Flip-Flop: Media Praised Biden’s ‘Slap’ Talk, But Four Years Ago...

Exactly four years before Joe Biden cursed at a voter and appeared to threaten him with physical violence, Trump campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, grabbed a reporter by the arm. Both events triggered national media coverage, but even though Biden is the actual candidate and Lewandowski just a staffer, it was the Lewandowski moment four years ago that triggered the most coverage, and the most…
Rich Noyes
March 13th, 2020 9:16 AM

Column: The Punditocracy Pushes Bernie Out

A big part of all of this pressure to knock candidates out of the race comes from the press. If the pack of pundits guesses you have no chance to get the nomination, they proclaim you a “zombie.” In the current design, the media elites still have more power than the voters to decide who wins. For people who claim to defend “democracy” from dying, journalists have no reservations about rushing…
Tim Graham
March 13th, 2020 6:42 AM

Amanpour Finds Environmental 'Silver Lining' in Coronavirus Epidemic

On Monday's Amanpour & Co., PBS/CNN International host Christiane Amanpour echoed climate alarmists who have suggested that the Coronavirus has been good for the climate by depressing human activity as she suggested there has been a "silver lining" for the environment in China. The show also gave an unchallenged forum to climate alarmist and author Christiana Figueres, who made dire…
Brad Wilmouth
March 13th, 2020 6:24 AM

Jimmy Fallon Complains to Sanders: 'I Don't Know' What News to Trust

The Democratic candidates can count on a warm and fuzzy interview wherever they venture on the late-night show circuit. Bernie Sanders dropped by The Tonight Show on NBC on Wednesday to discuss a slew of matters, all of which included jabs at President Trump.
Aiden Jackson
March 12th, 2020 10:06 PM

All to Bash Trump on Virus: In 24 Hours CBS Does 180 on Travel Ban

It’s was whiplash on CBS Evening News as they went with one narrative to bash President Trump on Wednesday, only to turn around on Thursday to hit him from the other side. The narrative switcheroo came as the network used the congressional testimony of the nation’s top immunologist to suggest Trump wasn’t doing enough to limit those infected with the coronavirus from coming into the country.…

Nicholas Fondacaro
March 12th, 2020 9:14 PM

NYT Wishful Thinking: Coronavirus Could Harm Trump Reelection Chances

As much as newspapers insist they merely "report," they write up a lot of wishful thinking about how the Republicans are sure to lose in the fall. Such was the case with New York Times reporters Maggie Haberman and Jonathan Martin aerobically rubbing a crystal ball on Thursday in "Trump’s Re-election Chances Suddenly Look Shakier."
P.J. Gladnick
March 12th, 2020 8:56 PM

Univision Omits Biden’s Threat To Slap Autoworker Over Gun Rights

On March 10th, Univision’s evening newscast Biden’s unhinged response against an automotive worker during his visit to Michigan. While the vulgar language covered by the Democratic nominee was shown, the key feature in which Biden threatened to slap the worker along with calling him a “horse’s a**” was completely ignored.
Alexander Reyes
March 12th, 2020 7:00 PM

MSNBC Touts Coronavirus as ‘Gift’ for Biden

On Thursday morning, while previewing an upcoming speech from former Vice President Joe Biden on coronavirus, MSNBC correspondent Mike Memoli gushed that the global pandemic and Trump administration response would “gift wrap” a political “opportunity” for the Democratic frontrunner.
Kyle Drennen
March 12th, 2020 5:08 PM

Liberal Tech Outlet Says Trump Should Resign Over Coronavirus Response

The deputy editor for a popular tech outlet says she has just the solution for improving the coronavirus response: President “Donald Trump should resign.” No, really. That’s in the headline of a piece by The Verge. Elizabeth Lopatto of The Verge has declared that president Donald Trump is a “danger to public health” and that his negligence “could kill hundreds of thousands.” Lopatto’s coverage in…
Alexander Hall
March 12th, 2020 4:38 PM

Sam Bee Calls Out Virus ‘Racism,’ Tying to China Is ‘Racist Orchestra’

The lefty media expects to do two key things in response to coronavirus: 1, freak the heck out to the point where you inexplicably buy a small town’s worth of toilet paper and 2, make sure that in your unhinged frenzy you tread so lightly so as to avoid breaking any of the taboos of PC politics.
Gabriel Hays
March 12th, 2020 4:23 PM

Telemundo Correspondent Gives Blatant Editorial on Trump Address

Not even a call for unity will stop Telemundo from putting a negative spin on anything related to the Trump administration. Telemundo White House Correspondent Cristina Londoño shredded the President's Oval Office address to the nation in a report for the network´s Un Nuevo Día morning kaffeeklatsch, wherein she insisted on describing it as “causing more confusion, more nervousness.”
Kathleen Krumhansl
March 12th, 2020 4:06 PM

Comedy Central Uses Deceptive Editing to Mock Trump as 'Pandumbic'

Matt Wilstein at The Daily Beast was thrilled with a new Trump-mocking fake movie trailer from the liberals at The Daily Show titled Pandumbic for their "increasingly influential social media platforms." So will Twitter and the others crack down on the "manipulated video"? For comic effect, Trevor Noah's team mangled the time line, putting Trump quotes from February 26 right next to CNN reports…
Tim Graham
March 12th, 2020 3:09 PM

POLITICIZING: MSNBC Declares Coronavirus to Be Trump's Chernobyl

Wanting a historical analogy for the response to COVID-19, the Thursday cast of MSNBC Live settled on the 1986 nuclear meltdown at Chernobyl, but instead of comparing the Soviet government's coverup to the Chinese government's coverup, the panel decided that it was President Trump that was analogous to the Soviet apparatchiks.  
Alex Christy
March 12th, 2020 3:07 PM

Angry Again: Soccer Player Rapinoe Sees ‘Misogyny, Sexism’ in Market

We all have our ways of tuning out the constant drum beat of partisan bad blood and bad news. Some people even resort to watching soccer, apparently. Women’s soccer, even. So it must have been disappointing for those folks when rancor and division intruded on their otherwise tranquil diversion.
Matt Philbin
March 12th, 2020 2:44 PM