Kevin Spacey

'Say What?' WashPost Can't Believe Paul Ryan Doesn't Love 'House of Ca
August 16th, 2014 2:22 PM
The absolute coziness of the Hollywood Left and the Clintons is demonstrated by a new video made for the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation. Kevin Spacey appears as his “House of Cards” character Frank Underwood and calls up Hillary and does a Bill Clinton impersonation. It’s hard to see it as anything but cheesy, smoochy material – unless you’re a big Clinton fan.
The media and…

NewsBusted: At This Point, What Difference Do Qualifications Make
April 18th, 2014 10:30 AM
"Last week, the Morning Joe panel failed to name even one reason why Hillary Clinton was qualified to be president. President Obama immediately responded, 'Like you need one?'"
It's time once again for NewsBusted. Click the play button in the embed below the page break to watch NewsBusted's Jodi Miller skewer Hillary Clinton, ObamaCare, and CBS News. To get be sure NewsBusted in your inbox by…

Kevin Spacey Defies Hollywood's Hugo Fans, Embraces Opposition in Vene
April 5th, 2014 10:46 AM
Sean Penn usually throws punches at paparazzi, but Kevin Spacey may want to watch for him on the Red Carpet, even though they've starred together in "Hurlyburly."
On his blog, Kevin Spacey expressed fervent support for the opposition protesters to Venezuelan president Maduro, the successor of Penn's favorite dictator, Hugo Chavez. Spacey met for three hours with Chavez in Caracas 2007.

George Stephanopoulos to Kevin Spacey: 'What Would Frank Underwood's A
February 18th, 2014 11:51 AM
George Stephanopoulos, a former operative to Bill Clinton turned journalist, had one question he wanted to ask actor Kevin Spacey about his diabolical character from the political TV series House of Cards: "What would Frank Underwood's advice be to Hillary Clinton on whether to run for president?" [See video below. MP3 audio here.]
Spacey, appearing on Tuesday's Good Morning America to…

Kevin Spacey: 'House of Cards' Filmed in Baltimore Due to 'Fantastic T
August 23rd, 2013 12:41 PM
NewsBusters has regularly reported actor Kevin Spacey's liberal views.
Yet at the annual Edinburgh International Television Festival Friday, Spacey said his hit TV series House of Cards was filmed in Baltimore, Maryland, because of the "fantastic tax breaks."

Appearing on Publicly Funded PBS, Kevin Spacey Brags He Ran Theatre wi
August 20th, 2013 2:16 PM
Actor Kevin Spacey came on PBS's Charlie Rose show to promote his Netflix series House of Cards and talk about his success at running Britain's Old Vic Theatre. In the process Spacey, inadvertently, taught Rose and his liberal viewers a valuable economics lesson.
On Tuesday's show, aired on the publicly funded PBS, the Academy Award winning actor told Rose that his time as artistic director…

Kevin Spacey Joked Romney Was Murderous, But Now Obama Is a Historic G
July 30th, 2013 7:12 AM
A year ago, co-host Matt Lauer quoted actor Kevin Spacey's description of his new role in the political drama “House of Cards,” playing "a wily, murderous politician worming his way to the White House." Spacey mocked Mitt Romney in response: "Kind of like this year, isn't it?"
Now, the liberal thespian insists to that Barack Obama will go down in history for passing Earth-…

Kevin Spacey: 'I Wouldn't Mind Piers Morgan Being Deported
February 2nd, 2013 11:41 AM
UPDATE AT END OF POST: Morgan tweets this to his followers.
Oscar-winning actor Kevin Spacey took a humorous swipe at CNN’s Piers Morgan on CBS’s Late Show Friday.
While impersonating the late Johnny Carson at the request of host David Letterman, Spacey said of Morgan, “I wouldn't mind him being deported” (video follows with transcript and commentary):

NBC Gives Platform to Kevin Spacey Smearing Romney as 'Murderous Polit
August 1st, 2012 4:47 PM
In an interview with actor Kevin Spacey on Wednesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer quoted the liberal star's description of his new role in a political drama, playing "a wily murderous politician worming his way to the White House." Spacey quipped in response: "Kind of like this year, isn't it?" Immediately picking up on the reference to Mitt Romney, Lauer chuckled and replied: "No, no, no.…

MSNBC Promo for Chris Matthews Special Gives Bill Clinton the Superher
February 2nd, 2011 4:34 PM
With a script and a dramatic voice over befitting a trailer for the latest superhero movie out of Hollywood, one of the first promos for Chris Matthews' documentary on Bill Clinton has begun airing on MSNBC. The ad begins with an announcer teasing viewers, "His presidency was over, his mission just beginning" and then goes on to tell the story of a post-presidential Clinton achieving universal…
Dern 'Devastated' by Florida 'Because There Were Uncounted Votes
May 25th, 2008 3:48 PM
Asked by Howard Kurtz on Sunday's Reliable Sources how she felt, “as a citizen,” when “the Supreme Court stepped in and essentially made George W. Bush President?”, actress Laura Dern, who plays Katherine Harris in HBO's Recount film to premiere tonight at 9 PM EDT/PDT, replied that “as a citizen, I felt devastated because there were uncounted votes” and “I left the experience with a real…
Zbig's Moral Relativism, Spacey's Primary Confusion
May 22nd, 2008 10:44 AM
Zbigniew Brzezinski says that since we talked to Likud, we should talk to Hamas. And Kevin Spacey, who has trouble keeping his disputed primary states straight, suggests that his "Recount" plays it straight, despite evidence to the contrary. All that and more on today's Morning Joe. In reverse order, let's begin with Zbig's appearance, and consider this statement.ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: I have…
Spacey Confirms HBO's 'Recount' Is from 'Democratic Point of View
May 22nd, 2008 3:31 AM
Actor Kevin Spacey, who stars as Al Gore adviser Ron Klain in HBO's Sunday night Recount film about the 2000 post-election battle in Florida, conceded on Wednesday's Countdown on MSNBC that “the movie is done from the Democratic point of view.” That matches the observation of Entertainment Weekly magazine reviewer Gillian Flynn: “Recount is an underdog story, and thus a Democrat story.” On Monday…