California Scheming? NY Times Uses Fires to Burn Trump’s 2020 Chances

September 17th, 2020 12:13 PM

New York Times reporters dealt with the deadly state of wildfires in California on Monday’s front page, but used it solely as a cudgel with which to bash President Trump, in two front-page stories: “Trump, a Bold Climate Denier, Confronts a Charred California" and “Spurred By Fires, Trump and Biden Clash On Climate."

New York Times Lies About Trump Banning 'Racial Sensitivity' Training

September 8th, 2020 7:15 AM

The Labor Day edition of the New York Times led its National section with a hostile full-page “news analysis” from chief White House correspondent Peter Baker on President Trump’s supposed appeals to white grievance in “Trump Makes White Grievance a Pillar of His Campaign – Seeking a Political Lift From Banning Training On Racial Sensitivity.” But Trump didn't ban mere "racial…

After Ignoring Riots,NYT Says Trump 'Throwing Accelerant' on US Unrest

September 2nd, 2020 5:35 PM

The New York Times’ front-page “news analysis” by Peter Baker and Maggie Haberman, “Fanning Strife With Kenosha In His Sights,” continued the paper’s pathetic pivot from ignoring violence at the “mostly peaceful” demonstrations in U.S. cities to blaming it on Trump, who is visiting Kenosha, Wisconsin, cite of the latest rioting, on Tuesday. The distortions started in the lead sentence…

Nasty NYT: Racist McCloskeys 'Threatened Peaceful Protesters’?

August 25th, 2020 6:00 PM

The Republican National Convention launched last night, and the New York Times launched its contemptuous coverage with Trump-hostile White House correspondent Peter Baker setting the table on Monday’s front page: “As Woes Grow, President Aims To Shift Story.” Baker told a whopper about the now famous McCloskey couple of St. Louis, supposedly “brandishing guns at peaceful Black Lives…

OH PLEASE: NY Times Wonders If Obama Can Forgive USA for Voting Trump?

August 20th, 2020 6:35 PM

The third night of the virtual Democratic National Convention was highlighted by a scathing speech by former president Barack Obama attacking his successor Donald Trump. White House correspondent Peter Baker’s lead story used Obama’s speech to both praise the former president and denigrate the current one, under the headline “Obama Sees Chance to Save a Legacy Under Siege." Baker commiserated…

NY Times Melts: Abnormal Trump's 'Racist and Sexist Attacks'

August 18th, 2020 4:09 PM

The Democratic National Convention launched in virtual mode, and the New York Times was predictably gushing -- but still reserved plenty of space for invective again President Trump. White House correspondent Peter Baker in particular has become openly contemptuous of the president. He was granted a half-page of text for his Tuesday “news analysis,” “Racist Attacks, Conspiracy Theories and War…

NYT's Peter Baker Works Hard to Make Trump a ‘Law and Order’ Hypocrite

June 19th, 2020 7:48 AM

Wednesday’s New York Times featured another labored attack on President Trump by White House correspondent Peter Baker. In a half-page “White House Memo,” Baker accused Trump of hypocrisy in “The ‘Law and Order’ President, but Not Close to Home.” He laundered the left-wing talking point that Trump doesn’t support all law enforcement, such as the intelligence services that went after…

NYT Fake News: ‘President Says Job Report Makes ‘Great Day’ For Floyd’

June 7th, 2020 8:38 PM

New York Times White House correspondent Katie Rogers churned out some fake news in Saturday’s print edition with “President Says Job Report Makes ‘a Great Day’ for Floyd.” The problem? Trump didn’t say that at all – Trump was praising America for making gains toward “equal justice under the law.” In the wake of a shockingly positive jobs report, Rogers tried hard to inflame the phony…


Mitchell Gripes at Trump Designating Antifa as Terrorist Organization

June 1st, 2020 3:22 PM

Even after radical left-wing groups vandalize news buildings, they still get defended by their friends in the media. After NBC scoffed at President Trump for calling out Antifa agitators Sunday, MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell complained on her show Monday that the president was “cherry picking” Antifa to “go after his political enemies.”

NYT: States 'Undermining' Stay-at-Home Efforts As 'Grim Milestone' Set

April 28th, 2020 2:14 PM
The front of Tuesday's New York Times tackled how various states plan to re-open for business over a surprisingly sunny banner headline, “States Set Course To Unlock Doors Of U.S. Commerce.” But the optimistic headline was overridden by the doubt-ridden tone of reporters Jack Healy, Manny Fernandez, and Peter Baker, teaming up to seed the ground to say “I told you so” if the states' plans…

NY Times Levels Silly Financial-Tie Coronavirus Conspiracy at Trump

April 8th, 2020 9:28 AM
A new anti-Trump angle on the coronavirus crisis made the front page of Tuesday’s New York Times, raising the silly charge of a financial conflict of interest, questioning Trump’s “motives” for pushing the drug. Excitable Times reporter Ken Vogel: "If hydroxychloroquine becomes an accepted coronavirus treatment, several companies stand to profit, some with shareholders & execs connected to…

Disgraced Brian Williams: 'Freaky' Fox News Thinks We're All 'Stupid'

March 20th, 2020 12:33 PM
Brian Williams is angry at “freaky” Fox News, deriding the network for thinking we’re all “stupid.” The MSNBC late night host, a man who lost his NBC job for lying, on Thursday night attacked Fox for not being honest in its past coverage of the Coronavirus. Talking to Michael Steele, Williams ranted, “The other attempt to tell us what we ourselves saw and heard or did not see and hear really has…

Heilemann: 'Nakedly Racist' Trump Blaming Virus on 'Nonwhite' People

March 19th, 2020 4:20 PM
On Wednesday's Deadline: White House on MSNBC, fill-in host John Heilemann joined in on the pettiness of some journalists claiming that it is "racist" for President Donald Trump to accurately acknowledge that the coronavirus infections first appeared in China by calling it the "Chinese virus."

Coronavirus Cudgel: NYT's Baker Spreads Anti-Trump Fever on Front Page

March 9th, 2020 5:57 PM
On the front of Monday’s New York Times, Peter Baker savored how the coronavirus had become a political headache for President Trump: “Twitter Pulpit Is No Match For Viral Foe.” Baker raises some defensible criticisms of some of Trump’s statements (while only briefly noting vital steps the President took over indignant liberal opposition). But Baker’s overall tone matched the feverish anti-Trump…