Kurt Bardella

Radical Reid: Conservative Christians Are America’s Taliban
If there’s any question as to what left-wing journalists think about the right, all you have to do turn the channel to hatemonger and MSNBC host, Joy Reid. Reid’s passion seems to be spreading her bigotry against Republicans and Christians. That was obvious on her Friday night show, where she and her equally radical guests spent two hours bashing conservatives for passing laws to protect…

Joy’s Week of Hate: Fox Is al-Qaeda, GOPers Like Death, TX Loves Rape
MSNBC’s The ReidOut host Joy Reid had a pretty interesting time this week as her days and days of being Jalalabad Joy for the Biden administration on Afghanistan were rewarded with the end of the 20-year war and Texas’s new abortion law went into affect, so he had plenty of material to spew hatred and incite her viewers. Among the takes Reid offered, she compared Fox News…

Joy Reid Proclaims: 'We Will Never Have a Fair Election Again'
MSNBC’s ReidOut host Joy Reid will do just about anything to promote radical leftist policies. On Thursday night’s episode, Reid promoted the baseless claim that Republicans are actively working to steal elections and prevent all black people from voting. She further argued that Democrats were the only ones fighting to uphold democracy through policies including the “For the People…

NEW NewsBusters Podcast: When Joy and Brian Show Us Who They Are
Welcome back, NewsBusters Podcast listeners! Yes, Tim Graham is continuing his much-deserved vacation to a far more beautiful section of America than The Swamp, so news analyst Nicholas Fondacaro and I will be co-hosting the next two weeks. On today’s show, we went after that putrid Brian Stelter-Jen Psaki interview, the vile rhetoric of MSNBC’s Joy Reid, and the latest happenings with Chris “…

MSNBC Loon: GOP Has Done MORE Damage Than Al-Qaeda, Bin Laden
Sinking to a new, anti-American low on Wednesday night, MSNBC trotted out political contributor, former Lincoln Project aide, and Republican flack-turned-Democrat Kurt Bardella to state during The ReidOut to declare that the Republican Party has done more damage to our democracy than Islamic terrorists al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, and the Taliban combined.

LUNATIC on MSNBC Blames 'Racist' Ronald Reagan for Atlanta Shootings
On Saturday, LA Times contributor Kurt Bardella proclaimed on PoliticsNation that former President Ronald Reagan was “a racist” and is to blame for the purported uptick in discrimination toward Asian Americans. MSNBC’s race-baiting host Al Sharpton invited Bardella and Black Lives Matter activist Brittany Packnett Cunningham on to assist him in his routine demonization of…

Disgraced Brian Williams Promotes Disgraced Lincoln Project
On MSNBC Thursday night, disgraced former NBC News anchor Brian Williams returned to promoting the disgraced anti-Republican Lincoln Project as he played a new ad by the group as they shamelessly blamed Donald Trump for a reported increase in crimes against Asian Americans.

The Corruption of the Liberal Media: From the WashPost to Atlanta
So it wasn’t true. It was…a lie. As our own Tim Graham has noted, The Washington Post has fessed up that a story it ran on a conversation between then-President Trump and a Georgia election official was…ah….incorrect. Actually The Post story was more than incorrect. It was flat out false, replete with a made-up out of whole cloth, entirely fictitious “quote” from Trump. Here’…

REPULSIVE Morning Joe's New Low: Blame GOP for Atlanta Shooting
After ABC's Brian Ross tried to tie the Aurora mass shooter to the Tea Party in 2012, you would have thought the media learned their lesson about tying politics to mass shootings without any evidence. Unfortunately, the cast of Wednesday's Morning Joe on MSNBC failed to learn this lesson as they blamed the Republican Party for the murder of eight people, including six Asian-American…

MSNBC Lets Ex-Lincoln Project Adviser Accuse OTHERS of 'Grift'
Joseph Wulfsohn at Fox News on Saturday pointed out that Lincoln Project retreads are still appearing on Nicolle Wallace's MSNBC show Deadline: White House to denounce other political figures as "grifters," which he called "throwing stones from glass houses." The guest was Kurt Bardella, whom substitute host Jason Johnson identified only as a "former spokesman for the House Oversight…

Lincoln Project Still Being Warmly Welcomed to Hit Trump on CNN, MSNBC
The Lincoln Project may be collapsing from within, but CNN and MSNBC have kept promoting their spokesmen without asking them troublesome questions about their John Weaver sex-harassment scandal. The Daily Caller counted 17 MSNBC interviews in January without a single Weaver-scandal question. After one lame question to George Conway from Mika Brzezinski, Lincoln Project personnel have been…

Reid, Guest: Republicans Are a ‘Radicalized,’ Racist ‘Terrorist Cell’
It was a tsunami of hate and dangerous rhetoric Thursday night on MSNBC’s The ReidOut as host Joy Reid and former Republican-turned-liberal and Lincoln Project adviser Kurt Bardella insisted that Republicans are a “radicalized, anti-democratic institution” that’s become “a domestic terrorist cell” that “champions” racism and “violence.”

How Crazed Was MSNBC Late Night While You Slept? THIS Crazy
The unhinged partisan hacks at MSNBC used the early hours of Wednesday morning to combine glee with rage, trashing the GOP “devils” and hailing “Queen” Stacey Abrams for her work in Tuesday’s Georgia special elections. Also, according to former Newsweek editor Jonathan Alter, democracy can only be “restored” when all Republicans are banished.

MSNBC's Joy Reid Organizes Smear Segment: Reaganism Equals Racism
On Tuesday's The ReidOut, MSNBC host Joy Reid was joined by contributors Anand Giridharadas and Kurt Bardella as the three trashed Republicans for trying to restrain government spending as the three all went along with the premise that Republicans do so in part out of a lack of concern for minorities.