Neal Katyal

Amazon Flooded with Trump Impeachment-Related Products
One Big Tech company has embraced the opportunity to cash in on the impeachment proceedings. From breath freshening “Impeachmints” and “National Embarassmints” to anti-Trump scented candles and shirts, Amazon appears to be making money from hatred of the current president.

ABC, NBC Still Celebrating ‘Serious Blow’ to Trump WH ‘Stonewalling’
On Tuesday, ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Today continued the liberal media’s attempt to force-feed the American people every twist and turn of the left’s attempt to remove President Donald Trump from office. Following up on their Monday night celebrations that a federal judge ordered former White House counsel Don McGahn to testify before Congress, the ABC and NBC newscasts boasted…

Nets Cheer Sondland ‘Directly Implicating’ Trump, Then Admit He Didn’t
During an 11:00 a.m. ET hour break in Wednesday’s impeachment hearing, all three broadcast networks eagerly proclaimed the U.S. Ambassador to the European Union, Gordon Sondland, was “directly implicating” President Trump in a “quid pro quo” with Ukraine. However, just minutes later, those same networks admitted that Sondland never heard any such thing directly from the President.

NBC Uses Ex-Obama Official to Boast Trump Could Be Charged Later
Just as they did during their Special Reports on Thursday after the Mueller report’s release, NBC’s Today turned Friday morning to former Obama official Neal Katyal for legal analysis and touting the possibility President Trump could be criminally charged once he leaves office and that current Attorney General Bill Barr wasn’t acting like the AG for the country but instead just for Trump.

In Wake Of Mueller, Scarborough Proposes Changing Constitution
In the A Block of MSNBC's Morning Joe on Thursday, co-host Joe Scarborough suggested that we need to reconsider how the attorney general is appointed. In the B Block, he got specific and also offered some other norm-busting proposals, all in the name of saving norms.

Chuck Todd: Will Dems ‘Regret If They Don’t’ Impeach?
The panel on Sunday’s edition of Meet the Press seemed to agree with an article in The Atlantic when it came to the Mueller probe, agreeing with its premise that the Mueller probe may “end with unfinished business.” The panel, along with host Chuck Todd, seemed to feel that enough evidence has been gathered without the release of the Mueller report to warrant President Trump’s impeachment.

Hannity: Buzzfeed Article One of Many Examples of Inaccurate Reporting
During Friday's edition of Hannity, host Sean Hannity played clips of media figures falling hook, line, and sinker for a Buzzfeed report alleging that President Trump asked his attorney Michael Cohen to lie under oath; which later turned out to be faulty. Hannity also highlighted the story as one of many examples of reporting on the Trump-Russia probe that later had to be backpedaled, at least…

NBC, CBS: Forget Immigration, Health Care a Winning Issue for Dems
In an effort to push the issue that Democrats want to talk about in the final days of the midterm campaign, on Wednesday, both NBC’s Today show and CBS This Morning rejected efforts by President Trump to focus on illegal immigration and instead touted health care as the key to Democratic victory on Election Day.

MSNBC Features 10 Guests in 90 Minutes to Denounce Travel Ban Ruling
Within the first 90 minutes after the Supreme Court upheld President Trump’s travel ban on six countries, MSNBC brought on a total of 10 guests who condemned the high court’s decision and warned that it marked a dark day for America. One liberal pundit and politician after another were teed up to freak out over the ruling.

Morning Joe Blames Money, Revenge, and Tweets for McCabe Firing
Former FBI Director Andrew McCabe lasted into the second week of the news cycle after he being fired by Attorney General Sessions over the weekend. His dismissal was accompanied by a shift in tone by the press, and by Monday, the usual suspects on MSNBC’s Morning Joe had memory-holed McCabe’s alleged transgressions for which the FBI Office of Professional Responsibility had recommended his…

Hypocrisy: Matthews Rebuffs Trump-Simpson Comparison, Used It Himself
On Thursday’s Hardball, host Chris Matthews took issue with guest and former Obama Justice Department official Neal Katyal when he compared President Trump’s behavior during the Russia probe to O.J. Simpson trying to discredit the LAPD during his murder trial. While Matthews quibbling with a point raised by a guest is nothing new, it’s noteworthy because the pundit seemed to have suffered some…

NPR Finds Expert to Hint Cruz Eligibility Not an 'Open-and-Shut Case'
The birther issue is back. No, not the Obama birther crazies; the Ted Cruz birther crazies. In an interview with National Public Radio (NPR) on Monday's All Things Considered, Sarah Duggin of the Catholic University of America’s Columbus School of Law claimed that Ted Cruz’s eligibility for the Presidency is not “an open-and-shut case” because “we don’t know precisely what the framers of the…
Who's Not Helping Obama? David Plouffe Derides Reporters In WashPost a
As the Obama staff labors to deny they’re waging what’s being called “Obama’s war on journalism,” it might not help to have journalists mocked as fussy “figure skating judges.” In today’s Washington Post that’s what we read from David Plouffe as he defended the White House from the “minutiae” that the White House counsel urgently wanted to keep Obama clueless about a Treasury Department…

Elena Kagan's Old DOJ E-mails On Obamacare Kept 'Private
U.S. District Judge Ellen Segal Huvelle, a Clinton appointee, has ruled that the Justice Department does not need to release emails Solicitor General Elena Kagan sent from her DOJ email account to people in the White House—in which she discussed her recusal decisions as solicitor general—because the emails were “used for a purely personal objective.” and Judicial Watch were seeking…