
British Magazine: Trump's the 'Biggest Danger to the World in 2024'
Gabriel Hays at Fox News Digital reported the so-called "centrist" British magazine The Economist is treating Donald Trump like a James Bond villain, claiming he "poses the biggest danger to the world in 2024" and warned about how "perilous" a second Trump term would be. All the leftist media outlets are in full-blown panic now that polls show it's quite plausible Trump could win again.

Anderson Cooper: CNN Was 'Hurt by All the Drama' of Licht, It's Over
CNN host Anderson Cooper dished on the Chris Licht era to People magazine. He said “morale was hurt by all the drama, and that’s unfortunate, but I think things feel like they are back on track.”

Vogue Gets Weak Knees Over ‘Blunt,’ ‘Realist’ KJP in Nauseating Piece
On Thursday, Vogue spilled 3,700-plus words swooning over White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre like millennials screaming at a Taylor Swift concert in a puff piece so nauseously pathetic it’d make the lady in North Korea or those who toil away at, say, China Daily blush.

Salacious Cosmopolitan Mag Fawns Over Kamala for 'Mental Health Issue'
The salacious women's magazine Cosmopolitan is trying to sound more serious in their latest edition -- it's called "The Mental Health Issue." The cover even promises "VP Kamala Harris on the Future of Mental Wellness -- And How We Get There." Cosmo editor-in-chief Jessica Giles rolled out the red carpet for the veep to share all the Biden-Harris talking points about how…

Ugly Racism on MSNBC: Whites Want to Turn 'Their Guns' on Blacks
On Tiffany Cross's MSNBC show, Elie Mystal of The Nation says: "The Democrats' theory of the case is, is that the white non-college-educated voter cares about things like kitchen-table issues, like infrastructure. and pipes and how many gallons of milk you can put on the table. I contend that what they care about is using their guns on black people and getting away with it. That’s what they…

Ethics Complaint Filed Over Socialist Hypocrite AOC Attending Met Gala
Little miss champagne socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez could have violated congressional ethics with her recent attendance at the uber elitist Met Gala in her designer “Tax the Rich” ball gown.

Lib Media Pounce on FAKE NEWS Hospital Making Gunshot Victims Wait
Apparently, pushing the fake UVA rape story and the subsequent lawsuits wasn’t enough to persuade Rolling Stone magazine from sticking to covering just music. But in a now-discredit article published on Friday, the music rag claimed Northeastern Hospital System Sequoyah was making gunshot patients wait as they deal with an influx of people overdosing on a livestock deworming…

Cosmopolitan Touts Model/Actress for Loving Sex Toys, Hating Labels
Cosmopolitan magazine’s July/August cover story says “Cara Delevingne ‘really’ wants to talk to you about sex toys.” Inside, a pull quote gushes “Cara is extremely, endearingly excited to TALK ABOUT VIBRATORS.” The British model is now a partner in a sex-toy business. It's a perfect match for sex-obsessed Cosmo.

Lemon: 'I Don't Know If America Sees Black People … as Fully Human'
CNN’s Don Lemon wore his thoughts on his sleeve in Sunday’s Washington Post Magazine feature on him (published online last Tuesday). In more than one instance he vented to reporter Eric Easter about just how racist America and white people were, while at the same time unironically lamenting about how we didn’t show enough grace to other people. At one point he even suggested that…

Goodbye Childhood: 30 Kids Shows, Toys Push LGBTQ Agenda Over A Year
Once upon a time, parents could feel okay about letting their children watch cartoons or ogle the shelves of toy stores. Chances were good they’d come away with their innocence intact. No more. Progressive LGBT etc. propaganda now litters the cartoons, commercials and even the toy aisles.
Huh? NYT Headline: Denying 'Systemic Racism' in Medicine Is ‘Racist'
The front of Tuesday’s New York Times Science section featured science reporter Apoorva Mandavilli taking a break from decrying the theory into a possible leak of the coronavirus from a Wuhan virology lab as racist -- to claim that scientific journals both practice and deny "systemic racism," both in the medical field and in the United States. Even worse was a Facebook headline in an…

National Geographic’s Editor in Chief Goes WILD With Woke Racial Lingo
The premier world wildlife, science and history publication National Geographic seems to be succumbing to the woke mind virus. Well, senior staff at the famous magazine are, at least. According to one conservative commentator, Editor in Chief Susan Goldberg sent out a mass email from the magazine over the weekend in which she denounced her own “white” “privilege.”

Morning Joe: To Fight Population Loss, Open Immigration 'Floodgates'
Morning Joe promotes opening immigration "floodgates" as a means of addressing lower fertility rates and declining population.

Surprise! On Israel, CNN Paints Picture of Feckless, Golfing Biden
What got into CNN this morning? We're accustomed to the network's unrelenting coverage of how the Republican Party is endangering America, but when it came to the current conflict between Israel and Hamas, New Day painted a surprisingly negative picture of a feckless Biden lacking the relationship with Bibi Netanyahu that President Trump enjoyed, and incapable of making any real…