Kyrsten Sinema

Sinema Departs the Democratic Party for Greener Pastures
Leaving aside any possible undeclared motives for leaving the Democratic Party and becoming an Independent, Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema has said some things that have needed to be said for a long time. In an op-ed for The Arizona Republic, Sinema wrote, “Americans are told that we have only two choices – Democrat or Republican – and that we must subscribe wholesale to policy views…

'Hurt the Senate!' Behar, Hostin RAGE Sinema Going Independent
Members of the cackling coven weren’t in a good mood on Friday after Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema announced that she was dropping her Democratic Party affiliation and becoming an independent. At the top of ABC’s The View, Joy Behar and Sunny Hostin raged at how she was hurting Democrats. With mocking voices and general nastiness, the duo suggested the Senator had low self-esteem and…

Backbiting Women: The View Bashes Sinema for McConnell Partnership
Proving yet again that they are more concerned with pushing a radical leftist agenda over empowering all women on Tuesday, the backbiting cast of ABC’s The View had their knives out for Democratic Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema for daring to say nice things about having a good rapport with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY). Joy Behar was the most vocal in her hatred;…

MSNBC Whines Sinema & McConnell Said Nice Things to Each Other
On MSNBC’s The 11th Hour, host Stephanie Ruhle and her two guests complained on Monday that Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell and Democrat Senator Kyrsten Sinema dared to share a stage together at a public event and say nice things about each other. Since McConnell is hated by the fire breathing leftists on MSNBC for successfully confirming all three of former President Donald…

State-Run TV: Nets Tout ‘Big Win,’ ‘Milestone’ for Lefty Boondoggle
Friday’s broadcast network morning shows were in a jovial mood as they celebrated a “big win” and “milestone” for America as President Biden and congressional Democrats are set to vote on their “historic” and “massive economic plan” they claim will lower inflation, help save the planet, make prescriptions cheaper, and increase taxes.

Too Bad, So Sad: CBS Frets Sinema ‘Could Torpedo’ ‘The Biden Agenda’
Thursday’s CBS Mornings followed yet another segment extolling Kansas voters for defeating a pro-life referendum by similarly cheerleading leftist spending in Congress through the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act” and fretting that Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) “could torpedo the whole plan.”

Far-Left Site Obtains Sinema’s Social Security Number, Press Yawns
The bullying of moderate Democrat Kyrsten Sinema ratcheted up to a new level on Monday as a far-left media site obtained the Senator’s Social Security Number. This warranted no objection from the network morning and evening newscasts. And it comes after similar collective yawns by ABC, CBS and NBC after Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called for “brass tacks” to be used against Sinema, later…

Nets Ignore Vile Ex-Obama Aide Sliming Sinema: ‘C**t,’ ‘Bitch,’ ‘A**'
If you’re providing a roadblock to the Democratic agenda, there’s no words too evil for the left. And you’ll get no defense from the liberal media That was proven once again this month as a former top aide to Barack Obama lashed out at Kyrsten Sinema, calling her a “cunt,” “bitch,” “asshole” “trash.” That venom was spewed by Alyssa Mastromonaco on the January 13 Pod Save America podcast.

The Most UNHINGED Media Attacks Against Moderates Manchin and Sinema
Joe Biden suffered another major defeat last week, this time at the hands of moderate Democratic Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema. For months, the two have suffered abuse and harassment at the hands of left-wing activists. During this time, rather than turn down the rhetoric, journalists downplayed, ignored or participated in the vitriol against Sinema and Manchin.

Harry Who? Todd Accuses McConnell of Filibuster Hypocrisy
MTP Daily host Chuck Todd memory-holed late former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on Wednesday as he accused Senator Mitch McConnell of hypocritically getting rid of the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees while decrying Democratic attempts to eliminate the legislative filibuster.

CNN: Is Biden ‘Taking Notes’ on Fighting Manchin ‘in the Streets'
As the far-left, alarming rhetoric against Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema heats up, CNN on Wednesday was only too happy go along with the attacks against the moderate Democratic Senators. Former Bernie Sanders for President co-chair Nina Turner appeared on CNN Newsroom and snarled at the “extremist” senators, hoping that Joe Biden “takes it to the streets” in opposition to Manchin and…

CNN Bemoans Manchin & Sinema Aren't Making Biden 'Look Good'
While previewing President Biden's speech marking the one-year anniversary of his presidency, CNN Newsroom guest and Inside Politics anchor Abby Philip revealed what she really believes is the purpose of the legislative body of the federal government is, and that is to make the "President look good."

OUT OF CONTROL: CBS Commiserates With, Puffs Up Warren on Voting
CBS News and Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) spent Monday night and Tuesday morning in open partnership and joined at the hip, strategizing over the course of 23 minutes a path forward on their so-called voting rights agenda, axing the filibuster, primarying Democrats who diagree with them, spewing lies about conservatives, and even permanently eliminating the “anti-Democratic” Senate.

MSNBC Kook: Manchin, Sinema ‘Are...White People’ MLK ‘Warned...About’
MSNBC contributor and Nation correspondent Elie Mystal has a reputation of spewing cockamamie claptrap, so it made sense on Sunday’s American Voices when he told host Alicia Menendez that Senators Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) “are the white people that Martin Luther King Jr. warned us about” as they’ve refused to kill the Senate filibuster to pass their party’…