National Enquirer

NYT Laments HRC, Cruz Hits by Enquirer; Should Have Hit Trump Instead
December 17th, 2018 4:35 PM
Media reporter Jim Rutenberg’s column in Monday’s New York Times went after the National Enquirer for supposedly installing Donald Trump in the White House by withholding scandal dirt on him while throwing it at his opponents: “2016 Put Full Might Of a Tabloid On Display.” Curiously, Rutenberg didn’t come out against tabloid journalism per se, just its target; he would have preferred it to be…

Maddow, Wallace Attack Cruz for Standing Up to Trump, Natl. Enquirer
May 3rd, 2016 7:25 PM
Just as the liberal media gleefully did with Marco Rubio, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow and Nicolle Wallace blasted Republican Senator Ted Cruz (Tex.) early Tuesday night for simply standing up to Donald Trump and denouncing his promotion of an unsubstantiated National Enquirer story alleging Cruz’s father Rafael may have been a part of the plot to kill then-President John F. Kennedy in 1963.

MSNBC’s Tamron Hall on Ted Cruz: ‘Is This a Man Unraveling?’
May 3rd, 2016 12:21 PM
After Ted Cruz criticized Donald Trump for a National Enquirer-inspired accusation that Cruz’s father Rafael was linked to the JFK assassination, MSNBC host Tamron Hall actually had the audacity to ask “Is this a man unraveling?” During the 11 am hour of MSNBC’s The Place for Politics, on Tuesday, Hall brought on Republican strategist Susan Del Percio to dissect Cruz’s press conference where the…

Tapper to Trump Adviser/Huckabee Daughter: ‘Aren’t You Just Ashamed?'
March 29th, 2016 6:13 PM
Following former Cruz adviser Amanda Carpenter’s emotional interview Tuesday afternoon denying smears being perpetuated about her being involved with her former boss, The Lead host Jake Tapper grew visibly frustrated as Trump senior adviser and Mike Huckabee’s daughter Sarah Huckabee Sanders repeatedly denied any role the campaign had to the point that Tapper unsuccessfully asked if she’s “…

PBS Glides Over Enquirer Smear of Cruz, Pushes Dark Future for the GOP
March 29th, 2016 5:34 PM
One could offer credit to the PBS NewsHour for mostly avoiding the unsubstantiated National Enquirer story claiming Ted Cruz had five secret mistresses. The closest the NewsHour came to it came on Friday was anchor Judy Woodruff saying "Cruz accused Trump of being behind tabloid accusations of extramarital affairs. It was the latest in the escalating war of words over women this week between the…

2 cadenas en español destacan acusaciones sin fundamento contra Cruz
March 29th, 2016 5:07 PM
En los últimos días tanto Univisión como Telemundo dieron prioridad a acusaciones sin fundamento publicadas en National Enquirer de que el senador Ted Cruz le habría sido infiel a su esposa. Su rival Azteca América, por el contrario, cubrió muy escuetamente este nuevo golpe bajo en la campaña presidencial.

Conan O'Brien, Jimmy Kimmel Gleefully Joke About Tabloid Smear of Cruz
March 29th, 2016 3:39 AM
In the first full weeknight since The National Enquirer tabloid published its unsubstantiated piece alleging that GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz has been engaging in extramarital affairs, late-night comedy hosts Conan O'Brien and Jimmy Kimmel spent portions of their Monday monologues promoting the smear as legitimate and wondering how any woman could be interested in Cruz.

Unsubstantiated Cruz Allegations Featured on Spanish Nets
March 28th, 2016 8:30 PM
Over the past few days, both Univision and Telemundo have played up unsubstantiated allegations published in National Enquirer that Senator Ted Cruz was unfaithful to his wife. Rival Azteca America, in contrast, has only given passing coverage to the latest new low in the presidential campaign.

NBC on National Enquirer Story: More Evidence Against Trump Than Cruz
March 28th, 2016 4:10 PM
NBC anchor Chuck Todd isn’t buying the National Enquirer hit piece on Ted Cruz. On the March 27 edition of Meet the Press, Todd commented that “there’s more evidence that ties Trump to planting the story, than there is to the story itself tying anything to Cruz.”

FNC Panel Targets Media Coverage of 'Unproven' Cruz Story
March 28th, 2016 3:40 PM
Sunday's MediaBuzz on Fox News Channel critiqued the media's attention on the National Enquirer's cover story about multiple alleged affairs involving Senator Ted Cruz. Howard Kurtz noted that "the dilemma for the press here is whether to run with these unproven allegations." The Daily Caller's Gayle Trotter asserted that the press "shouldn't run with it, because the story itself shows that the…

ABC and NBC Both Cover Anti-Cruz Tabloid Smear; CBS Refrains
March 25th, 2016 8:42 PM
Despite the complete lack of any evidence, and only unequivocal denials from women named in the story, a story based on what even the National Enquirer itself labeled only as “rumors” against GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz found its way onto both the ABC and NBC evening newscasts on Friday. For its part, the CBS Evening News responsibly noted only that Cruz had accused Trump’s campaign of…
Fetch My Smelling Salts! Jessa Duggar Got Her Gun
June 12th, 2014 9:48 AM
The liberal media will do anything to take a dig at the Duggar family, stars of TLC’s “19 Kids and Counting,” but this is just weak. The online gossip rag mags, Radaronline, National Enquirer,Examiner , Hollywood Gossip, and Star have their tabloid skirts over their heads about the photo of Jessa Duggar posing with a gun.
The photo depicts Jessa Duggar holding a gun in a store with the…