Hillary’s ‘Panderrific’ Telemundo Interview

October 13th, 2015 8:01 PM
In the run-up to the first debate among the Democratic presidential candidates, frontrunner Hillary Clinton sat down with Telemundo anchor María Celeste Arrarás for a tough, hard-hitting…ah, who are we kidding? The whole thing was practically a Hillary campaign commercial.

La cobertura a Trump en Univision y Telemundo supera a ABC, CBS y NBC

September 28th, 2015 9:30 AM
Los principales noticiarios vespertinos de las dos mayores cadenas hispanoparlantes, Noticiero Univisión y Noticiero Telemundo, trasmitieron masivamente más noticias sobre Trump que las tres principales cadenas angloparlantes, un nivel extraordinario de cobertura.

Trump Coverage on Univision & Telemundo Exceeds ABC,CBS & NBC Combined

September 28th, 2015 8:30 AM
Donald Trump’s entry into the U.S. presidential race changed all that. During the three months that elapsed between the day of Trump’s campaign announcement speech on June 16 and September 15, the day before the second Republican presidential candidates’ debate, Trump was the subject of 304 minutes of combined evening news coverage on Univision and Telemundo, compared with a total of 271 minutes…

María Celeste Arrarás coloca palabras en la boca del Papa

September 25th, 2015 4:06 PM
Al juzgar por la cobertura de la visita del papa Francisco a los Estados Unidos, parecería que nuestros medios de prensa fueron bendecidos de manera milagrosa con el don de interpretar los pensamientos que están detrás de las palabras del Papa. La prensa de habla hispana no ha estado exenta de este fenómeno.

Telemundo Anchor Puts Words in Pope's Mouth

September 25th, 2015 3:43 PM
Judging from some of the coverage of the papal visit to the United States, it would appear that our media have been miraculously blessed with the gift of interpreting the thoughts behind Francis' words. The national Spanish-language media have also been prone to this phenomenon.

El clamor de un pequeño empresario se escucha en Telemundo

July 6th, 2015 4:41 PM
A menudo, los propietarios de pequeñas empresas se quejan de estar siendo “estrangulados” por el mandato de cada vez más beneficios. Sin embargo, pocas veces ese clamor es presentado con un estilo claro y atractivo, como sucedió con la cobertura de la legislación en California que obliga a empresas a pagar días de ausencia por enfermedad para trabajadores temporales.

'Strangled' Small Businessman Pipes Up on Telemundo

July 6th, 2015 3:47 PM
Small business owners often complain about being “choked” by ever-increasing mandated benefits, but rarely do you see their complaints presented in a clear and compelling way. An exception took place during coverage of the very latest mandated benefit in California: sick leave for part-time employees, which just took effect this month. 

Trump Takes a Beating on Spanish Nets

June 18th, 2015 5:11 PM
Donald Trump’s presidential campaign announcement comments about Mexico and the quality of the current inflow of unauthorized Mexican immigrants to the U.S. have caused a firestorm in national Spanish-language media.  Hasta ahora, Telemundo ha empleado más tiempo reaccionado a las declaraciones de Trump, y por su parte Rolando Nichols de MundoFox, las tomó a nivel personal.

Ridícula entrevista de Telemundo a directora política de Hillary

May 7th, 2015 5:53 PM
Esta semana, Amanda Rentería, recién nombrada directora política de Hillary Clinton, brindó una ridícula entrevista a Telemundo, la segunda mayor cadena de habla hispana. En respuesta a una entrevista de una sola pregunta sobre la política migratoria de Hillary Clinton, Rentería ofreció 12 segundos de tonterías a María Celeste Arrarás, conductora del Noticiero Telemundo.

Clinton Political Director Gets ‘Puff Piece’ Treatment on Telemundo

May 7th, 2015 3:16 PM
​Hillary Clinton’s newly-minted national political director, Amanda Rentería, was the subject of a laughingstock of a debut interview this week on Telemundo, the nation’s second largest Spanish-language network. In response to the interview’s one-and-only question, on Hillary Clinton’s new immigration policy, Rentería essentially offered 12 seconds of gibberish to Noticiero Telemundo anchor…