump RNC 'Klan Rally' Speech
Thursday night was the final night of the Republican National Convention, concluding with President Donald Trump’s acceptance speech. And while they didn’t get as unhinged as they did on Tuesday night for Melania Trump’s speech, the Donald still managed to set off Hollywood’s most outspoken liberal actors on Twitter.
Pro-‘Defund Police’ Hollywood Loves ‘Top Cop’ Harris for VP
Hollywood exemplifies desperation and utter ideological servitude when they worship the ground that failed 2020 presidential candidate-turned 2020 Democratic Vice Presidential nominee Kamala Harris walks. Yeah, so what if her record as San Fran DA contradicts BLM demands? She’s the woman of color VP nom we were all promised.

Reiner: Potential Trump Gettysburg Speech is Confederate ‘Dogwhistle'
Rob Reiner really needs to calm down. The veteran actor and director of When Harry Met Sally is seeing red at yet another Trump decision, saying that the President’s desire to hold his re-election acceptance speech at Gettysburg battlefield is a “dogwhistle" for "white supremacy."