
GMA Gushes Over ‘Courageous’ Mother, Son, Changing Genders Together

March 21st, 2017 10:58 AM
On Tuesday’s Good Morning America, anchor Robin Roberts and Nightline anchor Juju Chang touted a story of a mother and son both declaring themselves as transgender and getting gender re-assignment hormones and surgery. The two ABC anchors mutually gushed over the “incredible” “moving” and “touching” story. At the end of the report, Roberts and Chang even praised the “courage” of the mother for…

Fake News: ABC Apologizes for Deceptively Editing Ari Fleischer

January 25th, 2017 12:13 PM
Another example of fake news from the liberal media? ABC News late on Tuesday night apologized for deceptively editing a quote from former George W. Bush press secretary Ari Fleischer. In a segment from Monday on current press secretary Sean Spicer, Nightline’s Juju Chang featured a quote of Fleischer unequivocally condemning Spicer: “His briefing made me uncomfortable. It was too truculent, too…

Nonsense News Nightline Hilariously Objects to Fake News Sites

November 29th, 2016 4:33 PM
ABC’s Nightline, a program that has covered such non-stories as “bootleg butt injections” and “cat poo coffee,” actually complained about “fake news” websites. Co-anchor Juju Chang on Monday huffed that “established media outlets are built on accuracy” as she wondered if scam websites resulted in Hillary Clinton losing.   

ABC Mourns ‘Pioneering’ Hillary, Seemed ‘Destined for Greatness'

November 11th, 2016 12:55 PM
Network journalists are still mourning the American public’s rejection of  Hillary Clinton. Nightline co-anchor Juju Chang on Wednesday talked about the scene of “devastation” at Clinton’s campaign headquarters and described the loss as a “devastating chapter in what has been a decades-long story of public service.” 

ABC Cheers: ‘Set Politics Aside’ for Hillary’s ‘Epic’ ‘Milestone’

July 27th, 2016 1:59 AM
There was no holding back on ABC’s Nightline, Tuesday. Host Juju Chang celebrated Hillary Clinton’s “epic” “milestone” and oddly suggested that the nomination of the liberal Democrat is a victory for “setting politics aside.” Chang opened the show by cheering, “Making history. It's official....  The epic moment, a milestone for women.” 

ABC's Nightline Goes Off the Rails for Hillary Following Victory

June 8th, 2016 3:54 AM
ABC’s Nightline was an absolute Hillary Clinton lovefest early Wednesday morning, following her massive victory and her becoming the presumptive Democratic nominee. “When we come back, did you hear it? It's the sound of that glass ceiling breaking,” Juju Chang teased before the segment. And it only got worse from there. David Wright threw praise towards Clinton, “She's been waiting years for this…

ABC: Benghazi Film Is a ‘Political Hot Potato’ ‘Sparking Controversy’

January 18th, 2016 4:24 PM
The journalists at Good Morning America on Monday worried that 13 Hours, the new Benghazi movie, is a “political hot potato.” Reporter Juju Chang trumpeted that the “untold version of events in Benghazi [is] also sparking fresh controversy.” Talking to Michael Bay, who she introduced as “known for killer Transformers,” the journalist fretted that it has "turned into a political hot potato." 

ABC: Republicans ‘Serve Up Insults’ as ‘Manners Takes a Back Seat’

January 15th, 2016 4:01 PM
The journalists at ABC’s Nightline, Thursday, chided Republicans as uncivilized, bemoaning “insults” and the fact that “manners took a back seat” at the Republican debate. Correspondent David Wright used some bizarre entertainment comparisons for the evolving GOP race, saying, “Like the lead-up to a rose ceremony on The Bachelor....Now it's more like The Hunger Games.”

ABC Delights in 'Karma' of 'Conservative' Duggar's Fall

August 24th, 2015 12:20 PM
Nightline on Friday delighted in the fall of "conservative" Josh Duggar. Co-anchor Juju Chang even brought on arch-liberal Amanda Marcotte to celebrate the "karma" of Duggar's infidelity. After noting that the reality TV star's "outspoken public moralizing so blatantly contradicts his now-very public private life," Chang highlighted that Duggar was "lobbying for the Family Research Council, an…

Wikileaks Dump Reveals Intel on Radical London Mosque; Royal Wedding-O

April 28th, 2011 12:20 PM
On Sunday, a Wikileaks document dump revealed files from Guantanamo Bay in which military commanders noted the Finsbury Park mosque in north London was a "haven" for Islamic extremists, "an attack planning and propaganda production base" that recruited jihadists to fight in Pakistan and Afghanistan. But while the American mainstream media have been ga-ga over tomorrow's royal wedding, there's…

ABC Knocks the 'Most Controversial,' 'as Conservative as They Come' Mi

March 24th, 2011 11:57 AM
Covering a possible 2012 presidential run by Michele Bachmann, Good Morning America's Juju Chang on Thursday spun the Congresswoman as "one of the most controversial freshmen [sic] members of Congress." Aside from the obvious error, Bachmann has been a representative for four years, GMA never identified hard-left former Congressman Alan Grayson that way. Reporter Jonathan Karl singled out…

Networks Allow Scant Coverage of Obama's 'Stunning Reversal' on Guanta

March 8th, 2011 12:47 PM
The three evening newscasts on Monday and the morning shows on Tuesday mostly ignored Barack Obama's abandonment of a campaign pledge to close Guantanamo Bay and end trials of detainees there. NBC's Today, CBS's Early Show and ABC's Good Morning America all covered the story only in news briefs. Yet, when President Bush was in the White House, the networks obsessed over the issue. Today's…

Juju's Boo-Boo: ABC Anchor Says Oil Price Now 'Above $100 Per Gallon

February 24th, 2011 10:21 AM
Good Morning America news anchor Juju Chang on Thursday made a goof that could surprise her morning show audience. Discussing instability in the Middle East, the reporter claimed that oil prices have been pushed above "$100 per gallon." Obviously, Chang meant that oil prices are now over $100 per barrel. The current national average for a gallon of regular gasoline is $3.22. (See below for…

NBC's Today Leaves Out Liberal Label for Huffington Post in AOL Buyout

February 7th, 2011 3:04 PM
While both CBS's Early Show and ABC's Good Morning America identified The Huffington Post as a liberal blog when discussing AOL purchasing the web site for $315 million, on NBC's Today, news reader Ann Curry simply described it as an "online news site" co-founded by "pundit" Arianna Huffington. On Good Morning America, news reader JuJu Chang referred to The Huffington Post as a "top-ten news…