Michael Smerconish

CNN's Smerconish: Nasty Anti-Trump Media Bias Had a 'Boomerang Effect'
Jason Cohen at the Daily Caller reported that CNN weekend host Michael Smerconish appeared on the Mediaite podcast to discuss "How Trump Beat the Media and Won Re-election." Host Aiden McLaughlin presented Smerconish as a "champion of moderation," which would certainly make you stand out at screamy CNN. He said all the media bias had a "boomerang effect."

WATCH: Clinton Fears Losing 'Control’ if Censorship Is Not Implemented
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, a twice-failed presidential candidate, echoed cynical calls from Democratic politicians for regulation and censorship of social media platforms.

Smerconish Shows Blacks Questioning Kamala's Race: 'Low Information'?
On his Saturday show, CNN host Michael Smerconish displayed video from a CBS reporter in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, who went to a black barbershop and discovered there were black men there who questioned if Kamala Harris was authentically black.Oh no, they sound like Trump voters! It was never this controversial when Biden said in 2020 "You ain't black" if you wouldn't vote for him.

CNN's Smerconish Accuses GOP of 'Demonizing All Immigrants'
On his eponymous Saturday morning show, CNN host Michael Smerconish blurred the distinction between legal and illegal immigrants as he asserted that conservatives will "demonize all immigrants" in response to a new RNC website that documents crimes committed by illegal aliens.

CNN's Honig: Jack Smith Violates DOJ Policy on Timing of Cases
CNN's legal analyst Elie Honig claims Jack Smith in violation of DOJ election policy on timing of cases.

CNN Analyst: Jack Smith Desperate for Trump Conviction Before Election
CNN's legal analyst Elie Honig asserts that Jack Smith's desperation for a speedy J6 trial of Donald Trump is to obtain a conviction before the 2024 election for political reasons.

CNN: Republicans Are ‘Seizing,’ ‘Up in Arms’ Over Biden ‘Cheat Sheet’
Thursday’s CNN Primetime did what the broadcast networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC wouldn’t do on their flagship morning and evening news shows by diving into Wednesday’s infamous photo of President Biden holding a notecard with a Los Angeles Times reporter’s name, picture, and a version of a question she’d ask during a press conference with the South Korean president.

STUDY: Twitter Files Make Up Less Than 0.5% of Coverage on CNN, MSNBC
NewsBusters has found liberal cable news networks CNN and MSNBC have almost completely ignored the first five installments of the Twitter Files, which revealed Twitter employees engaged in rampant censorship of conservatives. Since the first set of documents were published on the evening of December 2, less half of one percent of the coverage on either network has even bothered to mention the…

Hateful CNN: Smerconish Argues for Religious Discrimination from Gov.
It was the fourth night of Michael Smerconish’s run as the temporary replacement of Chris Cuomo and he was already showing boss Jeff Zucker just how awful he could be. In a segment about a fresh religious liberty case before the Supreme Court for oral argument Thursday, Smerconish advocated for discrimination against religious schools when it came to a school choice program in Maine that…

Bob Costas UNLOADS on Olympics, Woke Athletes in Bed With China
During an appearance on Tuesday’s CNN Tonight with Chris Cuomo’s temporary replacement, Michael Smerconish, veteran Olympics broadcaster and sports commentator Bob Costas called out the International Olympic Committee for their “affinity for authoritarian nations” and their snubs against the U.S. He also surprised viewers by calling out “the likes of Colin Kaepernick and LeBron James…

CNN Uses Pearl Harbor Anniversary To Warn of Second Civil War
CNN's John Avlon joined CNN Tonight host Michael Smerconish on Tuesday for another of of his pretentious "reality check" segments. This particular instance involved using the 80th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor to hype the possibility of a second civil war.

Normal Day: Fredo’s Replacement Uses Bob Dole’s Death to Bash GOP
The Monday after CNN fired Chris Cuomo for a combination of journalistic malpractice regarding his brother, disgraced former Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) and new sexual misconduct allegations, CNN installed weekend host and route Cuomo-fill-in Michael Smerconish as the official temp. And in his first outing in that role, Smerconish channeled Cuomo’s attitude and hatred towards Republicans as he…

CNN Worried 'Kooks' Who Watch Fox News Will Run For School Boards
Heaven forbid that "kooks" — you know, the kind of people who watch Fox News — will run for school boards! That was the message from CNN Thursday morning. New Day had on supposed "moderate" Michael Smerconish to discuss Attorney General Merrick Garlands's testimony before a Senate committee, and the memo he had sent to the FBI regarding threats of violence against school board members…

CNN's Smerconish Covers Illegal Immigration News Other CNNers Ignore
Over the weekend, as the national news networks mostly ignored the latest news on the massive illegal border crossings from Mexico, CNN's Smerconish show stood out in joining right-leaning outlets like Fox News to inform viewers of the latest developments.