CNN, Trump Campaign Clash Over Ad with CNN Footage In It

A lawyer for CNN’s parent company Warner Media sent a cease-and-desist letter to the Trump re-election campaign claiming a new advertisement is misusing CNN news coverage in a way that's "false, misleading and deceptive." They didn't want Dr. Sanjay Gupta sounding in any way positive about President Trump. But CNN also thinks Trump should never "punch down" and complain about negative ads.
Randy Hall
May 8th, 2020 1:40 PM

ABC Meltdown Over 'Blowing Up' of Flynn Case So He 'Walks Free'

Good Morning America journalists melted down on Friday as they continued the freak out over the Justice Department dropping the case against Michael Flynn. Calling it “stunning,” a “bombshell” and “blowing up” the case, ABC worried that “Michael Flynn walks free.” The morning show also skipped over a key point in the case.
Scott Whitlock
May 8th, 2020 12:27 PM

YouTube, Facebook, Twitter Censor Controversial Documentary

The first half of the conspiracy documentary, Plandemic, was removed several times from YouTube, according to The Washington Post. Twitter and Facebook also made statements to other media outlets confirming that both platforms were suppressing hashtags and content related to the documentary. 
Corinne Weaver
May 8th, 2020 12:16 PM

COVID-19 Not the Only Threat From China

The destruction of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the subsequent demise of the Soviet Union two years later lulled the West into a false sense of security. Many appeared to believe that an age of unending peace and prosperity had been ushered in. While terrorism would become a stateless threat, most people probably thought it to be an aberration and at least manageable.
Cal Thomas
May 8th, 2020 12:10 PM

What Are We Trying to Accomplish With Coronavirus Policy?

As Americans debate how to reopen our society in the wake of COVID-19, we seem to be breaking down into three groups: first, those who believe the virus isn't particularly serious and desperately want to reopen everything as soon as possible (a small minority of Americans, by polling data); second, those who believe the virus is extraordinarily serious and want everything to remain closed as long…
Ben Shapiro
May 8th, 2020 11:59 AM

ABC Ignores Tara Reade Interview, NBC & CBS Push Biden Denials

As former Senate staffer Tara Reade gave her first on-camera interview detailing her sexual assault allegation against Joe Biden on Thursday, neither ABC’s World News Tonight that evening nor Friday’s Good Morning America mentioned the important development. While NBC and CBS did cover the story, both networks framed Reade’s public comments as a “response to Joe Biden’s strong denial.”
Kyle Drennen
May 8th, 2020 11:59 AM

The Nation’s Report Card

The Department of Education just released results of the quadrennial National Assessment of Educational Progress tests in U.S. history, civics and geography given in 2018 to thousands of American eighth-graders: "Grade 8 Students' NAEP Scores Decline in Geography and U.S. History; Results in Civics Unchanged Since 2014." The tests were administered from January to March 2018 to a nationally…
Walter E. Williams
May 8th, 2020 11:52 AM

Facebook Pays Out $16 Million to Local News, ‘Communities of Color’

Facebook is paying out millions to local news outlets, and it is being especially generous to “diverse” communities. The company announced that “200 news organizations will receive nearly $16 million in grants through the Facebook Journalism Project’s relief fund for local news,” in a May 7 press release. “These grants stem from $25 million in local news relief funding announced in March as part…
Alexander Hall
May 8th, 2020 10:52 AM

Morning Joe Advice to Dems: Stop Campaigning on 'Reason,' Act Like GOP

Has the pandemic caused the liberal media to lose whatever vestigial grip on reality it ever had? The question arises in light of a surreal conversation on today's Morning Joe between Mika Brzezinski and Eugene Robinson. The pair were discussing Robinson's latest Washington Post column, the gist of which is that Democrat campaign tactics are too nice, being based on "reason and fairness." 
Mark Finkelstein
May 8th, 2020 10:29 AM

Sick Samantha Bee Pushes for Women to Have Abortions at Home

On Wednesday's Full Frontal show on TBS, abortion-obsessed comedienne Samantha Bee celebrated moves by abortion providers to help women have abortions at home during the pandemic. As she listed several issues like the difficulty some workers have in being eligible for unemployment benefits that the pandemic has helped highlight, she then turned her attention to the efforts to make abortions…
Brad Wilmouth
May 8th, 2020 9:18 AM

TV Channels: Gay Characters ‘Overly Necessary’

Somebody came up with the perfect meme mocking how Netflix unnecessarily wedges in LGBT characters into all their shows and Netflix got mad. A twitter user posted an image on Tuesday morning of Patrick from SpongeBob SquarePants trying to insert a huge pumpkin into a small funnel into SpongeBob’s mouth with text indicating that Patrick stood for “Netflix,” the pumpkin “an unnecessary gay…
Alexa Moutevelis
May 8th, 2020 8:42 AM

Column: Hollywood's Heroic Comey Story Collapses

If the “first draft of history” in the news media sounds dubious, the “second draft” made by Hollywood is almost certainly going to be worse. I’m not talking about documentaries, which can be judged as journalism. I’m talking about movies and TV shows, which will inevitably be pressed to dramatize things so it is ever more loosely “based on real events.”
Tim Graham
May 8th, 2020 6:11 AM

Nets Ignored Trump Proclaiming Flynn’s Innocence Before Case Dropped

A week ahead of Attorney General William Barr’s decision on Thursday to have the Department of Justice drop their case against former General Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump took to Twitter to announce the innocence of his former National Security Adviser. “What happened to General Michael Flynn, a war hero, should never be allowed to happen to a citizen of the United States again,” Trump…
Nicholas Fondacaro
May 7th, 2020 11:51 PM

Nets Celebrated Flynn’s Plea Deal But Decry Case Getting Dropped

Nearly two and a half years after accepting a plea deal because he was entrapped by anti-Trump FBI investigators, former General Michael Flynn saw light at the end of the tunnel Thursday. After the case was reviewed by the Department of Justice, Attorney General William Barr order the case be dropped citing the fact Flynn had not lied about anything material or central to the Russia investigation…
Nicholas Fondacaro
May 7th, 2020 9:51 PM