Robin Givhan

WashPost Argues In Favor of a Fashion Blacklist for Mrs. Trump
January 13th, 2017 9:38 AM
Robin Givhan, the liberal political columnist who plays fashion writer at The Washington Post, dominated the front of the Style section on Friday with a question: Can a fashion designer in good conscience agree to dress Melania Trump? Givhan argued that blacklisting the new First Lady is a good way to show a social conscience. The Trumps can buy off the rack, so it’s not really a blacklist.…

No Ann Romney Treatment: Media Sidestep Five-Figure Price Estimate on
February 15th, 2014 7:48 AM
Michael W. Chapman of our sister site reports on cost estimates for the hand-sewn gown Michelle Obama wore at Tuesday’s state dinner for the prime minister of France. Think five figures. If Ann Romney were First Lady now, would that escape the media’s politicized scrutiny? (In 2012, she was slammed for wearing a $990 shirt on "CBS This Morning."
Wednesday’s Washington Post merely…
WaPo Double Standard on Modesty: Fashionable for Muslims, Frumpy and R
August 10th, 2011 6:40 PM
Five years ago Post fashion writer Robin Givhan scoffed at the notion of modest swimwear in a July 14, 2006 column "Ultimate Coverup."
Fast forward to today and the Post's Alison Lake gave Style section readers a gushy look at how "Muslim women shop for ways to bare little."
"Web sites offer modest fashions suitable for summer and pool wear," noted the subheader to Lake's story.

Time, Newsweek Defensively Backed Out of Weinergate and Scorned Our 'P
June 24th, 2011 7:09 AM
Since we disposed with the notion that the networks had a feeding frenzy on the Anthony Weiner scandal, what about the news magazines? They began with a whimper, but then that week’s magazines were summer double issues. After the week off, what happened in their June 27 issues? Not much.
Newsweek didn’t offer a down arrow in their “Conventional Wisdom” column, but they gave an up arrow to “…
WaPo's Givhan: Americans in Their Sloppy Vacation Wear Should Learn fr
September 5th, 2010 7:52 PM
Washington Post fashion reporter Robin Givhan, best known to many as Michelle Obama's worshipful accessory to fashion, lectured Sunday to the dumpy masses of America. As most U.S. citizens have "blighted" the landscape in horrid summer clothes, they should really honor the First Lady for knowing how to dress on vacation -- even if Mrs. Obama is wearing a French-designer top that most likely cost…
The Real Style Bully: Robin Givhan
June 21st, 2010 12:51 PM
At first blush, it seems as if this item might be one to file under "It Takes One to Know One." That would be wrong; the circumstances are too different. Carly Fiorina took what she thought was a private swipe (which might not even have been a swipe at all, as noted at the end of this post) at Barbara "Don't Call Me Ma'am" Boxer's hairdo as being "so yesterday." The comment was captured by a…
WaPo's Givhan Lauds 'Conquering Couric' Photo Shoot, Ignores CBS Layof
February 9th, 2010 10:58 AM
On Sunday, Washington Post fashion writer Robin Givhan took a break from her usual ogling over Michelle Obama and praised the glitzy fashion shoot of CBS anchor Katie Couric in an article headlined "Harper’s Bazaar hails the conquering Couric, a power broker in stiletto heels." Nowhere in the article does Givhan discuss the bad PR echo after the layoffs of "dozens" at CBS News, where network…
WaPo's Robin Givhan Delights in Michelle Obama's Fashions, Tells Carri
December 21st, 2009 11:46 PM
The Sunday Arts & Style section of The Washington Post offered the paper’s pronouncements on "The Best and Worst of 2009." The most noteworthy list came on Fashion from Post fashion writer Robin Givhan. It might seem shocking that both Michelle Obama and her social secretary Desiree Rogers ended up on the Worst list. What’s more shocking is that they’re mentioned on the Best list, too – six…
'Gold Star' for Michelle: Robin Givhan Leads WaPo's Flailing Olympic S
October 3rd, 2009 9:32 AM
Say what you will about the Obama delegation to the Olympics bid in Denmark, Michelle Obama did not set foot in Europe without Robin Givhan of the Washington Post, frantically running in front of her with baskets of flower petals to scatter lavishly at her diva’s feet.In the stench of defeat and embarrassment, Givhan on Saturday brought her overbearing pro-Obama spin to both Page One and the…
WaPo Style Critic Gushes Over Kennedys - Hammers John Roberts' Family
September 1st, 2009 12:58 PM
It’s not just liberal policy and charismatic personalities that the liberal media find alluring about the Kennedy clan, but also its decidedly upper-crust fashion sense. In Sunday’s Washington Post, fashion reporter Robin Givhan waxed eloquent about the “look of rich tradition” the patrician Kennedy clan brought to their oft-publicly photographed wardrobe. Yet four years ago, Givhan derided as “…
Is the Left More Hip Than the Rest of US
June 16th, 2009 11:58 AM
Washington, DC is considered more hip whenever the power balance shifts to the left. I didn't say that - Amy Argetsinger and Roxanne Roberts of the Washington Post's Reliable Source column said it. Wow! WaPo writers acknowledge that the snoberati equate hipness and style with leftist politics. "Our examination of the evidence suggests that his [Obama's] influence on the city's cool/host…