NYT Pens Hypocritical Tribute to 'Collegial' Bork-Basher Ted Kennedy

March 31st, 2015 11:16 AM
Reporter Julie Hirschfeld Davis penned a hypocritical tribute to the late Sen. Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts in Tuesday's New York Times: "Praising a Senate Mentor, and the Example He Set." Davis was marking President Obama' speech in Boston at the opening of the Edward M. Kennedy Institute, previously hailed in theTimes. Not even one "liberal" label managed to squeak in to Davis's tribute to (…

Top Papers Bury Team Obama's Admission of Error on Paris Rally

January 13th, 2015 5:44 PM
The nation’s leading newspapers couldn’t be bothered with the controversy over Team Obama's no-show at the huge Paris "unity" rally on Monday morning, and then buried it on Tuesday. The Washington Post and The New York Times noticed France didn't seem to care. NPR reporter Mara Liasson arrived on the story, but underlined "it's probably not that big a deal."

NY Times Front Page Down on Obama's Insufficient Leftism on Shootings

December 10th, 2014 9:20 AM
"Why was he holding back?" The New York Times sniped at President Obama from the left on the front of Tuesday's edition, disappointed by the insufficient fire displayed by the president over the recent incidents of black men being killed by police officers, with no conservative criticism or commentary offered.

NYT Applauds Imperial Obama Move Getting Illegals 'Out of the Shadows'

November 22nd, 2014 7:19 PM
Immigration is the issue where the New York Times' liberal slant is most obvious, and the paper's heavy coverage Friday and Saturday held true to form, after President Obama's prime-time Thursday announcement that he would bypass Congress and grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. Obama even used the same "out of the shadows" phrase liberals -- and the Times -- use so often, while the…

New York Times: 'Why 2014 Is Actually Shaping Up As a Bad GOP Year'

November 2nd, 2014 7:48 PM
The New York Times saw grim tidings for Democrats in the congressional elections, but over the weekend, one could spot the paper subtly separating President Barack Obama from the travails of his party. And one headline should make the Hall of Fame for wishful thinking on the part of the liberal media.

NYT Hits Obama On Immigration From Left: 'An Aggrieved Girlfriend'

September 8th, 2014 5:03 PM
The New York Times on Monday hit Barack Obama from the left on the move to delay executive action on illegal immigration. Writers Julie Hirschfeld Davis and Ashley Parker forwarded an aggrieved comparison from angry liberals. They summarized Angela M. Kelley from the left-wing Center for American Progress (CAP) as saying "Latinos — like an aggrieved girlfriend who has waited in vain for a…

NY Times Slobbers Over Intellectual Obama & His Fabulous Dinner Chats

July 15th, 2014 4:00 PM
Breaking story from the New York Times: Obama attended a pretentious dinner party in Rome back in March, hob-nobbing with particle physicists and captains of industry. Reporter Julie Hirschfeld Davis, whose articles on Obama outside the White House give the president free rein to insult the GOP, on Tuesday slobbered over Obama the intellectual, and his fabulous dinner guests from all over the…

New York Times Lets Barnstorming Obama Freely Blast GOP With Both Barr

July 2nd, 2014 5:41 PM
Julie Hirschfeld Davis's recent New York Times stories, featuring President Obama letting himself off the White House leash, have given the president free rein to mock in rambling fashion his Republican opponents in the runup to the congressional elections. The trend continued in Wednesday's "Obama Urges Congress to Fund Infrastructure Projects," where Davis let Obama take several free shots…

AP, SFGate.com Lament Senate GOP Stand on Priority of Tax Cuts for Lam

December 1st, 2010 5:53 PM
"Senate GOP: Extend tax cuts or else," reads the teaser headline for an Associated Press story at SFGate.com, the website for the San Francisco Chronicle. [Screen capture posted after page break] "Republicans send letter to Harry Red threatening to block virtually all legislation until expiring tax cuts for wealthy are extended," an accompanying caption  insisted. In the corresponding…