Schwarzenegger Wants To Strap Anti-EPA ‘Mouths’ To ‘Exhaust Pipe'

November 10th, 2016 1:53 PM
Former California governor, actor and anti-carbon crusader Arnold Schwarzenegger issued some harsh words for anyone who doesn’t want the Environmental Protection Agency regulating carbon dioxide. In a recently posted video, the Terminator star said, “Some politicians even want to shut down the EPA’s ability to regulate carbon! I would like to strap their mouth to an exhaust pipe of a truck, turn…

Schwarzenegger, Cameron Join Environmentalist Attack on Meat

June 29th, 2016 1:50 PM
The environmental group WildAid claims livestock is a main cause of greenhouse gas emissions so it is targeting China, calling on people to reduce their carbon footprints by rejecting meat. They’ve recruited some star power to push their liberal agenda. But those stars are wealthy, elite eco-hypocrites.  

Blogger Backs Trump ‘Revolt’ of GOP ‘Proletariat’ Against Big Donors

February 7th, 2016 10:51 AM
In a Friday piece, New York magazine’s Jonathan Chait delved into why he’d welcome seeing Donald Trump atop this year’s Republican ticket. For one thing, there's the possibility of permanently driving a wedge between the party’s masses and its financial elite. “The GOP is a machine that harnesses ethno-nationalistic fear…to win elections and then, once in office, caters to its wealthy donor base…

From Schwarzenegger to Sarah Silverman, Hollywood Notables Sign Letter

August 25th, 2014 1:17 PM
At the end of July, The Hollywood Reporter relayed that actors Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz, among others, signed an open letter denouncing Israel’s war against Hamas in the Gaza strip as “genocide.” Now that same publication is reporting that more than 190 Hollywood heavies have signed a letter in defense of Israel, from Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone to Sarah Silverman.

Years of Living Hypocritically: Five Alarmist Celebs and Their Double

April 22nd, 2014 10:06 AM
They may be good at making movies, but Hollywood celebrities’ lifestyles are far from an environmentalist’s dream. Their globetrotting, multiple mansion owning ways are inconsistent with the environmental agenda they loudly promote. Showtime’s new climate change series, “Years of Living Dangerously,” premiered April 13, 2014, slightly more than a week before Earth Day 2014. It relies on…

James Cameron Gets Matt Damon, Harrison Ford and Arnold Schwarzenegger

October 31st, 2013 7:15 PM
Showtime announced last year that it had commissioned Oscar-winning filmmaker James Cameron to produce an eight-part series for the network designed to scare the public into thinking the world is doomed as a result of global warming. Coincidentally on Halloween, the cable network released a trailer for the April 2014 series entitled Years of Living Dangerously and credits that identify key…

Arnold Schwarzenegger: 'Chris Christie Doesn't Have a Weight Problem

January 4th, 2013 9:28 AM
Arnold Schwarzenegger took a cheap shot at New Jersey Governor Chris Christie on NBC's Tonight Show Thursday. "Chris Christie does not have a weight problem. He has a water retention problem.”

WashPost Editor Singles Out Schwarzenegger As Moderate Model for GOP T

October 1st, 2012 7:17 AM
In Monday’s Washington Post, local editor Vernon Loeb reviewed Arnold Schwarzenegger’s new memoir Total Recall, and retells the amusing tale of Karl Rove telling Arnold he didn’t have a chance of being governor, and then suggested Condoleezza Rice would run in 2006. That didn’t turn out. But Loeb also predictably pushed the usual button that the GOP is too conservative and needs to be more…