Wash Post Columnist: America's 'Olympic Chauvinism' Is 'Mild' Compared

August 13th, 2012 4:06 PM
Washington Post columnist Paul Farhi on Saturday offered an obnoxious comparison for the widespread American patriotism on display during the just-ended Olympics: He brought up Hitler. Regarding the quest for gold medals, Farhi connected, "Certainly, America's current Olympic chauvinism (USA! USA!) is mild compared with Adolf Hitler's grotesque perversion of the 1936 Berlin Games or the long…

Colbertian Studies: WaPo Highlights Academia’s Obsession with Comedi

July 10th, 2012 3:39 PM
Observers on the right and left have, for different reasons, long lamented that Comedy Central has become the main source of news for young people. But one group thinks the phenomenon is just fine. The academic left considers comedian Stephen Colbert an object of serious and perhaps even obsessive study.  The Washington Post’s Paul Farhi wrote an excellent piece on July 9, examining the…

Newt Beats CNN: WashPost Lines Up Journalists to Slam John King's Open

January 21st, 2012 7:45 PM
It's not often that Newt Gingrich looks like a winner in The Washington Post. But on Saturday, Post media reporter Paul Farhi lined up a set of liberal media veterans and journalism professors to attack CNN reporter John King for walking into a Gingrich buzzsaw by opening the debate with his second wife's "open marriage" assertion at Thursday night's CNN debate. “Gingrich was clearly waiting…

WaPo Now Wonders If Michelle's Target Photos Were Just Orchestrated PR

October 3rd, 2011 7:44 AM
Washington Post media reporter Paul Farhi is finding a lot of unusual circumstances -- and unusual no-comments -- around Michelle Obama's razzle-dazzle distraction outing to Target after her latest controversy over wearing $42,000 diamond bracelets. He found "there might have been something to the notion of White House orchestration." Farhi's story did not note how the Post's own gossip…

Seriously?! WaPo Wonders If There's Subtle Racism in Verizon Commercia

August 24th, 2011 6:15 PM
To you or me this commercial is a pitch for a smartphone being sold by Verizon Wireless. To the Washington Post it may be the subtle racism of typecasting Asian actors into tech-wiz roles. Reporter Paul Farhi expended 26 paragraphs on how Asian actors are "shown as intellectuals, but some resent the stereotyping":

Short Trip? Liberal Reporter Outs Himself as Illegal Alien, Turns Into

June 23rd, 2011 7:59 AM
Former Washington Post reporter Jose Antonio Vargas has written a long piece for The New York Times Magazine declaring that he’s an illegal alien and that he’s created a new advocacy group called Define American (“a project of the Tides Center”) to push for the DREAM Act that would provide permanent residency to illegal aliens brought to America as children. Vargas, 30, lied to a string of…

Lawrence O'Donnell Claims He's Just Acting on MSNBC: 'I Hate the Yelli

May 27th, 2011 9:27 AM
Washington Post media reporter Paul Farhi profiled MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell on the front of Friday’s Style section. The headlines were vaguely promotional. Above a large picture it reads "Lawrence O’Donnell is hitting his marks at the center of MSNBC’s prime time lineup." The actual headline below is "A starring role as the cable guy." But read deeply into Farhi’s portrait, and it…

Washington Post Casts Doubt on Hersh's 'Crusader' Conspiracy Theory

January 21st, 2011 4:16 PM
The Washington Post on Friday took on Seymour Hersh's outlandish conspiracy theory that "neo-conservative" members of Opus Dei and the Knights of Malta inside the military "overthrew the American government" and are waging a "crusade" against Muslims. The newspaper reported that, contrary to Hersh's claims, General Stanley McChrystal was not a member of either organization, and that there was "…

Who Knew NPR Execs Were So Well-Paid (Overpaid

January 10th, 2011 6:39 AM
Washington Post media reporter Paul Farhi was complete enough in his reporting on the internal NPR review of the Juan Williams firing on Saturday that he included financial numbers that NPR released on the bonuses of NPR CEO Vivian Schiller. The decision to cancel her bonus over that Fox-loathing fiasco was a six-figure decision: According to tax records released by NPR on Friday, Schiller…

WaPo: NPR Insiders Furious NPR's 'Capitulating' to Fox News and Others

January 8th, 2011 10:32 AM
On Saturday, Washington Post media reporter Paul Farhi found that NPR insiders are furious at the forced resignation of Ellen Weiss, the senior vice president for news who so controversially canned Juan Williams. The liberal arrogance of NPR was on full display, that they were the future of "democracy," and Fox News was clearly the enemy of democracy and an independent press: "We have allowed…

PBS Edits Out Tina Fey's Nasty Rape Kit, Lesbian, and Evolution Jokes

November 16th, 2010 11:29 AM
Paul Farhi in The Washington Post reported that comedian Tina Fey received “a little political airbrushing” from PBS on Sunday night when it aired her receiving the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor from the Kennedy Center. These mean anti-conservative jokes were left on the editing floor: "And, you know, politics aside, the success of Sarah Palin and women like her is good for all women […

WaPo Imagines Four Faces of Jon Stewart on Mount Rushmore

October 25th, 2010 8:23 AM
The Washington Post  celebrated Jon Stewart in a very gooey artistic fashion on Monday: in a drawing, it made Stewart all four faces on Mount Rushmore. The headline was "Who Does Jon Stewart Think He Is?" Obviously, he'd disavow being great enough to replace four iconic presidents on a mountain face. The story by Post reporter Paul Farhi also began with goo: These days, he can claim to be…

WaPo Dredges Up 2006 Dick Cheney Shooting Accident, Says Cheney Never

October 14th, 2010 8:59 AM
In a case of curious timing, as the Democrats collapse in the polls, the big, splashy front-page story in Thursday's Style section of The Washington Post is "Since Dick Cheney shot him, a lawyer's aim has been to move on." Reporter Paul Farhi is quite positive about lawyer Harry Whittington, who still carries birdshot in his face and body from the quail-hunting accident in February 2006, but…

Taxpayer-Funded Pacifica Radio Planning to Air Al-Jazeera Audio

September 9th, 2010 10:06 AM
It might seem impossible, but the radical-left taxpayer-funded Pacifica Radio network is in negotiations to get even more anti-American in its orientation. It's negotiating with Al-Jazeera for its five stations to broadcast audio from the Al-Jazeera English cable TV channel, which is only marginally available in the United States. Those five stations (KPFA/Los Angeles, KPFK/Berkley, KPFT/Houston…