Jamelle Bouie

Republicans Denounce Racists, But Media Still Call Them Racist
August 18th, 2017 8:21 AM
Many elected Republican officials including the President have repeatedly condemned the white supremacists and Neo-Nazis that turned up in Charlottesville, VA. But that hasn’t stopped the liberal media from tagging the whole party and conservative movement as unrepentant racists. The following is a collection of the most egregious attacks on Republicans (so far) in the week following the…

Slate’s Bouie: The ‘Roots’ of Charlottesville Found at the White House
August 13th, 2017 2:46 PM
In the aftermath of the Charlottesville attack, two of the Big Three Networks (ABC and NBC) were quick to cast blame on President Trump for the violence and the lives lost on Sunday. To round out the Big Three, CBS brought up the rear during Face the Nation where guest Jamelle Bouie argued that if one was looking for the “roots” of the attack, “you don’t have to look very far from the White House…

Slate: Trump's MS-13 Rhetoric Similar to Lynch-Mob Sympathizers
July 31st, 2017 5:42 PM
To vociferously oppose MS-13 is to, in so many words, descend from the rhetorical lineage of lynch-mob sympathizers in the Jim Crow south. So says Slate’s Jamelle Bouie in his Thursday piece “Make America Afraid Again”:

Slate Writer: Dems Have Problems, But GOP Has ‘Pathologies’
June 9th, 2017 5:18 PM
There’s only one “normal” major party left in America, argued Jamelle Bouie on Tuesday. In Bouie’s view, Democrats, “as evidenced by the rapid and normal transfer of power from President Obama to President Trump,” believe that our system “only works if both sides see each other as legitimate actors with the right to wield power should they win it…But increasingly, it seems the GOP does not…We’ve…

Notable Quotables: ‘Authoritarian’ Trump an ‘Illegitimate’ President
January 2nd, 2017 9:55 AM
The news media reward Donald Trump with a “honeymoon” as unfriendly as their campaign coverage, with journalists blasting the President-elect as a “racist,” “authoritarian” and a “demagogue,” while some cast his election as “tainted” and potentially “illegitimate” because of Russia’s hacking.

Slate Claims Trump Is in Racist ‘Duet’ with Mass Murderer
December 15th, 2016 6:53 PM
Only a few hours had passed after a South Carolina jury convicted racist mass murderer Dylann Roof on 33 federal charges Thursday, when radical leftist site Slate tried to tie President-Elect Donald Trump to the killer. “Indeed, when read together, Trump’s [presidential campaign] announcement and Roof’s manifesto offer a duet in racial grievance,” proclaimed their Chief Political Correspondent…

Slate's Bouie Decries Trump’s Cabinet of ‘Ungovernment’
December 14th, 2016 9:48 PM
Slate’s Chief Political Correspondent, Jamelle Bouie, published a bitter diatribe against President-Elect Donald Trump on Wednesday, where he claimed, “Trump rode white populism to the White House,” while bashing his cabinet selections. “To run the government, he has picked men and women who disdain the missions of their assigned agencies, oppose public goods, or conflate their own interests with…

On CBS, Slate’s Bouie Raises Specter ‘Election Was...Illegitimate’
December 12th, 2016 7:58 AM
Picking up on allegations Russian hacking was intended to help Donald Trump win the election, on CBS’s Face the Nation Jamelle Bouie, chief political correspondent for Slate, contended that “if it is true, if we have further verification of this, then what it suggests potentially is that the election was in some sense illegitimate.”

Bouie Trashes Trump Voters; ‘Abhorrent’ to Argue They're Good People
November 16th, 2016 1:33 PM
Slate writer Jamelle Bouie already made clear on Election Night that Donald Trump’s victory was akin to racists defeating Civil War Reconstruction, but he also outlined that he wasn’t done in a Tuesday post declaring that there was no such thing as a “good” Trump voter and implying any of them deserve basic human respect is “abhorrent” and “perverse” like that of a lynch mob.

Slate’s Bouie Compares Possible Trump Win to Defeat of Reconstruction
November 9th, 2016 1:40 AM
The 2016 presidential election began breaking toward Republican Donald Trump as Tuesday night wore on into Wednesday and over on CBS, Slate columnist Jamelle Bouie repeatedly played the race card and even shamefully compared the surprise and repudiation of the establishment to racists and segregationists defeating Civil War Reconstruction.

Slate Writer: ‘Movement Conservatism…Is a White Ideology’
October 18th, 2016 10:38 AM
Are black Republicans Sen. Tim Scott and Reps. Mia Love and Will Hurd on the wrong side of the aisle? In a sense, they are, according to Jamelle Bouie, who argued in a Sunday piece that the conservatism central to the GOP is “fundamentally at odds with America’s people of color.” Bouie wrote that “no matter the temperamental affinities that might exist between some nonwhites and the Republican…

Bouie on CBS: Clinton 'Correct' to Call Trump Voters 'Deplorables'
September 11th, 2016 3:30 PM
Appearing as a panel member on Sunday's Face the Nation, Slate's Jamelle Bouie -- also a CBS political analyst -- asserted that Hillary Clinton was "correct and accurate" to deride half of Donald Trump supporters as "deplorables," linking them to racism, sexism, and xenophobia.

Slate Writer: ‘Facts On the Ground,’ Not Obama, Hurt Race Relations
July 22nd, 2016 9:01 PM
President Obama isn’t making relations between black and white Americans worse. Reality is making them worse, contends Bouie, who wrote in a July 15, 2016 piece that “black Americans—and Americans writ large—are reacting to facts on the ground, killings, and other incidents that put racial inequality into stark relief.” Bouie claimed that on racial matters, Obama has consistently urged “…

Slate Writer: Blue-Collar Whites Too Racist For Modern Democrats
April 27th, 2016 9:17 PM
Last week, a long Vox essay by Emmett Rensin asserted that “contempt” for supposedly “stupid” blue-collar whites -- in response to the exodus of those voters from the Democratic party -- has become pervasive among liberals. The piece has gotten some pushback from lefty writers, including Slate’s Jamelle Bouie, who thinks that Rensin greatly overestimates the spread and influence of what Rensin…