Donnie Deutsch

Morning Joe: Trump ‘Would Throw His Family Under the Bus’ If Needed
October 11th, 2019 9:59 AM
For some time now, Morning Joe has been consumed by a visceral hatred of all things Trump. Today's show offered up yet two more examples. First, Donny Deutsch claimed "if you know Donald Trump, you know there isn't anyone he wouldn't throw -- he would throw his family under the bus. And I don't say that glibly." Joe Scarborough heartily agreed: "well of course!" A bit later, when Deutsch accused…

Donny Deutsch Urges Democrat Debaters: 'Assault' Trump the 'Ogre'
September 12th, 2019 10:25 AM
On today's Morning Joe, Donny Deutsch urged the Democrats participating in tonight's debate to "assault" President Trump, whom Deutsch describes as an "ogre." Deutsch claims nothing else matters because "our democracy is under siege."

Donny Deutsch to Trump Supporters: ‘You Own the Blood!’
August 9th, 2019 1:36 PM
This could be the worst bit of campaign advice ever. On Friay's Morning Joe, Donny Deutsch proposed that, as their 2020 strategy, Democrats should "shame" swing voters into abandoning President Trump. Deutsch said Democrats need to tell swing voters that they can't support Trump just because they selectively like some aspects of his policies, like the tax cuts. They must be told that they get…

Worried Scarborough: No Dem Matches 'Force' of 'Fat Bastard' Trump
August 2nd, 2019 10:23 AM
On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough expressed the fear that no Democrat presidential contender has the force to defeat President Trump, whom he said reminded him of both Fat Bastard from the Austin Powers movies and of Mussolini.

Deutsch’s Anti-Trump Rant: Holocaust Could Happen Here. ‘Jews Next?'
July 18th, 2019 9:37 AM
On Nicolle Wallace's MSNBC show, commenting on President Trump's tweets regarding The Squad, Donny Deutsch says: "we are heading to such a dangerous place. And guess what? You look at history, it can happen here. Maybe it’s the Jews next."

MSNBC's Deutsch: Voting for Trump Is Voting for White Supremacy
July 17th, 2019 10:48 AM
Perhaps trying to rival Stephen Colbert for most Trump-deranged evening host on television, MSNBC pundit and host Donny Deutsch went off the deep end while guest on Colbert’s The Late Show Tuesday over President Trump’s tweets against four Democrat congresswomen. Deutsch accused any American who voted for President Trump again in 2020 of accepting white racism, and claimed that we were living in…

THIS MSNBC Show Is the Latest to Tumble in Ratings
June 29th, 2019 6:00 PM
Apparently, the people at the liberal MSNBC channel don’t want their counterparts at CNN to feel lonely in the ratings cellar. Whether or not that was the motivation for the eight-week debut of the new Saturday Night Politics program, the results are still the same: low ratings and little interest in the 8 p.m. show hosted by frequent Morning Joe contributor Donny Deutsch.

Trump Wins MSNBC’s Debate Analysis: 71 Mentions in Under 2 Hours
June 27th, 2019 2:06 AM
While MSNBC analysts were peeved by the lack of Trump talk in Wednesday night’s debate, the network’s post-debate panel more than made up for the discrepancy, with much of their discussion centering around the President. In fact during those two hours of special coverage, the panel referred to Donald Trump far more often than they did to any of the Democratic candidates.

Scarborough: Deutsch Could Be 'Killed' on Twitter for Praising Trump
June 21st, 2019 2:52 PM
When on Morning Joe, Donny Deutsch praised President Trump's restraint on Iran, Joe Scarborough interjected to clarify that Deutsch was only referring to Trump's restraint in regard to attacking Iran. Scarborough was concerned that Deutsch would get "killed" on Twitter if it were thought he was more broadly praising Trump's restraint. Scarborough also said that although Trump "lies," his lies…

Morning Joe Catfight: Call It Impeachment or 'Criminal Activity?'
May 31st, 2019 9:17 AM
An entertaining catfight among Trump antagonists broke out on today's Morning Joe over the best way to go after the President. Branding maven Donny Deutsch said Dems should drop talk of impeachment, calling it a losing term. Instead, he recommended that they rebrand the matter as "criminal activity," and constantly talk about "Trump criminal." In the other corner, championing impeachment, was…

MSNBC's Deutsch: Elizabeth Warren Too Strident to be 'Digestible'
May 17th, 2019 9:59 AM
On Morning Joe, Donny Deutsch says that Elizabeth Warren doesn't have the "stuff" to beat President Trump. He suggests that Warren is too strident to be "digestible." Poor Donny was very clearly afraid of running afoul of Mika Brzezinski in particular and feminists and identity-politics fans in general. He knew the feminists think women are somehow punished by the liberal media, and lamented that…

Morning Joe Adores 'Mayor Pete,' Takes Swipes at Hillary, Beto
April 15th, 2019 9:38 AM
"In the wake of Pete Buttigieg's announcement speech of yesterday, Morning Joe is filled with praise of him, calling him a "hero," with "echoes of the Kennedys." The panel also criticizes the candidacy of Hillary Clinton, and Mika Brzezinski suggests that the notion that Beto O'Rourke is the Kennedyesque candidate is "contrived" whereas Buttigieg feels "much more natural" and real.

Deutsch: Trump Statement Might Be Weak Because Muslims Are the Target
March 15th, 2019 6:52 AM
On Morning Joe, Donny Deutsch suggests President Trump might issue a weak condemnation of the New Zealand mass shooting because Muslims were the target.

MSNBC's Deutsch: Manafort Judge Has a 'Hard-On' Against Mueller Probe
March 8th, 2019 8:39 AM
On Morning Joe, Donny Deutsch says that the judge who sentenced Paul Manafort seemed to have a "hard-on" against the Mueller probe. Deutsch also wonders out loud whether Trump got a message to the sentencing judge to go easy on Manafort.