CBS This Morning

FLASHBACK: The Media’s Most Outrageous Olympic Outbursts
Conservative sports fans checking in on coverage of Team USA at these winter games might want to brace themselves for unexpected outbursts of liberal preaching from the reporters covering them.

FLASHBACK: The Media Lovefest That Kicked Off Hillary’s 2016 Campaign
Ten years ago this week, CBS’s 60 Minutes eagerly assisted in producing what could be regarded as the first infomercial of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Looking Back at Last 10 Marches for Life & the Media's Collective Yawn
Friday marked the 2023 March for Life on the National Mall on Washington D.C. with hundreds of thousands of pro-lifers to coincide with Sunday’s 50th anniversary of Roe v. Wade being argued before the Supreme Court. And, with zero preview coverage Friday morning on the broadcast network news shows, it appears as though this will mark the eighth March for Life in the past 10 years with…

Flashback: Saluting Teenage Radical as “Person of the Year”
Three years ago, Time magazine’s editors made the ridiculous choice of making the radical activist Greta Thunberg their “Person of the Year” for 2019, when she was just 16 years old. The idea seemed frivolous then and seems even more preposterous now, as Thunberg has become even more extreme in her views.

Flashback: The Media’s Clown Show Coverage of 2015 Terrorist Attack
Seven years ago, the national media made a spectacle of themselves for both the speed and stupidity with which they seized upon a horrible mass shooting in San Bernardino, California, racing to promote their anti-gun agenda, bashing conservatives and prayer in the process.

Media Love Her Now, But Hated ‘Toxic’ ‘Daughter of Dracula’ Then
Liz Cheney on Tuesday night badly lost her renomination bid in Congress, getting trounced by BLANK points. Journalists have been eagerly cheering Cheney 2.0 as the GOP’s Joan of Arc, willing to be burned at the political stake for principles. But a simple look into history shows that journalistic love for a Republican is entirely dependent on how useful that person is to liberal press.

Nets Cheer Biden for Strike, Griped About Trump’s ‘Dangerous’ Droning
Last week, journalists and media personalities rightfully cheered the news that brutal terrorist Ayman al-Zawahiri had been killed in a CIA drone strike. The networks used patriotic language and praised the efficiently executed attack. View co-host Joy Behar even compared Joe Biden to action hero Liam Neeson in Taken.

FLASHBACK: CBS Exposed Danger of Border Crossings... From Canada
The Biden presidency has seen month after month of record-breaking border crossings. From July of 2021 through June of 2022 there were 2,361,553 border crossings. But during that time, just 146 minutes of coverage on the network evening newscasts. In June, just a scant 15 minutes. Only eight in May.

CBS Claims Ukrainian Refugees Benefit From Race
As ordinary Ukrainians flee the country in order to escape from the Russian invaders, CBS Saturday Morning declared that, unlike other refugees, they benefit from their race.

Super Softballs: The History of Big Game Fawning to Obama and Biden
With Joe Biden’s popularity cratering, the White House finally announced on Tuesday that the President will submit to a pre-Super Bowl interview, talking to Nightly News anchor Lester Holt. The confirmation came late, just five days before the world-wide event.

CBS Thought Questioning Reagan and Trump’s Mental Fitness Was Fine
Four years ago this week, CBS managed to question the mental fitness of two Republican presidents, Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump, in one show. Almost four years later, the same network would only gingerly, mildly bring up the topic with Joe Biden. On January 12, 2018, then-CBS This Morning co-host Norah O’Donnell pushed veteran CBS anchor Bob Schieffer on whether Trump had some kind…

CBS Celebrates 10 Years of King: Erases Harasser Co-Host From History
CBS Mornings on Monday celebrated a decade of Gayle King as a co-host on the show, cheering the liberal journalist with a cake and a video montage. There was no mention of King’s history of vacationing with the Obamas or her donations to Democrats. Though the montage included footage of past hosts like Norah O’Donnell and Anthony Mason, there was no shots of sexual harasser Charlie Rose, a…

Did Gallup End 74-Year Polling Tradition to Avoid Trump Placing First?
Frequent consumers of political news may be aware of Gallup's annual poll measuring the "most admired man" in America which is typically announced a few days before New Year's. The poll was done yearly from 1946 through 2020, with 1976 the only year that was skipped. This year, a Google search shows no sign that Gallup did a poll for 2021.

Embarrassed GMA Ignores New Jussie Smollett Trial Starting
On Monday, NBC’s Today show was the only network morning broadcast to inform viewers that actor Jussie Smollett was facing a new trial over lying to investigators in his 2019 media-hyped hoax smearing Trump supporters.