O'Reilly Factor

Melber: 'War on Christmas' Concerns Are 'Ignorant' or Anti-Semitic
December 27th, 2017 2:09 PM
On Tuesday's The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC, substitute host Ari Melber suggested that conservatives who are concerned about there being a "war on Christmas" are either motivated by "ignorance" or by anti-Semitism as he fretted over President Donald Trump speaking on the subject.

Bill O’Reilly: Firing From Fox News ‘Political and Financial Hit Job'
September 20th, 2017 6:24 PM
Former Fox News Channel anchor Bill O’Reilly told NBC’s Today co-host Matt Lauer on Tuesday that he “absolutely did nothing wrong” regarding the five women whose accusations of sexual harassment led to the end of his popular weeknight program, The O’Reilly Factor. However, he asserted that his dismissal was the result of an attempted sponsor boycott by liberal organizations, which led Lauer to…

Telemundo celebra salida de 'antiinmigrante' Bill O'Reilly
April 23rd, 2017 10:40 PM
Una vez más, Telemundo confla la inmigración legal con la ilegal, y se presta para tachar de "antiinmigrante" a cualquiera que se atreva a defender el cumplimiento de las leyes migratorias de este país. Esta vez, la cadena lo hizo con Bill O'Reilly a su salida de la cadena Fox News.

WashPost Reveals the Left: 'Mission Was to Bring Down Bill O'Reilly'
April 22nd, 2017 10:26 PM
The front page of Saturday’s Washington Post told the tale about the war on Fox News. It wasn’t about accusers getting a payout. It was about damaging the network by taking down its top star. The Post headline was “’'Mission was to bring down Bill O’Reilly’.”

MRC's Graham: MSM in a ‘Festival of Hate’ Over Trump’s First 100 Days
April 22nd, 2017 12:33 PM
NewsBusters executive editor Tim Graham appeared on the final edition of Fox News’s The Factor, Friday, to slam journalists as being in a “festival of hate” during Donald Trump’s first few months. Talking to guest host Greg Gutfeld, he quipped of first 100 days: “It’s an artificial measuring stick and as usual we can expect the media to take that stick and beat Trump over the head with it.”

Bozell & Graham Column: Hypocrisy In The Anti-O'Reilly Army
April 22nd, 2017 11:01 AM
Fox News took Bill O’Reilly off the air after a heavy campaign to fire him led by CNN’s media unit and The New York Times. If all the charges of sexual harassment are true, his case is indefensible. That said, it’s time for his media critics to stand down. They are guilty of rank hypocrisy.
These same media outlets despised the idea that Donald Trump would drag Bill Clinton’s sexual harassment…

Telemundo Cheers Ouster of 'Anti-Immigrant' Bill O'Reilly
April 20th, 2017 5:33 PM
Once again Telemundo conflates legal immigration with illegal immigration, and levels the seemingly all-purpose 'anti-immigrant' smear at anyone who dares advocate for the enforcement of federal immigration laws. This time, the network did so by kicking Bill O'Reilly on his way out of Fox News.

Awkward: Watch Brian Williams Tiptoe Through Bill O’Reilly’s Departure
April 20th, 2017 4:05 PM
The awkwardness for viewers of MSNBC’s The 11th Hour on Wednesday had to have been through the roof as host Brian Williams tried to tiptoe his way through covering Bill O’Reilly’s axing from the Fox News Channel. This awkwardness, of course, has to do with Williams’s own scandal from 2015 that led to his own downfall from NBC Nightly News.

NBC Claims O’Reilly Story ‘Stirs Up Memories of Anita Hill’
April 20th, 2017 11:49 AM
During the Today show’s extensive coverage on Thursday of Bill O’Reilly leaving Fox News over sexual harassment allegations, the NBC morning program used the controversy to resurrect the unsubstantiated 1991 smear campaign against then-Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas. Astonishingly, the numerous sexual harassment claims against former President Bill Clinton were never mentioned.

Whoopi Wrongly Insists Fox Pushed Birtherism; Network Debunked It
March 29th, 2017 8:54 AM
On Monday's The View on ABC, as the group discussed Ted Koppel's recent interview with Sean Hannity in which he accused the conservative FNC host of being bad for the country, liberal co-hosts Whoopi Goldberg, Sunny Hostin, and Joy Behar all wrongly accused Fox News of promoting birtherism conspiracy theories against President Barack Obama. Ironically, a Nexis search reveals many examples of FNC…

MRC's Tim Graham Discusses Trump Study on 'The O'Reilly Factor'
March 4th, 2017 10:43 PM
NewsBusters Executive Editor Tim Graham appeared on the March 3 edition of The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News to discuss the new MRC study showing network evening news coverage has been 88 percent hostile to President Trump in his first month in office.

'Man With a Plan:' 'He Turned Our Little Girl into Bill O'Reilly!'
February 27th, 2017 11:47 PM
President Barack Obama ruined so many things in America and CBS’s Man With a Plan hysterically takes this to the extreme by blaming him for every bad thing that happens, from potholes to bankrupt businesses to running out of juice.

O'Reilly Rips Press Coverage of ICE Raids: 'A Low Point in Journalism'
February 14th, 2017 8:20 PM
In his opening monologue and first guest conversation Monday evening, Fox News's Bill O'Reilly sharply criticized the national and local press coverage of the past week's immigration raids. In his Talking Points Memo opener, O'Reilly observed the press's utter failure to headline the fact that the raids targeted criminal illegal aliens, describing that failure not as press bias, but as "blatant…

Media Mum? Keith Ellison in 2012: Nazis 'Attacked Pearl Harbor'
November 26th, 2016 11:54 PM
The leftist press give gaffes made by Republicans years and even decades of shelf life. They roasted Bush 41 Vice President Dan Quayle for years for adding a "e" at the end of "potato" with the "help" of a flashcard which had the word spelled incorrectly — not only in the press, but also on the late-night talks shows.
Gaffes by Democrats, liberals and even far-lefties tend to get a complete pass…