Matt Taibbi: ‘Next Step Down’ From Fox News Is ‘The Third Reich’

October 16th, 2015 12:25 PM
Rupert Murdoch is in a pickle, and the famously abrasive lefty writer Taibbi is loving every minute of it. In a Tuesday article for Rolling Stone, Taibbi portrays Murdoch as “desperate… because he senses his beloved audience of idiots” abandoning Fox News in favor of Donald Trump, “a onetime Fox favorite who is fast becoming the network's archenemy.” Taibbi argues that Fox News must routinely…

Matt Taibbi: 'American Sniper' 'Idiotic'; Chris Kyle 'Kind of a D**k'

January 22nd, 2015 5:23 PM
In a nasty screed against American Sniper on Wednesday, Rolling Stone contributing editor Matt Taibbi claimed the Oscar-nominated film was "almost too dumb to criticize" but proceeded to do so anyway, declaring: "Even by the low low standards of this business, it still manages to sink to a new depth or two."

Ana Marie Cox Can't Hide Her Disdain for White Guys

April 13th, 2014 6:53 PM
Did you know that white men are good for little more than making crystal meth? And that Americans are proudly belligerent and ignorant? At least according to Wonkette founder Ana Marie Cox, as expressed Friday night on "Real Time with Bill Maher" with her formulaic snark. Cox was a guest on the show, along with GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter of California, actor Rob Lowe and left-wing journalist…

NPR, Supposed Oasis of Civility, Promotes Hard-Left 'Enfant Terrible

April 9th, 2014 4:18 PM
On their NPR Books Facebook page, the taxpayer-funded liberal sandbox carries this promotional copy for the latest socialist Occu-porn from Matt Taibbi: "Poverty goes up. Crime goes down. The prison population doubles. Fraud by the rich wipes out 40 percent of the world's wealth. The rich get massively richer. No one goes to jail." It doesn’t have to be technically true (Bernie Madoff, etc.,…

NY Times Hails New Job for Matt Taibbi: No Leftist Label or Mention of

February 21st, 2014 7:00 AM
The New York Times defined it as newsworthy that Rolling Stone's hard-left fancifier-fulminator Matt Taibbi is taking a new job with Pierre Omidyar's First Look Media. The headline was bland: "Start-Up Site Hires Critic of Wall St." The Times had no ideological label except "fierce critic of Wall Street." That's probably about the label Karl Marx would get if he wrote today. The account was…

Supporting a Traitor: Hollywood Releases ‘I Am Bradley Manning’ Vi

June 4th, 2013 11:42 PM
With the start of the Bradley Manning court martial, a number of famous and not-so famous Hollywood liberals have released a video in support of their hero. It includes the likes of Oliver Stone, Russell Brand, Peter Sarsgaard, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Moby, Tom Morello, Wallace Shawn, and the perilously liberal so-called journalists Matt Taibbi, Phil Donahue, and Chris Hedges (video follows with…

Rolling Stone's Taibbi: 'It Should Be Illegal To Publish Poll Numbers

October 10th, 2012 12:55 AM
Just how frantic are the Obama-loving media getting in the wake of their hero's horrible performance in last week's presidential debate? Rolling Stone contributing editor Matt Taibbi on Tuesday actually wrote, "[I]t should be illegal to publish poll numbers" (serious vulgarity warning).

Liberal Fox Contributor Takes on Left: 'Rush Limbaugh Isn’t the Only

March 4th, 2012 11:31 AM
NewsBusters readers likely know Kirsten Powers as one of the many intelligent, reasonable, liberal contributors to Fox News. On Sunday, Powers published a piece at the Daily Beast entitled "Rush Limbaugh Isn’t the Only Media Misogynist" that is guaranteed to be applauded by the Right and heavily ridiculed by her colleagues on the left:

Rolling Stone on Breitbart: He's Dead. Good

March 1st, 2012 8:09 PM
And it gets much worse from there... I almost hate to draw attention to this incredibly sad example of the intolerant left over at Rolling Stone, but quite frankly, Andrew Breitbart probably would have eaten this up, and tweeted it back out.  

In Rolling Stone, Taibbi Trashes Perry as 'Whore,' 'Hitler' and 'Seria

October 27th, 2011 3:15 PM
In the last election cycle, Rolling Stone was one of the magazines to feature Obama covers repeatedly (one with a God-like aura). This might be the only reason why anyone would suggest to the magazine that Matt Taibbi's unhinged rants (badly disguised as political journalism) that they re-read Obama's speech in Tucson on civility. The Houston Chronicle offers a handy summary of all of Taibbi'…

A New Wave of Bigotry

August 18th, 2011 12:59 PM
As defined by Collins English Dictionary, a bigot is "a person who is intolerant of any ideas other than his or her own, especially on religion, politics, or race." In contemporary culture, those who claim to tolerate everything are intolerant of ideas that come from perspectives other than their own, especially when those ideas are rooted in conservative politics or evangelical faith.

Bachmann Is Latest Target in Media's War on Conservative Women

August 10th, 2011 12:35 PM
Liberal bias is rampant among the media, but there is no more tangible example of it than in how the media treat Conservative women. The most recent cover of Newsweek features a very wide-eyed Michele Bachmann, looking surprised and unattractive. Perhaps more disturbing is the caption Newsweek placed below the presidential candidate's photo: "Queen of Rage." Bachmann, an attractive 55 year-…

Rolling Stone's Taibbi: Michele Bachmann Is 'Bats--t Crazy' 'Psychopat

June 23rd, 2011 10:55 AM
If you know anything about Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi it's that he totally despises conservatives. In the soon-to-be-released issue of the magazine that actually employs him, Taibbi relentlessly attacked Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann as a "bats--t crazy" "political psychopath" with a "gigantic set of burnished titanium Terminator-testicles swinging under her skirt" (…

CNN Names Walker Prank Caller 'Most Intriguing Person of the Day

February 24th, 2011 1:32 PM
On Thursday's Newsroom, CNN's Suzanne Malveaux announced that Ian Murphy, the blogger who prank-called Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker by pretending to be billionaire David Koch, was her network's "Most Intriguing Person of the Day." Murphy is the latest liberal hero to receive this designation from CNN. Malveaux devoted a half-minute segment 21 minutes into the 11 am Eastern hour to the…