PBS Interviews 74 Biden Aides: Reade's Tale 'Increasingly Unlikely'

The PBS NewsHour on Friday night reported on 74 interviews they did with Biden staffers about Tara Reade’s accusations and her short career in Biden’s office in 1993. It added up to helping Biden weather the accusation. Pundits David Brooks and Mark Shields said the idea Biden assaulted Reade looks "increasingly unlikely."
Tim Graham
May 15th, 2020 11:03 PM

Lemon Scolds Polis for Inviting Musk to Relocate to Colorado

Earlier this week, Colorado Governor Jared Polis had a message for Tesla founder Elon Musk, who threatened to move his company’s headquarters out of California after local health officials prevented him from reopening his factory. Taking to Twitter, Polis told Musk “we want you here.” This did not sit well with CNN anchor Don Lemon, who scolded Polis for rolling out the welcome mat for the “…
Ryan Foley
May 15th, 2020 11:01 PM

McEnany Lowers Boom on Reporter, Eviscerates the Left’s Russia Lies

Unfortunately for the liberal media, it’s become a routine for White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany to shred them for their years of biased reporting and daily shenanigans. On Friday, CBS News Radio’s Steven Portnoy found himself on the receiving end after he wondered what crimes the President thought were committed in “Obamagate.” Like she’s done repeatedly in her short tenure,…

Curtis Houck
May 15th, 2020 10:29 PM

Telemundo: Pity the Coyotes, Who Have Also Taken a Hit Due to COVID-19

Telemundo took its reporting on businesses that have suffered losses due to the coronavirus pandemic to the next level. In a report that both highlights the extent to which immigration is key to the network’s survival and serves to illustrate Telemundo’s flair for the absurd, the network gave airtime to a down-on-his-luck coyote.
Jorge Bonilla
May 15th, 2020 7:35 PM

Sad CNN: ‘Why Are Cases Declining as Nearly All U.S. States Reopen?’

Everyone send CNN positive vibes they were perplexed Friday afternoon over how coronavirus cases were declining as more states begin to reopen their economies. Put another way, this drove a dagger through the heart of CNN’s campaign of apocalyptic rhetoric, indefinitely lockdowns, and Trump hate. During the second of two segments on the topic in the 1:00 p.m. Eastern hour, one could sense their…
Curtis Houck
May 15th, 2020 6:56 PM

Columnist Wants an 'Executive Editor' for 3 Billion Facebook Users!?

Washington Post media columnist Margaret Sullivan acknowledged Facebook has nearly three billion users, but she still wants it to have an "Executive Editor" to punish and censor the "misinformation" that is harming our democracy. The fact that Facebook's new Oversight Board has only two out of twenty members who are conservative does not seem to impress Sullivan. 
P.J. Gladnick
May 15th, 2020 6:37 PM

Liberal NewsGuard Expands Partnership with Microsoft

Liberal website ratings firm NewsGuard has expanded its partnership with Microsoft in order to spread “news literacy.” NewsGuard describes itself as a company that provides “credibility ratings” and detailed “Nutrition Labels” on news and information websites across the internet. The online gatekeeper company, which allegedly determines whether news and information sources are worth reading,…

Alexander Hall
May 15th, 2020 5:31 PM

MSNBC Parrots Chinese Propaganda Trashing Trump ‘Lunacy’

Appearing on MSNBC Friday afternoon, NBC News chief global affairs correspondent Bill Neely delivered two straight minutes of anti-American Chinese propaganda that accused President Trump of “lunacy,” claimed Washington was in a state of “panic,” and declared that China was “trying to argue from a position of strength that it has its pandemic under control.”
Kyle Drennen
May 15th, 2020 5:17 PM

Sky News DESTROYS CNN for Putting Thunberg on COVID-19 'Town Hall'

Sky News Australia definitely didn’t pull any punches in its criticisms of CNN’s nutty idea to put Greta Thunberg alongside health experts on a "coronavirus town hall" last night.
Joseph Vazquez
May 15th, 2020 4:43 PM

Gutfeld Scorches 'Broken' Media in EPIC Monologue

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld delivered a scathing monologue on media mistrust during Thursday’s edition of The Five. He spoke about “a new poll about the reliability of journalists” that “comes from Pew, which makes sense because it stinks for the press.” After illustrating the reasons why the American public does not trust the media, Gutfeld described the media as “broken” and slammed them for…

Ryan Foley
May 15th, 2020 4:05 PM

Walmart Heiress Funded Group Behind Anti-Trump Ad PUSHED by MSNBC

The Lincoln Project, led by anti-Trumpers like George Conway and Rick Wilson, had been asking for cash to help blast a disgusting anti-Trump coronavirus ad “Mourning in America” across the TV airwaves. The pleading apparently attracted the cash of a prominent billionaire. Walmart heiress and billionaire Christy Walton contributed $20,000 to the group in January. The Washington Post reported that…
Joseph Vazquez
May 15th, 2020 3:29 PM

MSNBC Rolls Out Ben Rhodes For 'Fact Check Friday'

When doing a "Friday Fact Check" segment, there are countless options for guests that could provide intelligent thoughts on the complex matters of the day. Given those controversies include what the Obama Administration official was up to during its final days in office, former deputy national security advisor and noted spinmeister Ben Rhodes would appear to be low on at that list, but that didn'…
Alex Christy
May 15th, 2020 3:20 PM

McIlroy Won't Do Golf With President Who Politicizes Pandemic

Once they were golfing buds, but now Rory McIlroy refuses to play with President Donald Trump. McIlroy doesn't agree with anything the president says, some of which is "just terrible." Mark Cannizzaro's New York Post headline on the story reads that the world's top-ranked golfer takes a swing at his old golfing pal President Trump.
Jay Maxson
May 15th, 2020 3:15 PM

Whoopi Berates Christie For Calling to Reopen: Who Will You Sacrifice?

In an absolutely bonkers segment on Friday’s The View, the liberal hosts tore into former New Jersey governor and current ABC contributor Chris Christie for calling for the economy to reopen, two weeks ago. Showing how they have no interest in having a rational or fair conversation, co-host Whoopi Goldberg demanded Christie “choose” which of his family members he wanted to “sacrifice.”
Kristine Marsh
May 15th, 2020 1:57 PM