Vanity Fair
Well Then: Police Say GOPer Isn't Being Investigated After Lefty Claim
On Friday afternoon,’s Audrey Conklin torpedoed a claim from Huffington Post reporter Matt Fuller that said Congressman Russ Fulcher (R-ID) was under investigation with Capitol Police for having “manhandled” an African-American female officer at a security checkpoint. Worse yet for Fuller and a few other news outlets, the Capitol Police itself released letter to accompany both…

Reporters Throw Down With WH's Psaki Over Sexist Deputy TJ Ducklo
After multiple delays totaling over an hour, Friday’s White House press briefing was a humdinger, coming just hours after Deputy Press Secretary TJ Ducklo was given a slap on the wrist from Jen Psaki in the form of a one-week suspension for reportedly hurling sexist attacks at Politico’s Tara Palmeri for looking into on his relationship with Axios’s Alexi McCammond. And when pressed by four…

Ivanka Trump’s Former ‘Friend’ Pens Gossip Column About Ivanka’s Flaws
After four years, all the media really has on Donald Trump and his family is fictional slander. Considering that the latest hit against the Trumps comes from a dejected former best friend of Ivanka Trump’s intended to make her look like a brat, rock bottom doesn’t begin to describe where the media’s at in their war with that baaaaad orange man.

Vanity Fair Loves the Idea of a 'News-Cycle Slowdown' Under Sleepy Joe
Vanity Fair media reporter Joe Pompeo speculated on Friday how the lives of reporters would improve if Donald Trump lost. “For political reporters burned out on Trumpian chaos, is a news-cycle slowdown coming? A Biden presidency would likely be quieter—no predawn Twitter rants, “enemy of the people” attacks, or endless scandal—and also less leaky.”

Vanity Fair Reveals Biden's Best Weapon in Wisconsin: Celebrities
Vanity Fair acknowledges that Joe Biden has barely set foot in Wisconsin, but it has reassured its showbiz obsessed readers that he has a secret weapon: celebrities. In one of the most laughably tone-deaf stories of the campaign season, the magazine informs its liberal readers that celebrities will be deployed "virtually" (since it is too much to expect them to actually mingle with…

Vanity Fair Skips Impeachment Vote While Portraying Dem as Moderate
Vanity Fair absurdly failed to ask Congressman Max Rose (D) about his vote to impeach President Trump while portraying him as a "moderate."

Vanity Fair: The Conservative Woman Is a 'Racist Gender Traitor’
In the July/August issue of Vanity Fair, contributor Sonia Saraiya wonders, “Is Hollywood Too Soft on Conservative Women?” It’s a ridiculous question to anyone remotely moderate or right-leaning who is familiar with pop culture, but it appears Saraiya thinks portraying conservative women as anything other than a “white nationalist racist gender traitor” is going too soft.

Faulty Psychics at Morning Joe Predict Trump Will Quit 2020 Race
On Morning Joe, Donny Deutsch somewhat jocularly suggests that President Trump might drop out of the race, create the Trump Revolutionary Network, get six million of his supporters to subscribe at $6.99/month, and make $600 million a year. Joe Scarborough says he's not laughing at all at the possibility.

Vanity Fair, WashPost Reporters Share Sexist Tweet Bashing Ingraham

Save the Media!

Trouble in Dem-Land: 'Obamaworld Is Mad' at Bloomberg's Obama Ads

John Legend Updates ‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside’ With Feminist Twist

Vanity Fair Touts Legend, Teigen as ‘First Family We Could Believe in'