JuJu Chang

AGAIN! Nets Hide the (D) on NYC Mayor’s Sex Assault Charges
After the Democratic Mayor of New York City was hit with a $5 million sexual assault suit, ABC and CBS hid Eric Adams’ party identification in their Thursday evening and Friday morning coverage. NBC failed to cover the story at all.

'What the Hell?!' Whoopi SPITS at Paper for Publishing Uvalde Video
Things got emotional and heated during ABC’s The View on Wednesday as co-host Whoopi Goldberg raged at the Austin American-Statesman newspaper out of Texas after they published a leaked surveillance video from inside the Uvalde elementary school during the massacre. Yelling at the camera, Goldberg spit at the paper (or at least pretended to) and demanded to know “what the…

ABC Decries Compromise Swimming Rule Banning Certain Trans Athletes
Nature scored something of a win after FINA, the international governing body that oversees competitive swimming, ruled that transgendered athletes will be barred from competition unless they transitioned for the age of 12, a.k.a before they hit puberty. It was essentially a compromise ruling that would stop males who had benefitted from puberty from competing unfairly in women’s swimming…

ABC Dives into the Arms of Trans Swimmer in Gag-Worthy Interview
On Monday, Good Morning America aired their delayed ABC News/ESPN exclusive interview with transgender swimmer Lia Thomas, who switched genders and crushed actual female swimmers to win an NCAA Division I Swimming title. And, as predicted, the Disney-owned channel largely laid it on thick for Thomas.

Nets Hail Radical Pro-Abortion Protesters Fighting Pro-Life ‘Threat’
Following radical pro-abortion activists taking to the streets across the country on Saturday, the leftist broadcast networks quickly went to work cheering on the protesters “marching for themselves and for their daughters” and fighting against the “threat” of pro-life policies. Reporters particularly hyped the “passion” of demonstrators “calling out lawmakers and the Supreme Court.”

ABC Blurs Vile Griffin’s Decapitated Trump Pic: It Was Only ‘Ketchup!'
There is nothing too vile for the hack journalists at ABC’s Nightline, just as long as the target is a Republican. On Monday night, the network devoted the ENTIRE show to extreme leftist “comedian” Kathy Griffin, excusing her infamous decapitated head photo of Donald Trump as okay because it only included “ketchup” and not blood.

Nasty Nightline Trashes Parents Against Critical Race Theory
ABC’s Nightline opened Thursday night’s show with an awfully one-sided portrayal of the debate over Critical Race Theory being taught in schools. Host Juju Chang and reporter Alex Presha deliberately lied about CRT’s critics’ goals while blaming parents as responsible for enabling racist incidents in schools.

After Warning of World Ending, ABC Asks Socialist How to Fight 'Fear'
Nightline co-host Juju Chang on Thursday worried to the United Nations Secretary General about a coming climate disaster that could possibly make it “too late” to stop the end of everything. She then, with no sense of irony, wondered how we could fight a culture of “fear” that is overtaking many.

Nightline Blames Trump for 'Hate Outbreak' Against Asian Americans

Trans Teen’s Mom on TLC: 'I Want to Have a "Farewell to Penis" Party'

ABC Praises ‘Superstar’ Obama Photographer ‘Throwing Shade’ at Trump

Nightline: ‘Ironic’ That Court Discovered Bigotry AGAINST Baker

Gagworthy: GMA Gushes Over ‘Lifelong Crusader’ for Women Gloria Allred